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Readiness Writing RAFT Students are assigned a set of choices based on preassessed skill levels in sequencing and writing. G=grade level or A=advanced.

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2 Readiness Writing RAFT Students are assigned a set of choices based on preassessed skill levels in sequencing and writing. G=grade level or A=advanced level Within a skill level, students still have some learning style or interest based choices through format options. Levels would NOT be seen by the students. Know:sequence, pace Understand:Seeing events in a logical order Do:Place items in order of occurrence; write with accuracy & completeness

3 RoleAudienceFormatTopic G TortoiseHare6-panel storyboard How I Won the Race G YouTeacherBulleted list Things I do in the morning to get ready for school G Sports starReporterNews item Here’s how I got hurt … and what I’ll do next A CousinYouSet of directionsHelp me learn to play checkers A Hermione Granger Harry PotterConversation or dialogue What happened to make you so suspicious? A MarbleKid“Marble Raceway” model with exhibit card describing each tumble or turning point Watch me roll!

4 Possible Ideas for a RAFT Choose ideas that advance the learning goals. Characters from a story Public service job Key termsScientists or politicians Historical figures Musical instruments DiseasesGeographic formations Vocabulary words Cartoon characters Types of fabric Composers or artists Instruments or tools Shapes or colors Authors or inventers Business or industry person Minerals or chemical elements Cities, countries or continents Brand name or object Technical terms

5 Possible RAFT Formats to Differentiate by Learning Modality WrittenVisualOralKinesthetic Diary entry Bulleted list Obituary Invitation Recipe Movie critic FAQs Editorial Gossip column Comic Crossword puzzle Map Graphic organizer Print ad Photograph Fashion design Song Monologue Radiocast Museum guide Interview Puppet show Political speech Story teller Model Cheer Mime Demonstration Sales pitch with demos Sew, cook, build Wax museum

6 Differentiating a RAFT by Readiness (Teacher assigns RAFT or choices of RAFTs based on students’ reading, writing or performance levels) Roles/Audience –Well-known people or charters to lesser known –Basic essential items (vocabulary, inventions, elements, etc.) to more esoteric items –Easier to understand point-of-view to more intangible perspective Formats (while offering choices to students) –Shorter to longer (in prep, process or presentation) –More familiar to more unfamiliar formats –Single step to multiple steps

7 Differentiating a RAFT by Readiness (continued) Topics –Easier to interpret to more sophisticated –Concrete & literal to more abstract response –More structured to more open-ended –Small leap in insight & application to larger leap

8 ROLEAUDIENCEFORMATTOPIC fishfishermanadvertisementFishing is a waste of time tireLug nuts Owner ’ s manual Directions are important Hair colorGrey hairPersuasive letter The cover up weedflowerFlower garden club article Green is beautiful

9 Analyzing a RAFT Lesson What are the learning goals for this lesson and are they built into every choice? How is this RAFT being differentiated? –Does it appeal to different learning styles? –Is there a range of difficulty in the: Roles? Formats? Readiness levels? –Do the roles, formats or topics appeal to a variety of interests?


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