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Samantha N. Solis Royal High School Senior Culminating Project May 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Samantha N. Solis Royal High School Senior Culminating Project May 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Samantha N. Solis Royal High School Senior Culminating Project May 2014

2 Background Info  Born in Othello, WA  Raised in Royal City, WA  Hobbies:  Dancing, choreographing, social interaction, athletics, fashion, and competition  Parents: Jose & Tina Solis  Manager at M.M.P. Orchards, Skyline Ranch  Works for Royal School District  Siblings: D.J. (24), Victoria (20), & Joshua (16)

3 Background Info continued  Awards & Achievements:  WIAA Academic State Champion (4 years)  Student of the Month  Golf Team Most Inspirational & Most Improved Awards  Recipient of University of Rochester Frederick Douglass & Susan B. Anthony Award  Certificates of Academic Excellence (12)  Honor Roll (7 semesters)  Extracurricular Activities:  Honor Society (3 years)  Future Business Leaders of America (4 years)  Pep Club (4 years)  Tutoring (6 years)  Dance Team (4 years)  Football Cheer (3 years)  Golf Team (3 years)  Leadership Positions:  Freshman Class Treasurer  2013 Distinguished Young Woman of Royal City Representative  FBLA Public Relations  Dance Team captain  Football Cheer captain  Golf Team captain

4 Career Search  What interests me about this career?  I highly enjoy helping people  I believe that the brain is extremely fascinating  Required Education  High school, 4-year university, graduate school  Need an interest in people & how they think  Benefits & salary usually vary by location

5 Skills and Abilities  Communication  Reasoning & Problem Solving Skills  Interpersonal Skills  Math & Science Abilities

6 Career Outlook  Expected growth in the next 10 years  Washington: 17.6%  Nationally: 36.4%  Annual Mean Wage  Up to $103,000 per year  Employment Demand  Up to 18,000 openings

7 Job Shadow 1  Date: September 11-12, 2013  Place: Red Rock Elementary School  Department: School Psychologist  Name of Job Shadowee: Lesa Buster  Mrs. Buster is the district school psychologist & works with kids 0-21 years old

8 Job Specifics  Day-to-Day Activities :  Vary by school district  Assessments for academics, learning skills, social service & behavior management  Consultations and meetings with companies, parents & healthcare agencies  Specific Requirements:  Management skills  Ability to work with people of all ages

9 Job Shadow 2  Date: October 4 th, 2013  Place: Michelle M. White, Ph.D., & Associates  Department: Clinical Psychology & Neuropsychology  Name of Job Shadowee: Dr. Michelle M. White  Dr. White owns her own practice in Spokane, WA

10 Job Specifics  Day-to-Day Activities:  Clinical intakes  Supervising other psychologists  Scoring & interpreting  Pre-surgical evaluation  Specific Requirements:  Management skills  Adaptation to new people

11 Real Job Application  Location: Seattle, Washington  Experience Required:  2-5 years direct experience  Experience serving youth  Child & adolescent clinical psychology  Required Education:  Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology  Salary: $87,536.00 - $109,897.00 per year  Listing: April, 10, 2014

12 Pros and Cons  Pros:  Constantly bettering people  Always learning  Putting my favorite interests together  Very demanding  Cons:  Kids can be difficult  People may be uncooperative  Work long hours  Very demanding

13 Conclusion  As of now, I plan on pursuing this career  Attending University of Washington in the fall  Psychology major  Specialty in pediatric clinical neuropsychology

14 Alternative Career  Physical Therapist  Rehabilitates people to return them to their best physical potential  Need experience with people  Required Education  High school, 4-year university, graduate school  What interests me about this career?  I still associate with people & help them  More physical than mental  Personal experience in physical therapy  Current job opening:  Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center in Chula Vista, California

15 Civic/Community Service  Psychology Internship  2 nd Grade Reading, Math, & ESL  Adopt-A-Street Litter Pick Up  RHS Dance Team adopted Ahlers Road  McKinney Vento homeless program  Read to children at Public Library  Washed local business windows

16 References  Buster, Lesa. Personal Interview. 11 Sep. 2013.  White, Michelle M. Personal Interview. 04 Oct. 2013.  Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. 03 Apr. 2014.  Sharp Healthcare in San Diego. _number=55061&sourcename=Indeed. 03 April. 2014.  Clip Art. Microsoft Windows XP. 20 Apr. 2014.  Google. Youthful Horizons. 20 Apr. 2014.

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