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Tier 2/3 Coaching Functions & Skills Kimberli Breen Michele Capio Illinois PBIS Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Tier 2/3 Coaching Functions & Skills Kimberli Breen Michele Capio Illinois PBIS Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tier 2/3 Coaching Functions & Skills Kimberli Breen Michele Capio Illinois PBIS Network

2 Session Objectives:  Identify the function of district level planning and leadership team roles  Describe the basic functions and skills for Tier 2/3 coaching  Learn how to create a train the trainers model for coaching the implementation of

3 Identify the function of district level planning and leadership team roles

4 District Leadership Team: Tier 2/3 Workgroup Roles & Functions  Roles:  Decision-makers & stakeholders from: District Buildings Family & community  Functions:  Support and sustain the accurate implementation of Tier 2/3 evidence-based practices across the district  Establish measurable outcomes to determine if implementation efforts are effective  Self-assess building & district implementation  Action plan; staff functions, training & TA needs

5 Tier 2/3 Big Ideas for Building & District Administrators The link between academic and social success ALL students get access to PBS; ALL students should receive regular positive feedback Administrators “need to know” the system, the data/tools, and the practices well enough to guide/lead any “corrections” needed.  Ex: If an individual behavior intervention plan is not working, what should you look for or ask?  Ensure that systems are in place and interventions are offered routinely and rapidly at all 3 tiers for ALL students to be successful


7 District Example

8 District Models of Group TA These 2 districts use different approaches based on leadership style, building-based outcomes & needs

9 Meetings to Enhance Process

10 Celebrations  Revised FBA/BIP Process  FBA/BIP Committees formed to continue improvement  Facilitators engaged in process  Higher level of accountability for all involved

11 Describe the basic functions and skills for Tier 2/3 coaching

12 Tier 2/3 Coaching  Direct support to selected buildings  Co-facilitate and support Tier 2/3 Systems Planning Team meetings in each building  Provide technical assistance and support to Tier 2/3 Systems Planning Team members  Provide technical assistance and support to Wraparound Facilitators  Assist with data collection and data-based decision-making process  Provide technical assistance and support to Tier 2 Problem-Solving’ Team members (co-facilitating meetings to model where helpful)  District-level support  Guide/lead data collection, analysis & use at district and building- levels  Co-Facilitate District Tier 2/3 Workgroup meetings  Facilitate sustainability and generalization of practices district-wide  Technical Assistance re:  Effective team meetings  Support to students & families  Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Intervention Planning  Wraparound facilitation  Data-based decision-making (including SIMEO)

13 Intensive Tier 3 Support:  Facilitators share plans (FBA/BIPs) with Coach  Coach reviews and provides feedback on plans  Highlighting strengths/positive aspects  Editing/deleting technically incorrect components  Adds comments/questions to facilitate learning  Coach and Facilitator review updated plans together  Coach explains feedback & asks probing questions  Final plans are shared with all Coaches/Facilitators (if others are part of the learning experience)  Note: ISSET Checklist may provide some guidance for Coaches new to providing FBA/BIP feedback

14 Coaching for Capacity Building

15 District Example

16 Survey Social Workers 2010 33/50 Responded 66% Elementary60.6% Middle21.2% High School27.3% 2011 30/50 Responded60% Elementary70% Middle3.3% High School30%

17 Are you currently facilitating groups (3 or more students)?

18 Are you using evidence-based curriculum for your work with individual students and groups?

19 Do you currently conduct FBA/BIPs in your building?

20 Do you feel confident conducting functional behavior assessments and supporting a team in writing a behavior intervention plan?

21 Learn how to create a train the trainers model for coaching the implementation of Tier 2/3

22 Coaching to Capacity  Phase 1: Modeling – Coach models desired skills & competencies:  "Coach shows the Facilitator how to do it"  Phase 2: Support and Feedback - As the Facilitator begins to assume responsibility, the Coach observes:  "Coach supports and provides feedback as the Facilitator does it"  Phase 3: Monitoring - The Coach observes over time that the Facilitator performs and self-monitors independently:  "Coach celebrates the Facilitator's ability to perform and self-monitor"

23 Coaching to Capacity Abbreviated:  Do FOR (modeling)  Do WITH (supportive feedback)  CHEER on (monitoring)  Model applied to all Tier 3 interventions:  FBA/BIP  Wrap  Wrap-based RENEW

24 Intensive Tier 3 TA Applied  Immediately following Tier 3 training, Facilitators identify youth and begin support  Facilitators share plans with Coach  Coach reviews and gives feedback on plans  Coach explains edits & asks probing questions  Facilitator explains current work, student situation and makes final edits they UNDERSTAND and AGREE with  Final plans implemented, progress-monitored & shared with all Coaches/Facilitators for learning

25 Direct Modeling

26 Building Capacity for Tier 3 TA Statewide  PBIS Network  Do for  Do with  Cheer on  External Coach  Do for  Do with  Cheer on  Facilitators  Do for  Do with  Cheer on  Students & Families

27 On-going Coaching Support All training & material on website Share and celebrate data (Newsletters, website) Monthly Coaches “Front Page News” Monthly Coaches Network Mtgs. statewide Support to District Leadership Teams Group Technical Assistance for Facilitators Direct Modeling of the Process at the Building Level

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