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Chapter 7 Diseases of the Respiratory System

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1 Chapter 7 Diseases of the Respiratory System
Department Of Pathology Guangxi Medical University Zili Lv 吕自力

2 Anatomic Structures and Functions
Good afternoon everybody, today we will talk about some diseases happened in respiratory system. Ok, first, please let me introduce myself. My name is lvzili, my english name is lilian, I wish you can enjoy my teaching. And if you have any question, please do not hesitate to put up your hand and ask me, ok? Ok, let’s begin. First we go over the anatomic structures about respiratory system. Do you remember what is the respiratory composed of? The respiratory system is divided into three principal divisions: Conducting portion: nasal cavity, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and bronchioles. Transitional portion: including respiratory bronchioles. Respiratory portion: consists of the alveoli and their associated structures. Histological structure of the trachea: Pseudostratified columnar, ciliated epithelium Goblet cells Sero-mucous glands Cartilage rings Nose, sinuses, nasopharynx, larynx, Trachea, bronchi, bronchiloe, terminal bronchiloe, Warm, filter, humidify the air Speech, air exchange Alveolar pneumocyte Speudostratified clolumnar

3 Bronchi Bronchioles Alveolar ducts Alveoli

4 It is chest x-ray picture, the white part is the heart, and the dark is lung, it is clear.

5 Clinical features of respiratory diseases
1. Cough: 2. Sputum Production痰: 3. Hemoptysis咯血 4. Dyspnoea呼吸困难: 5. Cyanosis苍白: 6. Chest pain: cough: the most common symptoms. caused by entrying of foreign material into the larynx; accumultion of secretion in the lower respiratory tract. Two types: dry cough—without any sputum Sputum production: examination of sputum is useful, can find the reason: tumour or infection Hemoptysis: blood in the sputum. Reasons: left heart failure---lung congestion; lung infarction;lung tumor Dyspena: difficult to breath. Obstruction of the tract, pain Cyanosis: the color of the skin and mucous membranes have been changed , Chest pain: means the parietal pleura is involoved

6 Contents 1. Acute infection of the lung
2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases & chronic cor pulmonale 3. Chronic diffuse interstitial lung disease, carcinoma of nasopharynx and lung.

7 Acute infection of the lung Pneumonia p185

8 Case 1 analysis History: Male, 20, after suffering from cold and drunk, got high fever, chill, rapid breathing and chest pain. After 2 days, he coughed with “rusty” sputum.

9 T: 40℃, R: 32 times/min. Chest x-ray: show large-area uniform dense well-delimited shadow in his left upper lobe. Blood examination: WBC: 13.5x 109/ L

10 Classification of pneumonia
Clinical circumstance Primary and Secondary Etiological agent: Bacterial, Virus, Fungal Host reaction Fibrinous & Suppurative Anatomical pattern Lobar & Lobular Acute pneumonia is an acute inflammation of the lung parenchyma resulting from infection of alveoli and respiratory bronchioles. When it occur in a healthy individual----primary The patient is seriously ill, the infection is secondary,

11 LOBAR PNEUMONIA (一)大叶性肺炎 p187

12 Lobar pneumonia Affects a large part, or the entirety of a lobe
Relatively uncommon in infancy and old age Affects males more than females 90% due to pneumococcus Cough and fever with purulent or Rusty Sputum铁锈色痰

13 A. Etiology Pathogen: Streptococcus pneumonia 肺炎球菌 III型
Infective Route: Inhalation, Aspiration 吸入 Risk Factors: Cold, drunk, tired, diabetes Inhalation: the bacterium comes from atmosphere Aspiration: the bacterium stay in the nose sinus

14 B. Pathology* Acute exudative fibrinous inflammation
Involves one whole lobe or several lobes The bronchi are not involved

15 Pathologic Features Acute congestion 充血水肿期 Red hepatization 红色肝样变期 Gray hepatization 灰色肝样变期 Resolution 溶解消散期

16 1. Stage of acute congestion 1st-2nd day
(1)Gross changes: Heavy, dark red and firm (2)Microscopic changes: (3)Clinical features: Acute congestion is the early stage of infection: the bacteria are replicate in the alveolar space, and spread to the others, the normal alveolar defense have been overcome, the capillaries will be invloved

17 Stage of acute congestion
Active dilation of alveolar capiilaries The normal space is filled with air, but the in the lobar pneumonia, is filled with fluid Alveolar capillaries: Dilated Air space: fluid, RBC, WBC

18 Stage of acute congestion clinical features
Fever, cough, cyanopathy (发绀) Chest pain Bacteremia Bacteria can be found in sputum

19 2. Stage of Red Hepatization: 2nd-4th day
(1)Gross changes: (2)Microscopic changes: (3)X-ray (4)Clinical features:

20 (1)Gross changes of red hepatization
Red and consolidation, just like liver

21 (2)Microscopic changes of red hepatization
A. Capillaries congestion B. Exudation: Fibrin, large number of RBC C. Fibrinous pleurisy

22 Microscopical changes
Alveolar congestion is still present The alveolar space is filled with red blood cells, neutriphils, fibrin

23 红色肝样变期X线特点 (3) Chest x-ray
The middle segment of right upper lobe become consolidated and show large-area uniform dense shadow. 红色肝样变期X线特点

24 (4) Clinical features of red hepatization
Fever, cough, chest pain Rapid breathing, cyanopathy Dullness浊音, vocal fremitus enhancement 语颤增强 Rusty sputum 铁锈色痰 The infection is controlled at this stage, either naturally or by antibiotic therapy, which eliminate the bacterium Rusty sputum: the RBC is phagocytosed by macrophage, the RBC will be dissoved---hemosiderin laden macrophages

25 3. Stage of gray hepatization: 5th-6th day
Gross changes: Microscopic changes: X-ray Clinical features:

26 (1)Gross changes of grey hepatization
Dry Gray Firm Consolidation

27 (2)Histological changes
Capillary is not dilated anymore. Alveolar space is filled with neutrophil and fibrin

28 Histological changes of grey hepatization
The features of consolidation are still present. But the infection has been controlled and there is neither hyperemia nor continued exudation and neutrophil emigration The fibrinous exudates persist within the alveoli.

29 X-ray features of gray hepatization
(3)Chest x-ray: high dense shadow can be found at the right upper lobe

30 (4)Clinical features of gray hepatization
Consolidation: dullness, vocal fremitus enhancement Sputum: mucus purulent sputum Dyspnoea(缺氧): is not obvious

31 4. Stage of Resolution 7 days later
Gross changes: Friable and mottled Microscopic changes: X-ray Clinical features:

32 Microscope changes of resolution
The fibrin and cell debris are digested by enzymatic The exudation is remove


34 Pathologic Features Acute congestion Red hepatization
Grey hepatization Resolution

35 LOBULAR PNEMONIA (二)小叶性肺炎 (Bronchopneumonia) (支气管肺炎) p189

36 The lobule includes 3-5 terminal bronchioles and their distant structure.
Includes: respiratory bronchioles,alveolar duct, alveolar sacs and alveolus

37 Lobular pneumonia Bronchopneumonia
Bronchi are infected Patchy consolidation Centred on inflamed bronchioles or bronchi Secondary pneumonia Less virulent agents, in infancy or old age Suppurative inflammation化脓性炎

38 A. Etiology Pathogen: many bacteria, Infection via:
Inhalation, Aspiration Risk Factors: secondary In patients who develop secondary pneumonias of a bronchopneumonia pattern---many bacteria,such as staphylococcus aureus, gram-negative bacilli

39 Bronchopneumonia ,Gross
B. Pathology Bronchopneumonia ,Gross Lower lobes, dorsal side 双肺下叶,背侧 Multiple firm areas, around inflamed bronchioles. 多个实变病灶,围绕细支气管 Lobular pneumonia is characterized by foci of acute suppurative inflammation centered on bronchioles. The consolidation may be patchy through one lobe but is more frequently multilobar and frequently bilateral and basal The lesions are gray-red to yellow, and up to 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter. Confluence of these foci producing confluent bronchopneumonia.

40 Dry, granular, gray-red to yellow, and poorly delimited at the their margins
They vary in size up to 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter. Confluences of these foci occurs in the more florid instances

41 B. Pathology Bronchoneumonia, Microscope:
1. Multiple lesions Purulent bronchitis and bronchiolitis (化脓性细支气管炎) 2. Alveolar spaces surrounding the lesions are filled with neutrophil 3. Compensatory emphysema (代偿性肺气肿)

42 Suppurative exudate fills the brochi and adjacent alveolar spaces
Neutrophils are dominat in this exdation.

43 C. Clinical Features The onset is insidious, nonspecific
low-grade fever Dyspnea is not prominent The typical feature is Purulent Sputum脓痰

44 Chest x-ray Several scattered patchy shadows evidently in bilateral lower lobes

45 Resolution Lobar pneumonia Air space pneumonia Lobular pneumonia Complications

46 Complications of acute air space pneumonia
Pleura involvement Bacteremia Suppuration (Abscess Formation) Necrotizing bacterial pneumonia Pulmonay carnification肺肉质变 Pleura involvement: the pleura is involved, the inflammation spread to the pleura Bacteremia: is the most serious complication of pneumococcal penumonia.---death, meningitis and endocarditis Suppuration: liquefactive necrosis of alveoli leading to areas of destryoed lung replaced by pus Necrotizing bacterial pneumonia: rare complication, extremly severe necrosis of the lung associated with rapidly progressive disease with a high mortality rate. Pulmonary carnification: the exudation is taken place by granulation tissue It may convert part of lungs into solid tissue.

47 Lung abscess

48 Pulmonary carnification

49 What are the differences?
Distribution Number Host reaction Clinical features

50 Acute interstitial pneumonia 间质性肺炎
1. Agents: Virus (SARS, Avian influenza) Mycoplasma or Pneumocystis 2. Interstitium 3. Atypical pneumonia 4. Infiltration with lymphocyte, monocyte Acute interstitial pneumonia results from infection by agents that are predominantly obligate intracellular pathogens. Infection with these pathogens evokes an acute inflammation that is usually restricted to the interstitum wihtout involvement of the alveolar spaces.

51 Viral pneumonia pathologic features
The alveolar septa are expanded Cell infiltrate: lymphocyte, plasma cells Air spaces are air filled Epithelial necrosis Inclusion bodies病毒包涵体 Multinucleated giant cells多核巨细胞 Hyaline membranes透明膜 The septa is expanded by hyperemia, edema, and a cellular infiltrate composed of lymphocytes and plasma cells Inclusion bodies: cytomegalovirus


53 Viral Pneumonia Hayline membrane Expanded septum
Necrosis of epithelial Inclusion bodies

54 SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom (SARS) 重症急性呼吸综合征
Atypical pneumonia(非典型肺炎) Cornonavirus 变异的冠状病毒 Extensive consolidation, hyaline membrane, necrosis, pulmonary fibrosis Die in respiratory distress Cornonavirus, a new member of the family coronviridae

55 In the end of 2002 to 2003, SARS came to be epidemic all over the world, especially in Asia, in China, over 5000 people suffered from this disease, more than 50% died in this disease. many people had to wear the respirator , kitten too, the murderer was the virus, coronarovirus.

56 Clinical features Fever, usually greater than 38, chills, cough ,dyspnea, difficult in breath, headache, diarrhea, Flu-like

57 Hyaline membrane Necrosis of epithilum Diffuse alveolar damage in varying phases of organization Multinucleated giant cells

58 Electro microscope Under electro microscope, we can see in the plasma of the cell, replication of the virus


60 Avian Influenza 禽流感 H5N1 Interstitial Atypical 人畜共患传染病
Avian influenza is called as bird flu Infectious disease of birds caused by strains of the influenza virus 人畜共患传染病


62 Bird flu An infection disease of birds 1997, Hong Kong, outbreak
Vascular disturbances Fever, cough All the other organs can be affected, for example, liver, heart and kidney. This is a bird disease caused by infection of strains of the influenza virus, The first cases of avian influenza viruses in humans happened in 1997, Hong Kong, it killed more than 140 million birds and 60 people.


64 Mycoplasma pneumonia 支原体肺炎
Interstitial pneumonia Atypical pneumonia Congested, edematous, mononuclear cells infiltration The patient is an adolescent or a young adult Respiratory symptoms may be minimal or severe, Pathcy ,segmental in distribution

65 Lobar pneumonia Air space pneumonia Lobular pneumonia Viral pneumonia Interstitial pneumonia Mycoplasma pneumonia

66 ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
An acute diffuse alveolar injury Terminal events in many of the patients Serious ill, the mortality rate > 50% Results from ischemic, endotoxins, enzymes.


68 Case 1 analysis History: Male, 20, after suffering from cold and drunk, got high fever, chill, rapid breathing and chest pain. After 2 days, he coughed with “rusty” sputum.

69 T: 40℃, R: 32 times/min. Chest x-ray: show large-area uniform dense well-delimited shadow in his left upper lobe. Blood examination: WBC: 13.5x 109/ L

70 Questions What does this patient should be diagnosed as?
Which type of inflammation? Why does the patient cough with the “rusty” sputum?

71 WHY? Half a year later, this student was enrolled to the army.
The chest x-ray indicated there was a nodule in his left lung. The nodule was checked under microscope, there was much granulation tissue in the alveolar spaces. WHY?

72 Case abstract 2 Male, 70-year-old, he had suffered hypertensive heart disease and left heart failure for half a year, and cough and expectoration for 1 year. These symptoms aggravated 4 days ago with fever and purulent sputum.

73 T: 38℃, HR: 112 times/min, R: 35 times/min, BP: 22.6/13.5 kPa.
Blood WBC: 10.2 X 109/L X-ray: Several scattered patchy shadows evidently in bilateral lower lobes.

74 Questions What does this patient will be diagnosed as?
Which type of inflammation? Why do patients cough with the purulent sputum?

75 Summary How to differentiate the lobar pneumonia and the bronchopneumonia? What is the “rusty sputum”?

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