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Low energy radioactive beams Carmen Angulo, CRC Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium FINUPHY meetingLouvain-la-Neuve, Belgium3-4 May 2004 Recent highlights on nuclear.

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Presentation on theme: "Low energy radioactive beams Carmen Angulo, CRC Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium FINUPHY meetingLouvain-la-Neuve, Belgium3-4 May 2004 Recent highlights on nuclear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Low energy radioactive beams Carmen Angulo, CRC Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium FINUPHY meetingLouvain-la-Neuve, Belgium3-4 May 2004 Recent highlights on nuclear astrophysics and exotic light nuclei at Louvain-la-Neuve

2 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 CYCLONE44ARES LEDA s 6 He  -delayed  +d emission Study of 5 H and 7 He 10 C+p Study of 11 N 15 O(  ) 15 O 19 Ne(p,  ) 20 Na Hot CNO cycle 14 O( ,p) 17 F : trigger to the rp process 18 F( ,p) 21 Ne r-process nucleosynthesis 18 F(d,p) 19 F Novae  -ray emission 18 F(p,  ) 15 O 7 Be+p: charge symmetry and nuclear astrophysics 7 Be(d,p) 8 Be Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Unique set-ups Unique beams: 6 He, 7 Be, 18 F… New beams: 10 C, 15 O, 19 Ne CYC44 New developments

3 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 CYCLONE30 CYCLONE110 CYCLONE44 ARES LEDA beam line

4 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 The first 19 Ne radioactive beam at CYCLONE44 Characterization of ARES and study of the 19 Ne(p,  ) 20 Ne reaction Manoël Couder, PhD thesis, June 2004

5 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 (p,  ) reactions in astrophysics  Important in quiescent burning and in explosive environments such as  Standard technique:  detection …. BUT  Background problems  Difficult determination of total efficiency  Recoil separators for astrophysics research: ARES (Louvain-la-Neuve), ERNA (Bochum) ARES (Louvain-la-Neuve), ERNA (Bochum) DRAGON (TRIUMF) DRAGON (TRIUMF) novae X-ray bursts

6 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 Wien filter Dipole magnet CH 2 Target ECR Source CYCLONE44 Quadrupoles doublet or triplet Detector  Characterization with a 19 F stable beam: 19 F(p,  ) 20 Ne  Study of 19 Ne(p,  ) 20 Na with a 19 Ne radioactive beam from CYCLONE44

7 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 20 Ne 19 F “leaky” beam Characterization of ARES: 19 F(p,  ) 20 Ne  Beam energy distribution  Beam transport : charge state distribution  Product transmission: 20 Ne 7+ (11.5 ± 0.4) %  Rejection power: (2-5)  10 -7 19 F(p,  ) 20 Ne M. Couder et al., NIM A 506 (2003)26. Energy (keV) Counts 456 7891011 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 Experiment Simulation Total efficiency

8 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 19 Ne(p,  ) 20 Na Na Ne+p 0 606 808 996 1338 1841 2064 2643 2856 2992 3082 2195 2 + 0 + 4 + 2 +/- 1 + 1 + 3 + 3 + 3 +/- - 3 - 2 - 1993 T=0.2 9 T=0.5 9 T=1.0 9 T=2.0 9 19 20 ? Previous experiments:  Coszach et al. 1994  Page et al. 1994  Michotte et al. 1996  Vancraynest et al. 1998 Theory:  Lamm et al. 1990  Fortune et al. 2000

9 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 Study of the 448 keV resonance in 19 Ne(p,  ) 20 Ne with a 19 Ne RIB Beam intensity ~ 10 8 pps (reduced)  E (keV)ROILeftRight  E+E (MeV) 19 Ne “leaky” beam pile-up 20 Ne reaction product expected M. Couder et al., Phys. Rev. C (R) (2004) RESULTS Upper limit with 90 % C.L.:  <15.2 meV Several improvements in ARES (to be implemented):  Beam monitoring system  Addition of an analyzing magnet Typical spectrum

10 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 The new 10 C beam at CYCLONE110 Study of the proton drip line nucleus 11 N by 10 C+p elastic scattering

11 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 The drip line nucleus 11 N Level scheme from: ?  Is the charge symmetry ( 11 Be) respected in exotic nuclei?  Excited states in proton rich nuclei Kryger et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 74 (1995); Phys. Rev. C58, 2568 (1998). 12 O 11 N 10 C pp 2 He  Width of the 12 O ground state:

12 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 Spectroscopy of 11 N: previous works V. Guimarães et al., Phys. Rev. C67 (2003) 064601. 14 N( 3 He, 6 He) 11 N 10 C+p experiment at MSU and GANIL Thick target technique: high energy 10 C beam stopped on a gas target K. Markenroth et al., Phys. Rev. C62 (2000) 034308. Experiment at RIKEN: transfer reaction 14 N( 3 He, 6 He) 11 N DWBA analysis

13 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 A dedicated 10 C+p experiment to investigate the 11 N ground state  Experiment performed end of June 2003  Goal: study the lower energy states, in particular the 11 N ground state using the new 10 C beam at the CRC 10 C beam target CD/PAD Telescope recoil protons  E - E 6 days of running time using: A 10 C 2+ beam @ 25.5 and 32 MeV, beam intensity ~ 6000 to 10000 pps on target A 10 C 2+ beam @ 25.5 and 32 MeV, beam intensity ~ 6000 to 10000 pps on target A 1.5 mg/cm 2 CH 2 target (one expects large resonance widths) A 1.5 mg/cm 2 CH 2 target (one expects large resonance widths) “CD” detector

14 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004  Data analysis in the R-matrix framework In order to explain the data 3 resonant states included at c.m. energies 1 to 4 MeV  Best resolution experiment: resonance energies/widths can be well-established  In fair agreement with other elastic scattering experiments (except for the g.s. energy)  In clear disagreement with the results of a RIKEN experiment: does the transfer reaction method give uncompleted information? E cm (MeV) d  /d  (mb/sr)  cm =169.8 o  cm =143.6 o Best fit

15 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004  Nuclear astrophysics :  7 Be(d,p) 8 Be for Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (beam time starts on Thursday! )  18 F(p,  ) 15 O for  -ray emission in novae (after Summer)  14 O( ,p) 18 Ne for rp-process nucleosynthesis (using CYCLONE44)  …  Development of new beams ( 14 O)  Improvement of the ARES system 2004 and beyond….  Exotic nuclei :  Spins and widths of low-lying states in 16 F by 15 O+p  States of ‘molecular’ characteristics in 10 Be by 6 He+a  Study of 6 Be by the 7 Be+ 3 He transfer reaction  …

16 Carmen Angulo FINUPHY meeting 3-4 May 2004 Collaborators  LEDA collaboration (Louvain-la-Neuve and Edinburgh)  PNTPM Brussels  KU Leuven  CSNSM Orsay  LPC Caen  INFN Catania  CSIC Madrid  FLNR Dubna  Kurchatov Institute Moscow  University of York  University of Notre-Dame  University of Birmingham  University of Connecticut  University of Huelva  University of Sevilla  GANIL Caen  CEA Saclay  TRIUMF, Vancouver  Ruder Boskovic Inst., Zagrev

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