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Charm production in neutrino-nuclei collisions within the color dipole formalism at very high energies * Mairon Melo Machado High Energy Phenomenology.

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Presentation on theme: "Charm production in neutrino-nuclei collisions within the color dipole formalism at very high energies * Mairon Melo Machado High Energy Phenomenology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Charm production in neutrino-nuclei collisions within the color dipole formalism at very high energies * Mairon Melo Machado High Energy Phenomenology Group, GFPAE IF – UFRGS, Porto Alegre * In collaboration with M. B. Gay Ducati and M. V. T. Machado

2 Lepton-nucleon collision Neutrino-nucleon cross section Structure functions Color dipole formalism Charged Current (CC) process and Neutral Current (NC) process Neutrino-nuclei Interaction Results Conclusions Outline HEP 08

3 Color dipole approach (CDA) for lepton-hadron DIS Phenomenology using saturation models in CDA (GBW and IIM models) Neutrino DIS at small-x within the dipole formalism Analysis of charm production cross section in NC interactions Color dipole formalism arises as a robust theoretical approach to describe small-x structure functions 1 Motivations 1 GAY DUCATI, M. B., M. M. M., MACHADO, M. V. T. – PLB 644 (2007) 340 HEP 08

4 Neutrino-nucleon collision  M is the nucleon mass  E is the neutrino energy  p and q are the nucleon and boson four-momenta HEP 08 W, Z (q) pipi p’ j pjpj pkpk

5 Quark distribution Gluon emits a quark-antiquark pair changing the quark distribution in the nucleon These quarks are called sea quarks Quark content is given by the sum of valence quarks and sea quarks HEP 08

6 Neutrino-nucleon cross section  G F is the Fermi constant 1.166.10 -5 GeV -2  M i is the boson mass  F 2, F L and F 3 are the structure functions HEP 08

7 Structure functions Chiral coupling  sin 2 θ W = 0.23120  θ W is the Weinberg angle 2 3 2 ROBERTS, R. G., “The structure of the proton”, Cambridge University Press 1993 HEP 08

8 Color dipole phenomenology   are the wave functions of quarks  z is the momentum fraction of quark and (1-z) is the momentum fraction of the antiquark  1 and 2 are the helicity of the quarks (1/2 or -1/2)  r is the transversal size of the dipole   dip is parametrized and fitted to the experiment. HEP 08

9 Structure functions  Structure function for bosons transversally or longitudinally polarized K 0,1 are the McDonald functions m q (m q ) is the mass of the quarks (antiquarks) HEP 08

10 Neutrino-nuclei interaction  Dipole cross section for bosons transversally or longitudinally polarized are extended for nuclei using Glauber-Gribov formalism  Nuclear profile function T A (b)  b is the impact parameter and n(r) is the nuclear matter density normalized as HEP 08

11 Dipole cross section Golec-Biernat-Wusthoff (GBW) 3 Iancu-Itakura-Munier (IIM) 4 Parameters fitted by data comparison,  s = 0.63 anomalous dimension, a and b are constants,  0 = 23 mb, ~ 0.288, x 0 ~ 3.10 -4 m, m f = 0.14 GeV HEP 08 3 GOLEC-BIERNAT, K; WUSTHOFF, M. PRD 60, 1140231 (1998); 4 IANCU, ITAKURA, MUNIER,.PLB 590, 199 (2004)

12 Comparison IIM and GBW Total = valence + sea Gay Ducati, MMM, Magno Machado, PLB 644 (2007) 340 HEP 08

13 NC structure functions (Q 2 fixed) F2F2 FLFL F3F3 HEP 08

14 NC structure functions (x fixed) F2F2 FLFL F3F3 HEP 08

15 NC charm structure functions Q2Q2 x F2F2 F3F3 F2F2 F3F3 HEP 08

16 Neutral Current Cross Section Results  High energies  contribution of sea quarks dominates neutrino-proton interaction 5 KWIECINSKI, J; et al. PRD 59 (1999) 093002 Energy (GeV)σ charm (cm 2 )σ Charm / σ Total 275,4 x 10 -40 0,027 1541,9 x 10 -38 0,135 10007,1 x 10 -37 0,154 100003,0 x 10 -35 0,193 1000003,3 x 10 -34 0,225 5

17 Neutral Current Cross Section Results Energy (GeV)σ charm (cm 2 )σ Charm / σ Total 276,56 x 10 -44 3,25 x 10 -3 1542,33 x 10 -42 1,04x10 -2 10 8 5,8 x 10 -33 0,25 10 9 1,4 x 10 -33 0.41 10 3,21 x 10 -31 0,42 neutrino-nuclei interaction 0,23 fb

18 Conclusions  Description of small-x structure functions in neutrino-hadron and neutrino-nuclei interaction using color dipole formalism  GBW parametrization gives good result to proton structure functions  Extension to neutrino-nuclei interaction is suitable  Estimations gives good results in comparison to neutrino-nuclei (NuTeV and CHORUS) data for charm quark contribution  Important framework to perform estimations for future neutrino-nuclei experiments (MINERvA and Neutrino Factory)  Color dipole formalism is a good model do describes deep inelastic scattering HEP 08

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