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Xiaoming Zhang Zhejiang University. pons myelencephalon telencephalon diencephalon cerebellum mid-brain pons myelencephalon Brain Stem.

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Presentation on theme: "Xiaoming Zhang Zhejiang University. pons myelencephalon telencephalon diencephalon cerebellum mid-brain pons myelencephalon Brain Stem."— Presentation transcript:

1 Xiaoming Zhang Zhejiang University

2 pons myelencephalon telencephalon diencephalon cerebellum mid-brain pons myelencephalon Brain Stem

3 The brain stem Ⅰ. General features: 1. 3 parts: midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata (from superior to inferior) 2. Position: spinal cord---Diencephalon--cerebellum Ⅱ. External features: 1. Ventral surface of the brain stem 2. Dorsal surface of the brain stem


5 ventral surface

6 dorsal surface

7 Ⅲ. Internal structures: A. General features:

8 Nuclei cranial nerves Somatic motor nucleus: oculomotor nucleus, trochlear nucleus, abducentis nucleus, hypoglossal nucleus Visceral motor nucleus: motor nucleus of trigeminal n., facial nucleus, ambiguus, spinal accessory nucleus, accessory oculomotor nucleus, superior salivatory nucleus, inferior salivatory nucleus, dorsal nucleus of vagus n.

9 visceral afferent nucleus: nucleus of solitary tract somatic afferent nucleus: Mesencephalic nucleus, pontine nucleus and spinal nucleus of trigeminal n. cochlear nuclei, vestibular nuclei

10 The non-cranial nerve nuclei gracile nucleus, cuneate nucleus superior colliculus, inferior colliculus red nucleus, substantia nigra (dopamine)

11 white matter of brain stem The long ascending and descending tracts long ascending tracts: 1). Medial lemniscus (fine touch and proprioceptive sense) 2). Spinothalamic Lemniscus (superficial sensation) 3). Trigeminal lemniscus (superficial sensation of opposite side head and facial ) 4) lateral lemniscus (Sense of hearing)

12 Descending tracts ① ② ( 5-HT )。 Descending tracts pyramidal system ① corticospinal tract lateral anterior ② corticonuclear tract formatio reticularis keep waking state nuclei of median raphe ( 5-HT )。

13 Thank You

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