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WELCOME! AISD Middle School Parent & Candidate Cheer Meeting February 22nd, 2012 6:00 p.m. We appreciate everyone coming tonight to get valuable information.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME! AISD Middle School Parent & Candidate Cheer Meeting February 22nd, 2012 6:00 p.m. We appreciate everyone coming tonight to get valuable information."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME! AISD Middle School Parent & Candidate Cheer Meeting February 22nd, 2012 6:00 p.m.
We appreciate everyone coming tonight to get valuable information about the cheer program and tryouts. Before we get started, I would like to introduce our Allen ISD Cheer Staff.

2 Cheer Staff Introductions
Jason Anderson Spirit Coordinator & Varsity Cheer Coach Terry Coursey Assistant Cheer Coach Melissa Garcia & Jacalyn Cook Freshman Cheer Coaches Lindsay Somerlott & Kristin Penny Curtis Cheer Coaches Debra Curington & Jenny Forman Ereckson Cheer Coaches Bridget Dill & Laurie Ingle Ford Cheer Coaches All the information and important dates that I’m going to present to you are available in the tryout packet, cheer constitution, and cheer handbook. We have printed copies available tonight for those who may not have access to a computer. However, if you have access to a computer and printer, please obtain the tryout packet from the appropriate middle school or elementary website, just look on the front page for the “In The News” section and open up the “ Cheerleading/Blue Crew/Mascot Tryout Information” link. You will find a section for middle school tryout information on the left hand side of the page. We have electronic copies of the cheer constitution and cheer handbook accessible through the website as well. There are two versions of the tryout packet, one which is a print and fill in the information, and the electronic version allows you to fill in the forms and print them for candidate eligibility. Let’s get started tonight with important dates, once again these are included in the tryout packet.

3 Important Cheerleader Dates
Tryouts Curtis – April 2nd, 2012 7th grade 3:45 pm in Aux. Gym 8th grade 4:15 pm in Aux. Gym Ford – April 3rd, 2012 7th grade 3:45 pm in Cafeteria 8th grade 4:15 pm in Cafeteria Ereckson – April 4th, 2012 Uniform Fitting Curtis - April 11th, 2012 3:30 CMS in Aux. Gym Ford – April 12th, 2012 3:45 pm in FMS Aux Gym Ereckson – April 13th, 2012 3:45 pm in EMS Aux Gym Required Forms Due March 9th, 2012 by 4:00 pm to your Middle School Office 2 Day Cheer Clinic South Lowery March 22nd & 23rd from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Required to attend both days to be eligible for cheer tryout Summer Cheer & Mascot Camp July 31st- August 2nd, 2012 Great Wolf Lodge- Grapevine, TX Required of selected candidates to be on squad All the information and important dates that I’m going to present to you are available in the tryout packet, cheer constitution, and cheer handbook. We have printed copies available tonight for those who may not have access to a computer. However, if you have access to a computer and printer, please obtain the tryout packet from the appropriate middle school or elementary website, just look on the front page for the “In The News” section and open up the “ Cheerleading/Blue Crew/Mascot Tryout Information” link. You will find a section for middle school tryout information on the left hand side of the page. We have electronic copies of the cheer constitution and cheer handbook accessible through the website as well. There are two versions of the tryout packet, one which is a print and fill in the information, and the electronic version allows you to fill in the forms and print them for candidate eligibility. Let’s get started tonight with important dates, once again these are included in the tryout packet.

4 Middle School Cheer Approximate Cost
SUMMER CAMP $350 Includes: Cheer Camp All meals and breakfast on the last day Camp Clothing $113.00 Uniform $178.00 Shoes, body liner, briefs, poms, bag, bows Fundraiser will be organized to help off-set cost of camp CAMP CLOTHING, SUMMER CAMP & UNIFORM MONEY DUE: CMS: April 11th, 2012 FMS: April 12th, 2012 EMS: April 13th, 2012 SUMMER CAMP MONEY ALSO DUE: $350 minus fundraiser contribution

5 Required Forms Due March 9th, 2012
Cheerleader/Mascot Data Sheet Disclaimers Allen ISD Middle School Cheerleader Agreement Form Medical Authorization/Health Information Form Grade Sheet Student Travel Authorization/Release Field Trip/Co-Curricular Trip

6 Tryout Selection Format
3 Judges Curtis MS: Coach Penny, Coach Somerlott, & Coach Anderson Ford MS: Coach Dill, Coach Ingle, & Coach Anderson Ereckson MS: Coach Curington, Coach Forman & Coach Anderson 3 Score Sheets Cheerleaders: Worth 100 points each Totaling 300 points Mascot: Worth 55 points each Totaling 165 points Scores Sorted Highest to Lowest Natural point break & Administrators & Coaches determine number of candidates selected to each squad Notification of Selection 10:00 pm to the ed address provided on the Cheerleader/Mascot Data Sheet I am going highlight some of the Constitution and Handbook information, but this information does not take the place of you and your candidate reading them in their entirety. Please feel free to write down questions that come up, but please hold them until the end of the Constitution and Handbook information.

7 Tryout Evaluation Forms
Cheerleader Score Sheet Mascot Score Sheet

8 Mascot Tryout Information
Mascot Approximate Cost Summer Camp $350 Includes: Cheer Camp All Meals Camp Clothing $113 Uniform $ 70 Props $ 40 CAMP CLOTHING, SUMMER CAMP & UNIFORM MONEY DUE: CMS: April 11th, 2012 FMS: April 12th, 2012 EMS: April 13th, 2012 SUMMER CAMP MONEY ALSO DUE: $350 minus fundraiser contribution Dates of Tryouts April 2nd, 2012 Curtis Middle CMS 4:45 PM April 3rd, 2012 Ford Middle FMS 3:45 PM April 4th, 2012 Ereckson Middle EMS 3:45 PM  Tryout Format Spirited Entrance Perform a 1 Minute Prepared Skit Interview Questions Fundraiser will be organized to help off-set cost of camp

9 Allen ISD Middle School Cheerleader Constitution 2012-2013
Mission Statement The purpose of the Allen ISD Middle School cheerleading program shall be to promote and encourage team spirit, to foster good fellowship and sportsmanship by example, and to engender enthusiasm and loyalty to team and school. Members shall lead by example; shall exemplify exemplary qualities of character; and shall uphold the highest moral standards in their service to the school and the community as representatives of their student body and of the Allen ISD. Participation in extracurricular activities, including cheerleading activities, is a privilege, not a right, and student participants will be held to higher standards than students who choose not to participate in extracurricular activities.

10 Candidate Eligibility
Must be a resident of Allen ISD & currently enrolled in an Allen ISD school Must be passing all courses with a 70 or above at the time of tryouts Must not have been academically ineligible for three or more eligibility periods during the current school year Must have a 90% attendance rate for the current school year Must be in good financial standing with Allen ISD Must be medically fit to participate in cheerleading activities

11 Candidate Membership & Expectations
Represent to the community and the public not only themselves, but their student body and Allen ISD and should uphold the highest moral standards Should be responsible, honest, reliable, dependable, cooperative, dedicated, and loyal. Should be enthusiastic, self-disciplined, willing to learn, and prepared to practice to improve their performance and the performance of the squad. Should understand that the schedule of a cheerleader member will require a large time commitment and that members will be expected to put cheerleading above participation in all other sports, organizations or other nonacademic activities, including after-school or weekend jobs Candidates who are accepted for membership and involved in other Allen ISD sports or extra-curricular activities must get approval from the cheer coach prior to performance in the event of a scheduling conflict

12 Expectations of Members
Arrive on time & prepared for all cheerleading activities Attend & perform all required duties at all practices, games, events, or functions Participation in conditioning & stretching exercises necessary for safe involvement in cheerleading activities Maintain grade eligibility status under UIL “No Pass No Play” Maintain 90% attendance rate throughout the school year Comply with all rules & regulations outlined in the Allen ISD Middle School Cheerleading Program Handbook

13 Standards for Removal Members shall not engage in inappropriate behavior, including but not limited to inappropriate sexual contact, fighting, public intoxication, possession or consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs, or other criminal activity excluding minor traffic offenses. Members shall not engage in behavior that warrants suspension from school, removal to AEP, or expulsion from school. Members who have been suspended from school, removed to AEP, or expelled from school shall be removed from the squad for the remainder of the year. Members may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including removal from the squad, for any other behavior which the coach and designated administrators deem inappropriate, including but not limited to unsportsmanlike conduct, insubordination, or lewd or profane internet behavior.

14 2012-2013 Allen ISD Middle School Cheer Program Handbook
Cheer Grade Compiled from weekly participation & dress out grade Lack of participation and/or not being properly dressed will constitute a grade deduction Discipline Three written warnings for behavior will cause removal from the squad for the rest of the school year 1st Warning: Parents notified, written notice signed by parent & student; benched for 1 performance 2nd Warning: Parents notified, written notice signed by parent & student; benched for 2 performances 3rd Violation: Parents notified & student removed from squad for rest of year

15 Uniform & Equipment Cheerleading uniforms and warm-ups will be provided by Allen ISD and will be issued out and returned each year. All uniforms must be returned in good condition at the end of the season. Uniforms will not be worn anywhere other than scheduled events. All cheerleader clothing, uniforms, jackets, etc. are to be worn by current cheerleaders only.

16 Additional Information
Transportation Members are responsible for providing transportation to games No out of town games will be attended Fundraising Members are expected to participate in squad fundraising Positive parental involvement is appreciated throughout the cheer program Discussion of concerns Not following a performance Set up an appointment Cheer Protocol: Coach Spirit Coordinator Administrator Secondary Principals Council

17 Thank you for attending & we wish everyone the very BEST!

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