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Nuclear Reactions
Nuclear Decay Song on Youtube
Animation of Alpha, Beta, Gamma rays on youtube radioactive dating using Uranium on Youtube Animation Explain Why Nuclear decay and emissions occurs One Half-life to Live Song on Youtube
Lesson 1: Nuclear Radioactivity:
Nucleus- composed of protons and neutrons Strong Force – causes protons and neutrons to be attracted to each other
Powerful only when protons and neutrons closely packed together
Large nucleus – held less tightly Small nucleus – held tightly
Radioactivity: Nuclear Decay which happens when the strong force is not large enough to hold the nucleus together Nucleus gives off matter and energy unstable nuclei change by emitting particles & releasing energy until they transform into a different isotope or another element
Side Note: Isotopes Remember: isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons, but different number of neutrons C-14 6 protons, 8 neutrons C-12 6 protons, 6 neutrons
Stability An atoms stability will depend on a ratio or comparison of protons to neutrons in the nucleus Ideal ratio: For light elements 1:1 ratio For heavy elements 3:2 ratio of neutrons to protons
A nucleus with either too many or to few neutrons compared to protons is radioactive
Predict if the following Isotopes are stable or unstable?
Boron-12 Oxygen 16 Carbon – 14 Carbon - 12 Magnesium – 22 Sodium- 23 Phosphorus – 32 Aluminum – 27
History: 1896 – Henri Becquerel discovered radioactivity with the element Uranium
1898 – Marie and Pierre Curie discovered radioactive Polonium and Radium
Nobel Prize in 1903 First woman to win Nobel Prize 1911 Marie Curie won 2nd Nobel Prize First person to win 2nd Nobel Prize
Explain why nuclear decay occurs.
Exit Slip Explain why nuclear decay occurs.
Lesson 2: Nuclear Decay Nuclear Radiation - Particles and energy released from decaying nucleus 3 types: Alpha particles (a) Beta particles (b) Gamma rays (g)
Alpha Particles particle that consists of two protons and two neutrons with an electric charge of +2 Like a Helium nucleus
Alpha Particles do not travel far due to:
Massive size Leave charged ions in the path when they travel through matter due to stripping off electrons Are the least penetrating form of nuclear radiation Can cause serious biological damage
Beta Particles (b): electron emitted during the radioactive decay of a neutron into a proton in an unstable nucleus
Beta Particles (b): travels further through matter than alpha particles fast moving because it is so small
Gamma Rays (g): high energy electromagnetic radiation emitted by a nucleus during radioactive decay
Gamma Rays (g): Have no mass and no charge
can penetrate matter deeply (up to 7 cm of Pb), even buildings radon (discovered by the Curie’s) was found to emit these types of rays by Paul Villard in 1900
Background radiation Low level radiation emitted mainly by naturally occurring radioactive isotopes found in the Earth’s rocks, soils, atmosphere
Background radiation Largest source (54%) is Radon gas produced in earth’s crust From cosmic rays (8%) From radioactive isotopes in the body (11%)
Radon Gas produced by Decay of Uranium-238 in earth’s curst
Estimate Your Personal Radiation Dose
Where you live Cosmic radiation:
At sea level mrem ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft
Terrestrial (from the ground):
If you live in a state that borders the Gulf or Atlantic Coasts, add 16 mrem If you live in the Colorado Plateau area (around Denver), add 63 mrem If you live anywhere else in the continental US, add 30 mrem.
House Construction: If you live in a stone, adobe, brick, or concrete building, add 7 mrem Power Plants: If you live within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant, add 0.01 mrem If you live within 50 miles of a coal-fired power plant, add 0.03 mrem
From air (radon), everyone add 200 mrem
Food, Water, and Air Internal Radiation: From food (Carbon-14 and Potassium-40) & from water (radon dissolved in water), everyone add 40 mrem From air (radon), everyone add 200 mrem
How You Live: Weapons test fallout (less than 1)..1 mrem
Jet Plane Travel (per hour in the air) ……………0.05 mrem Have porcelain crowns or false teeth ………………0.07 mrem Weat a luminous wristwatch mrem If you go through luggage inspection at airport ……………… mrem
If you watch TV mrem If you use video display terminal (computer screen)……………….1 mrem Have a smoke detector…… mrem Use a gas camping lantern…….0.2 mrem If you wear a plutonium-powered pacemaker …………….100 mrem
Extremity (arm, hand, foot, or leg)....1 Dental....1 Chest....6
Medical Tests Medical Diagnostic Tests-Number of millirems per procedure X-Rays: Extremity (arm, hand, foot, or leg)....1 Dental Chest....6 pelvis/hip Skull/neck...20 Barium enema Upper GI CAT Scan (head and body) Nuclear Medicine (e.g., thyroid scan)
What is your total? Add them all up to get your Estimated Annual Radiation Dose Write a statement about How your dose compares to the average dose per person of 360 mrems per year?
Lesson 3: Transmutation
Process of one element’s changing to another through nuclear decay
Solving Nuclear Equations:
A nuclear equation shows how a nucleus gains or loses subatomic particles. Ex. 1: 11H + 94Be ---> 63Li + 42He Rule: The sum of the mass numbers of the reactants equals the sum of the mass numbers of the products .
What is the missing part of this equation?
2713Al + ?? ---> 3015P + 10n 42He
Solve this one: ? + 0-1e --> 24494Pu 24493Np
Lesson 4: Half-life of radioactive Isotopes
The length of time it takes half of the atoms of a sample of the radioactive isotope to decay Vary from fractions of a second to billions of years
Radioactive Decay Rates
Radioactive decay is used to determine the age of old objects. Carbon-14 dating can be used to date once-living materials from the past 50,000 years Uranium dating cam be used to date rocks
Radioactive Decay Series for I-131
Radioactive Decay Series for I-131
Original sample
Radioactive Decay Series for I-131
1- half life
Radioactive Decay Series for I-131
2 – half lifes
Radioactive Decay Series for I-131
3 – half lives
Isotope Half - life Examples of Half-lifes for different Isotopes
K-40 1,280,000,000 years Pt ,120 years I days Th s
Detecting Radioactivity
Radiation Detectors are Instruments used to identify ions formed when radiation passes through matter Cloud Chamber Bubble Chamber Electroscope Geiger counter
Bubble Chamber
Lesson 5: Nuclear Reactions: Nuclear fission
process of splitting a nucleus into two nuclei with smaller masses
Nuclear fission a large amount of energy is released
Used in Nuclear reactors in power plants and submarines
Historical Events: 1938 Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann discovered the that a nucleus could be split struck U-235 with a neutron nucleus split into smaller nuclei
1939 Lise Meitner Theorized this process as “Nuclear Fission”
Coined the term “Fission” She had worked with Hahn before fleeing Nazi Germany
Historical Events: Dec 2nd, 1942 – Team lead by Enrico Fermi initiates the First Nuclear Chain Reaction Known as “Manhattan Project”
Chain reaction – an ongoing series of Fission reactions
Animation Controlled/Uncontrolled Reation
Critical Mass – amount of fissionable material required to continue a reaction at a constant rate Control Rods – used in nuclear reactors to absorb neutrons to control the rate of the fission reaction Animation Controlled/Uncontrolled Reation
Fission Q: Can chain reactions always be controlled?
A: Somewhat, but only if materials are used to absorb some of the neutrons Uses of chain reactions: 1. controlled: to generate electricity 2. not controlled: nuclear bomb
Nuclar Fusion Two nuclei with low masses are combined to form one nucleus of larger mass
Can only happen when nuclei are moving fast enough to get close to each other
Temperature in stars (millions of °C) are high enough for fusion to occur
It is very difficult to contain the reaction.
it must happen at temperatures greater than 108 oC, no known material could contain it without melting some success has been achieved by containing the reaction in a magnetic field
Dangers and Benefits of Nuclear Radiation
Radioactive substances can be very useful , but when used carelessly, nuclear radiation can be extremely dangerous, even though we are exposed to some radiation everyday.
Dangers from Nuclear Radiation
Background radiation causing radiation sickness causing genetic mutations
Benefits from Nuclear Radiation
smoke detectors radioactive tracers in medicine radioactive material added to a substance so that its location can be detected later
Irradiation of Food Radiation Therapy for the Treatment of Cancer
Benefits to Nuclear Power
does not produce gaseous pollutants that cause ozone depletion and acid rain Cheap to make electricity this way but expensive to build the power plant More energy in the known uranium reserves than in the known reserves of coal and oil
Dangers to Nuclear Power
Radioactive products must be handled correctly Safety of the reactors Equip with shielding Storage of spent nuclear fuel
Countries Generating Most Nuclear Power
Country Total MW USA 99,784 France 58,493 Japan 38,875 Germany 22,657 Russia 19,843 Canada 15,755 Ukraine 12,679 United Kingdom 11,720 Sweden 10,002 South Korea 8,170
States with nuclear power plant(s)
World Nuclear Reactors
Nuclear Fuel Cycle
U-235 U-238 Plutonium-239 Uranium enrichment Fissionable at 3%
Weapons grade at 90% U-238 More stable Plutonium-239 Created from U-238; highly radioactive
Nuclear Power
Nuclear Reactor Structure
Reactor’s pressure vessel typically housed in 8” of steel 36” concrete shielding 45” steel reinforced concrete
Risks of enrichment and fuel fabrication
Largest industrial users of water, electricity Paducah, KY, Oak Ridge, TN, Portsmouth, OH Cancers and leukemia among workers Fires and mass exposure. Karen Silkwood at Oklahoma fabrication plant. Risk of theft of bomb material.
Nuclear Reactor Process
3% enriched Uranium pellets formed into rods, which are formed into bundles Bundles submerged in water coolant inside pressure vessel, with control rods. Bundles must be SUPERCRITICAL; will overheat and melt if no control rods. Reaction converts water to steam, which powers steam turbine
Other reactor accidents (besides TMI and Chernobyl)
1952 Chalk River, Ontario Partial core meltdown 1957 Windscale, England Graphite reactor fire contaminates 200 square miles. 1975 Browns Ferry, Alabama Plant caught fire 1976 Lubmin, East Germany Near meltdown of reactor core . 1999 Tokaimura, Japan Nuclear fuel plant spewed high levels of radioactive gas
United States
Risk of terrorism (new challenge to industry)
9/11 jet passed near Indian Point Risk of terrorism (new challenge to industry)
Reprocessing Separates reusable fuel from waste 1960s West Valley, NY
Large amounts of radioactivity released 1960s West Valley, NY Radiation leaked into Lake Ontario 1970s La Hague, France Released plutonium plumes into air
Back end: Radioactive wastes
Low-level wastes in commercial facilities Spent fuel in pools or “dry casks” by plants Nuclear lab wastes Hanford wastes leaked radiation into Columbia River High-level underground repository Yucca Mountain in Nevada to 2037 Wolf River Batholith in Wisconsin after 2037? Risks of cracks in bedrock, water seepage
Yucca Mountain
Transportation risks Uranium oxide spills Fuel rod spills (WI 1981)
Radioactive waste risks
“Mobile Chernobyl” to Yucca Mtn.
Kyshtym waste disaster, 1957
Orphans Explosion at Soviet weapons factory forces evacuation of over 10,000 people in Ural Mts. Area size of Rhode Island still uninhabited; thousands of cancers reported
Radioactive Waste Recycling
Disposal of radioactive waste from nuclear power plants and weapons facilities by recycling it into household products. In 1996, 15,000 tons of metal were received by the Association of Radioactive Metal Recyclers . Much was recycled into products without consumer knowledge. Depleted Uranium munitions for military.
Summary Nuclear energy has no typical pollutants or greenhouse gasses
Nuclear waste contains high levels of radioactive waste, which are active for hundreds of thousands of years. The controversy around nuclear energy stems from all parts of the nuclear chain.
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