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FAMILY OF COMPANIES REAGAN Where does the word Gung Ho originate and how did it become part of the English language?

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Presentation on theme: "FAMILY OF COMPANIES REAGAN Where does the word Gung Ho originate and how did it become part of the English language?"— Presentation transcript:

1 FAMILY OF COMPANIES REAGAN Where does the word Gung Ho originate and how did it become part of the English language?

2 FAMILY OF COMPANIES REAGAN Answer to question: Gung Ho [Gung He] This unofficial motto of the US Marine Corps is an abbreviation for the Mandarin Gongye Hezhoushe, or industrial cooperative. The term was used in China, starting in 1938, to refer to small, industrial operations that were being established in rural China to replace the industrial centers that had been captured by the Japanese. The phrase was clipped to the initial characters of the two words, gung ho (or gung he, as it would be transliterated today), which means "work together." This clipping became a slogan for the industrial cooperative movement. So the term "Gung Ho

3 FAMILY OF COMPANIES REAGAN Answer to question 1 (continued): Enter Lt. Col. Evans Carlson, US Marine Corps. Carlson was a military attaché′ in the US embassy to China in the late-30s. In China, Carlson reported on both the operations of the Chinese army in the field as well as the country's industrial capacity and was favorably impressed by the industrial cooperatives. When he returned to the States and the US entered WWII, Carlson was appointed commander of the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion. Recalling his time in China, Carlson chose gung ho as the motto for his elite battalion and by late 1942 was widely adopted throughout the Marine Corps as an expression of spirit and "can do" attitude. So the term "Gung Ho

4 FAMILY OF COMPANIES REAGAN The Spirit of the Squirrel Way of the Beaver Gift of the Goose

5 FAMILY OF COMPANIES REAGAN The Spirit of the Squirrel WORTHWHILE WORK 1.Knowing we make the world a better place. 2.Everyone works toward a shared goal. 3.Values guide all plans, decisions and actions.

6 FAMILY OF COMPANIES REAGAN 1.In control of achieving the goal 2.The Way of the Beaver fulfills the Plan for the Beaver. The Way of the Beaver IN CONTROL OF ACHIEVING THE GOAL

7 FAMILY OF COMPANIES REAGAN 1. A playing field with clearly marked territory. 2. Thoughts, feeling, needs, and dreams are respected, listened to, and acted upon. 3. Able but challenged. The Way of the Beaver IN CONTROL OF ACHIEVING THE GOAL

8 FAMILY OF COMPANIES REAGAN The Gift of the Goose CHEERING EACH OTHER ON 1. Active or passive, congratulations must be TRUE. 2. No score, no game, and cheer the progress 3. E=mc² -- Enthusiasm equals mission times cash and congratulations.

9 FAMILY OF COMPANIES REAGAN The Gift of the Goose CHEERING EACH OTHER ON Active or passive, congratulations must be TRUE. T imely R esponsive U nconditional E nthusiastic

10 FAMILY OF COMPANIES REAGAN Let’s Make 2008 Our Best Year Ever!!!

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