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Blue Child Julie Maldonado Denise Flores David Hernandez.

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Presentation on theme: "Blue Child Julie Maldonado Denise Flores David Hernandez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blue Child Julie Maldonado Denise Flores David Hernandez

2 ?Questions? Does she have allergies? Does she have allergies? Is she taking any new medications? Is she taking any new medications? Is there a family history of similar symptoms? Is there a family history of similar symptoms? Have you introduced anything new to her environment? Have you introduced anything new to her environment? – ie. Pets, plants, chemical cleaners. Does she have asthma? Does she have asthma? Has she been around smoke or other air born pathogens? Has she been around smoke or other air born pathogens? At her school are there similar symptoms in other children? At her school are there similar symptoms in other children? Has she traveled lately? If so where? Has she traveled lately? If so where? How long has she had this? How long has she had this?

3 Hypothesis From the information provided in this case study we hypothesis that Marcy Black has Pneumonia. Possible Diagnoses Possible Diagnoses –Pneumonia –Pertussis –Bronchitis –Asthma –Viral Flu/ Common Cold –Allergies –TB

4 Experimentation X-ray X-ray Culture Culture –Nose and throat mucus samples CBC CBC Blood Gas Test Blood Gas Test Spirometry Spirometry Tuberculin skin test Tuberculin skin test Electrocardiogram Electrocardiogram RAST & skin test/ prick test RAST & skin test/ prick test

5 Conclusion In order to support our differential, pneumonia, we would have to run a series of tests such as, x-rays, prepare a culture of the mucus produced while coughing, and a CBC. If all tests return positive then we were correct for supporting pneumonia.

6 Works Cited American Association for Clinical Chemistry. Blood Gases. 8 February 2006. < hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... llll aaaa bbbb tttt eeee ssss tttt ssss oooo nnnn llll iiii nnnn eeee.... oooo rrrr gggg //// uuuu nnnn dddd eeee rrrr ssss tttt aaaa nnnn dddd iiii nnnn gggg //// aaaa nnnn aaaa llll yyyy tttt eeee ssss //// bbbb llll oooo oooo dddd ____ gggg aaaa ssss eeee ssss //// tttt eeee ssss tttt.... hhhh tttt mmmm llll> Cleveland Clinic Department of Patient Education and Health Information. Allergy Overview. 8 February 2006. < h h h h h tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... cccc llll eeee vvvv eeee llll aaaa nnnn dddd cccc llll iiii nnnn iiii cccc.... oooo rrrr gggg //// hhhh eeee aaaa llll tttt hhhh //// hhhh eeee aaaa llll tttt hhhh ---- iiii nnnn ffff oooo //// dddd oooo cccc ssss //// 1111 9999 0000 0000 //// 1111 9999 4444 8888.... aaaa ssss pppp ???? iiii nnnn dddd eeee xxxx ==== 8888 6666 1111 0000> Heritage, John. Lower Respiratory Tract Infections. 8 February 2006. < hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... bbbb mmmm bbbb.... llll eeee eeee dddd ssss.... aaaa cccc.... uuuu kkkk //// mmmm bbbb iiii oooo llll oooo gggg yyyy //// uuuu gggg //// uuuu gggg tttt eeee aaaa cccc hhhh //// dddd eeee nnnn tttt aaaa llll //// tttt uuuu tttt oooo rrrr iiii aaaa llll ssss //// llll uuuu nnnn gggg ssss //// cccc aaaa ssss eeee ssss.... hhhh tttt mmmm llll> MedlinePlus. Pneumonia. 8 February 2006. < hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... nnnn llll mmmm.... nnnn iiii hhhh.... gggg oooo vvvv //// mmmm eeee dddd llll iiii nnnn eeee pppp llll uuuu ssss //// eeee nnnn cccc yyyy //// aaaa rrrr tttt iiii cccc llll eeee //// 0000 0000 0000 1111 4444 5555.... hhhh tttt mmmm> Morgan, David M.D. CBC from 43 M admitted with possible pneumonia. 8 February 2006. < hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// wwww wwww wwww.... mmmm aaaa cccc mmmm eeee dddd.... tttt tttt uuuu hhhh ssss cccc.... eeee dddd uuuu //// MMMM oooo rrrr gggg aaaa nnnn //// pppp eeee rrrr iiii pppp eeee rrrr aaaa llll ssss mmmm eeee aaaa rrrr //// pppp aaaa gggg eeee ssss //// nnnn eeee wwww pppp aaaa gggg eeee 2222 5555.... hhhh tttt mmmm> Nemours Foundations. Infections Whooping Cough (Pertussis). 8 February 2006. < hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// kkkk iiii dddd ssss hhhh eeee aaaa llll tttt hhhh.... oooo rrrr gggg //// pppp aaaa rrrr eeee nnnn tttt //// iiii nnnn ffff eeee cccc tttt iiii oooo nnnn ssss //// bbbb aaaa cccc tttt eeee rrrr iiii aaaa llll ____ vvvv iiii rrrr aaaa llll //// wwww hhhh oooo oooo pppp iiii nnnn gggg ____ cccc oooo uuuu gggg hhhh.... hhhh tttt mmmm llll> Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Pneumonia. 8 February 2006. < hhhh tttt tttt pppp :::: //// //// eeee nnnn.... wwww iiii kkkk iiii pppp eeee dddd iiii aaaa.... oooo rrrr gggg //// wwww iiii kkkk iiii //// PPPP nnnn eeee uuuu mmmm oooo nnnn iiii aaaa>

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