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Program of Activities. Day 0, Wednesday, 26 March Arrival of Participants/ Pre-Welcome Dinner Time DurationSession/Activity 7:30 -9:30Dinner (Palm Garden.

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Presentation on theme: "Program of Activities. Day 0, Wednesday, 26 March Arrival of Participants/ Pre-Welcome Dinner Time DurationSession/Activity 7:30 -9:30Dinner (Palm Garden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program of Activities

2 Day 0, Wednesday, 26 March Arrival of Participants/ Pre-Welcome Dinner Time DurationSession/Activity 7:30 -9:30Dinner (Palm Garden Cafe) 8:30 -9:30Welcome & Inauguration - Preparation of Postcards - Handout the Kits - Basic Information of Venues and Times - Welcome to Country - Welcome from local host (Deth) - Sandy to welcome on behalf of ASPBAE - Robbie on behalf of the Facilitation Team

3 Day 1, Thursday, 27 March Part 1: Frameworks from and for Practice TimeSession/Activity 8.30 – 13.00Session 1: Opening Activities A. Participant Acquaintance Activities B. Expectations Check Activity C. Orientation to the Workshop Design D. Group Picture Taking E. Forming Learning Groups 13.00 - 14.15Lunch 14.15 – 18.00Session 2a: Overview of Adult Learning Principles - Identify Group Name/Group Cheer - Explain Our Most Significant Adult Learning Change (MSC) Story (Postcard) - Sharing of Most Significant Change Each Learning Group: Introduce Learning Group Name and Cheer Report on MSC Story Session 2b: Overview of Adult Learning Principles Session 3a: Understanding Our World 18.00 – 18.30Learning Groups Meet - Read Foley (2001) page 39 “Where are we now” and discuss what ‘radical’ adult education means to you? 19.30Welcome Dinner

4 Day 2, Friday, 28 March Part 1: Frameworks from and for Practice 8.30 – 9.00Recap of Previous DayL Grp 1 9.00 – 13.00 Session 3b: Understanding Our World Session 4: A Rights-based Approach to Education Session 5a: Gender Mainstreaming Robbie Sandy Action Aid (2007) Education Rights: An Activist’s Guide to Human Rights-based Approach to Education Bibi, Maryam (2006) “Women Rising up against Gender Inequality” UNESCO Gender Evaluation Framework 13.00Lunch 14.15 – 17.00 Session 5b: Gender and Lifelong Learning Session 6: Education for Sustainability Sandy Robbie UNESCO (2005) Links between Global Initiatives in Education 17:00- 17:30 Site Visits BriefingStar Kampuch ea 17.30 – 18.15 Learning Groups MeetIN EACH OF THE BOXES BELOW, identify frameworks that inform your practice. 19.30Dinner & Cultural Evening

5 Day 3, Saturday, 29 March Part 1: Frameworks from and for Practice 8.30 – 9.00DEPARTURES (different times for different visits) 9.30 – 12:30Learning from the Field – Visits to: 1.Life and Hope Association 2.Angkor Association for Disable 3.Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity 4.Advocacy Network 13.00 – 14:15Lunch 14:15 – 14:45Recap of Previous Day – Learning Group 2 14:45 – 16:00Cambodia History and Future Outlook 16:00 – 16:15Break 16:15 – 17:15Learning Groups Meet : Debriefing - Exposure Visits 17:15 – 18:00Report Back by Learning Groups 18:00Free Evening

6 Day 4, Sunday, 30 March Part 2: Educators as Leaders: Learning Organisations and Networks 8.30Recap of Previous DayLGrp3 9.30Session 8: Educating for Change RobbieERIC Digest 176: Adult Education: Social Change or Status Quo.  ERIC Digest 211: Change: Connections to Adult Learning and Education 10.30Break 10.45Session 9: Educators as Leaders Sandy 13.00Lunch 14.15Session 10: Leadership in Learning Orgs Sandy  Duignan, P. (nd) Leaders as Learners: Building a Learning Organisation 15.45Break 16.00Session 11: Building and Sustaining Networks Taka 17.30Learning Groups MeetIs My Organisation – A Learning Organisation? 19.30Free Evening

7 Day 5, Monday, 31 March Part 3: Education Practice to Policy Advocacy 8.30Recap of Previous Day – Learning Group 4 9.00 Session 13a: Education Policy Advocacy 10.30 Break 10.45 Session 13b: Education Policy Advocacy 13.00 Lunch 14.15 Session 14: ASPBAE’s Policy Advocacy 17.30 – 18.15 Learning Groups Meet – Bright ideas, Ways Forward and Future Challenges 19.30 Dinner followed by Film Screening

8 Day 6, Tuesday, 01 April Part 4: ASPBAE’s Advocacy Platforms: From Thematics to EFA 8.30 – 9.00 Recap of Previous Day Learning Group 5 9.00 – 10.30 Session 12: Using IT for Networking and Advocacy 10.30 - 1045 Break 10.45 – 13.00 BLDC Synthesis 13.00 – 14.15 Lunch 14.15 – 16.00 Session 15a: Lessons to Action 16.00 – 18.00 Session 15b: Lessons to Action 18:00 – 19:00 Learning Groups: Fill up Evaluation Forms and Share with Learning Groups 19.30 Farewell Dinner

9 Day 7, Wednesday, 02 April 5:00Departure for Angkor WatSandy/ John After Sunrise Closing Ceremony Explore Angkor Wat 9:00Depart for Ta Prom 11:00Depart for Hotel 12.15 – 13.00 Lunch 13.00Sight Seeing and Shopping


11 What does ‘radical’ adult education mean to me? Which aspects of my own adult education practice can I describe as ‘radical’?

12 IN EACH OF THE BOXES BELOW, identify frameworks that inform your practice. (For example: Gender, Culture, Human Rights, Sustainability, etc)




16 Hanging Questions and Hooks


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