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Brain stem
The brain stem Consists of Midbrain Pons Medulla oblongata 1 2 3
Medulla oblongata Ventral surface
Pyramid: contains pyramidal tract (corticospinal tract) Decussation of pyramid: formed by crossing fibers of corticospinal tract Olive: produced by underlying inferior olivary nucleus Anterolateral sulcus: rootlets of hypoglossal nerve emerge from it Retroolivary sulcus: rootlets of glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves emerge from it 1 IX XII 3 X XI 4 5 2
Medulla oblongata Dorsal surface Lower portion
Gracile tubercle: produced by underlying gracile nucleus Cuneate tubercle: marks the site of cuneate nucleus Inferior cerebellar peduncle Obex Upper portion: forms the lower half of rhomboid fossa 3 5 2 4 1
Pons Ventral surface Basilar part (1) Basilar sulcus (2)
Bulbopontine sulcus (3): from medial to lateral, the abducent, facial and vestibulocochlear nerves appear Middle cerebellar peduncle (4) Trigeminal nerve (5) 1 V 5 2 VI 4 VII 3 VIII
Pons Dorsal surface Superior cerebellar peduncle (1)
Superior medullary velum (2) Forms the upper half of rhomboid fossa 2 1
Midbrain Ventral surface Crus cerebri (1)
Interpeduncular fossa (2) oculomotor nerves emerge from medial of crus cerebri Posterior perforated substance (3) Oculomotor nerve 2 1 III 3 VI
Midbrain Dorsal surface
4 3 Dorsal surface Superior colliculus (1) constitute centers for visual reflexes Inferior colliculus (2) associated with auditory pathway Brachium of superior colliculi Brachium of inferior colliculi Trochlear nerve (IV) Medial geniculate body (3) Lateral geniculate body (4) 1 2 IV
Fourth ventricle Position
Central canal →fourth ventricle →mesencephalic aqueduct→third ventricle Position Situated ventral to cerebellum, and dorsal to pons and cranial half of medulla
Fourth ventricle Boundaries
Inferolateral: gracile and cuneate tubercles, inferior cerebellar peduncle Superolateral: superior cerebellar peduncle Lateral recess
Fourth ventricle Floor Upper part:
Upper pontine and lower medullary separated by Striae medullares (1) Median sulcus divided it into right and left halves (2 Medial eminences) (2) Upper part: Facial colliculus (3): overlies nucleus of abducent n. and fibers of facial nerve Upper Vestibular area (4): overlies vestibular nuclei Superior fovea (5) 2 5 4 Sulcus Limitans 1 3
Fourth ventricle Lower part:
Hypoglossal triangle (1): overlying hypoglossal nucleus Lower Vestibular area (2) Vagal triangle (3): overlies dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve Inferior Fovea ( Inverted Y ). 2 2 2 1 3
Fourth ventricle Roof Upper part: formed by superior cerebellar peduncle and superior medullary velum Lower part: formed by inferior medullary velum and choroid plexus of fourth ventricle Three apertures Median aperture of fourth ventricle Two lateral apertures of fourth ventricle
Internal structures Gray matter Cranial nerve nuclei Relay nuclei
Names of cranial nerves
Ⅰ Olfactory nerve Ⅱ Optic nerve Ⅲ Oculomotor nerve Ⅳ Trochlear nerve Ⅴ Trigeminal nerve Ⅵ Abducent nerve Ⅶ Facial nerve Ⅷ Vestibulocochlear nerve Ⅸ Glossopharyngeal nerve Ⅹ Vagus nerve Ⅺ Accessory nerve Ⅻ Hypoglossal nerve
Functional components
General somatic afferent fibers (GSA): transmit exteroceptive and proprioceptive impulses from head and face to somatic sensory nuclei Special somatic afferent fibers (SSA): transmit sensory impulses from special sense organs of vision, equilibrium and hearing to the brain General visceral afferent fibers (GVA): transmit interoceptive impulses from the viscera to the visceral sensory nuclei Special visceral afferent fibers (SVA): transmit sensory impulses from special sense organs of smell and taste to the brain General somatic efferent fibers (GSE): innervate skeletal muscles of eye and tongue Special visceral efferent fibers (SVE): transmit motor impulses from the brain to skeletal muscles derived from brachial (gill) arches of embryo. These include the muscles of mastication, facial expression and swallowing General visceral efferent fibers (GVE): transmit motor impulses from the general visceral motor nuclei and relayed in parasympathetic ganglions. The postganglionic fibers supply cardiac muscles,smooth muscles and glands
Classification of cranial nerves
Sensory cranial nerves: contain only afferent (sensory) fibers ⅠOlfactory nerve ⅡOptic nerve Ⅷ Vestibulocochlear nerve Motor cranial nerves: contain only efferent (motor) fibers Ⅲ Oculomotor nerve Ⅳ Trochlear nerve ⅥAbducent nerve Ⅺ Accessory nerv Ⅻ Hypoglossal nerve Mixed nerves: contain both sensory and motor fibers--- ⅤTrigeminal nerve, Ⅶ Facial nerve, ⅨGlossopharyngeal nerve ⅩVagus nerve
Sensory cranial nerves
Location of cell body and axon categories Cranial exit Terminal nuclei Main action Ⅰ Olfactory cells (SVA) Cribrifom foramina Olfactory bulb Smell Ⅱ Ganglion cells (SSA) Optic canal Lateral geniculate body Vision Ⅷ Vestibular ganglion(SSA) Internal acoustic meatus Vestibular nuclei Equilibrium Cochlear ganglion (SSA) Cochlear nuclei Hearing
Motor cranial nerves N. Nucleus of origin and axon categories
Cranial exit Main action Ⅲ Nucleus of oculomotor (GSE) Superior orbital fissure Motor to superior, inferior and medial recti; inferior oblique; levator palpebrae superioris Accessory nucleus of oculomotor (GVE) Parasympathetic to sphincter pupillea and ciliary muscles Ⅳ Nucleus of trochlear nerve (GSE) Motor to superior oblique Ⅵ Nucleus of abducent nerve (GSE) Motor to lateral rectus Ⅺ Nucleus of accessory nerve (SVE) Jugular foramen Motor to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius Ⅻ Nucleus of hypoglossal nerve( GSE) Hypoglossal canal Motor to muscles of tongue except palatoglossus
General somatic efferent nuclei
Nucleus of oculomotor n. Nucleus of trochlear n. Nucleus of abducent n. Nucleus of hypoglossal n.
Special visceral motor nuclei
Motor nucleus of trigeminal n. Nucleus of facial n. Nucleus ambiguous Accessory nucleus
Special visceral efferent nuclei
Nucleus Site Cranial n. Function Motor nucleus of trigeminal n. Pons Ⅴ Masticatory muscles, tensor palati & t. tympani Nucleus of facial n. Ⅶ Facial m., platysma, posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid, stapedius Nucleus ambiguus Medulla Ⅸ,Ⅹ.Ⅺ Skeletal m. of pharynx, larynx and upper part of esophagus Accessory nucleus Medulla-cervical cord Ⅺ Sternocleidomastoid, trapezius
General visceral motor nuclei
Accessory oculomotor nucleus Superior salivatory nucleus Inferior salivertory nucleus Dorsal nucleus of vagus n.
Visceral sensory nuclei ( general and special )
Nucleus of solitary tract
Visceral sensory nuclei ( general and special )
Nucleus Site Cranial n. Function Nucleus of solitary tract Medulla Ⅶ,Ⅸ,Ⅹ Taste and visceral sensation
General somatic afferent nuclei
Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal n. Main sensory nucleus of trigeminal n. Spinal nucleus of trigeminal n.
General somatic sensory nuclei
Nucleus Site Cranial n. Function Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal n. Midbrain Ⅴ Proprioception of head Main sensory nucleus of trigeminal n. Pons Tactile sensation of face Spinal nucleus of trigeminal n. Medulla upto 2nd cx. seg. Pain and temperature sense of face
Special somatic afferent nuclei
Cochlear nuclei 2 - Dorsal - Ventral Vestibular nuclei 4 - Superior - Inferior - Medial - Lateral
Special somatic afferent nuclei
Nucleus Site Cranial n. Function Cochlear nuclei Pons and medulla Ⅷ Sense of hearing Vestibular nuclei Sense of equilibrium
Non-cranial nerve nuclei
Nucleus Site Gracile nucleus Medulla (underneath gracile tubercle) Cuneate nucleus Medulla (underneath cuneate tubercle) Superior olivery nucleus Pons Pontine nucleus pons Nucleus of inferior colliculus Midbrain Gray matter layers of superior colliculus Red nucleus Substantia nigra Pretectal area
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