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ROI of Wellness Programs It’s not just about the bottom line! Katherine Fellenstein.

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Presentation on theme: "ROI of Wellness Programs It’s not just about the bottom line! Katherine Fellenstein."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROI of Wellness Programs It’s not just about the bottom line! Katherine Fellenstein

2 My Objectives today: l Show the value of a Wellness Program Upper management perspective Employee perspective l Describe types of return on investment for a Wellness Program Dollars Sense l Demonstrate Weyerhaeuser’s findings What we have How it works l Tie it all together Tools to sell with

3 What is the Value of a Wellness Program? Different answers for different people... l Upper Management Costs Financial Benefits Productivity Benefits Moral Benefits l Employees Health Benefits Life Style Benefits Stockholders Productive, financially healthy, positive corporation to invest in!

4 How Can ROI Be Measured? l Health Care Costs Year over year savings l Productivity Lower absenteeism rates Higher Presenteeism l Employee Morale Improved employee satisfaction Each element of a Wellness Program contributes to a “Blended Portfolio of Savings”... you can’t sum

5 Weyerhaeuser NR Wellness Programs l Health Connections Smoking Cessation EAP Health Dialog-Health Coaching Worksite Health and Wellness – Fitness clubs – Fitness Center On Site or subsidized – Weight Watchers on Site or subsidized – Flu, Tetanus, Pneumonia Shots on site

6 Next Steps l Find a Champion A member of upper management who will go to bat for the program l Know your company numbers If you don’t know your present costs, rates, absenteeism, etc., you can’t show what’s got to be improved l Develop realistic goals Tie the numbers today to the outcome of the goals l Pick the “low hanging fruit” You can’t do everything at once, or maybe at all, but there are things that you can do on any budget l Go for it! Plan, do, check, act!

7 One Moose and his Wellness Program Questions? Comments? Thanks!

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