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Educational Activities Committee: Action Plan Antonio Ferreira 2011 EAC Chair Regional Meeting April 6 – 9, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Activities Committee: Action Plan Antonio Ferreira 2011 EAC Chair Regional Meeting April 6 – 9, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Activities Committee: Action Plan Antonio Ferreira 2011 EAC Chair Regional Meeting April 6 – 9, 2011

2 Diversity Cultural Economic Development Education “needs” 2 Regional Educational Activities Committee - Action Plan April 7, 2011

3 Diversity One size does not fit all ? Can we customize ? Create our own ? 3 Regional Educational Activities Committee - Action Plan April 7, 2011

4 Interact with other committees 4 EAC TAC SAC WIE GOLD Pre-university University Continuing Education EAB Regional Educational Activities Committee - Action Plan April 7, 2011

5 Disseminate information on programs/products already available 5 Regional Educational Activities Committee - Action Plan April 7, 2011

6 6 Disseminate information on programs/products already available Regional Educational Activities Committee - Action Plan April 7, 2011

7 Section EACs 2010 – 19 Sections Can we improve ? Members ( E-notice ) 7 Section Chair Disseminate information on programs/products already available Regional Educational Activities Committee - Action Plan April 7, 2011

8 Identify local ideas IEEE E-Scientia 8 20 Sept 2008 “Dear friends: Enclosed find the presentation on our inititiave, e-scientia. Any feedback on your part will be highly appreciated. Best regards Marcel Keschner Uruguay Section Chair” Regional Educational Activities Committee - Action Plan April 7, 2011

9 Identify local ideas IEEE Educational Activities and the IEEE Uruguay Section are hosting a two-and-a-half day Symposium to plan the expansion of the E-Scientia exhibit to science and technology museums in IEEE Regions globally. E-Scientia exhibit 6-8 July in Montevideo, Uruguay. Details of the Symposium can be found on the following Web page and attached flyer: ty/e_scientia_symposium ty/e_scientia_symposium A limited number of seats are available, so please submit your statement of interest no later than 15 May 2011 April 7, 20119 Regional Educational Activities Committee - Action Plan

10 Identify local ideas Please tell us April 7, 201110 Regional Educational Activities Committee - Action Plan

11 Recognition ( EAB Awards ) 1998 - Teofilo J. Ramos 2003 - Argentina Section 2006 - Puerto Rico and Caribbean Section 2007 - Jose F. Valdez C 2008 - Corali Ferrer 30 April Peru Section April 7, 201111 Regional Educational Activities Committee - Action Plan

12 Activities 2010 ( Corali Ferrer ) “ …presidentes de cada Sección y se les solicitó el nombramiento de EAC (Educational Activities Coordinator).” Taller Regional sobre Acreditación “ …continuidad de los resultados favorables en el impacto del Proyecto TISP, aplicando esta experiencia en iniciativas de promoción de otros programas como el EPICS. “ April 7, 201112 Regional Educational Activities Committee - Action Plan

13 Questions / Suggestions ? Antonio ( ) April 7, 2011 13 Regional Educational Activities Committee - Action Plan ”Obteniendo Resultados para Nuestra Membresia”

14 Gracias !!! Obrigado !!! Thank you !!!

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