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06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net1 Development of a Nucleus and its Members The Story of the Cut Foliage Nuclei and a Regional Nucleus in the Central.

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Presentation on theme: "06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net1 Development of a Nucleus and its Members The Story of the Cut Foliage Nuclei and a Regional Nucleus in the Central."— Presentation transcript:

1 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net1 Development of a Nucleus and its Members The Story of the Cut Foliage Nuclei and a Regional Nucleus in the Central Province, Sri Lanka

2 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net2 Example: Cut Foliage ActivityEffects 1Situation in 09/2002: Cut Foliage Association in Kandy with 22 members Only activity: To ask Government and donors for grants in order to organize tiny trade fairs Ineffective. Too small, not enough financial means to professionalize the association and to supply real services 2Discussion about giving up the association and instead forming a Nucleus in the local chamber Most members accept the invitation

3 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net3 Example: Cut Foliage ActivityEffects 3The counsellor visits all participating enterprises Trust building /mobilisation / Counsellor learns about the entrepreneurs’ situation 4Meetings of the NucleusStart of the discussion of carpentry work 5Identification of problems and ideas Exchange of technical experiences and solutions

4 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net4 Example: Cut Foliage ActivityEffects 6The Nucleus visits three export oriented cut foliage enterprises & nurseries in Colombo Comparison of different levels in technology/ productivity Perception about quality standards Direct access to buyers and more varieties of plants

5 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net5 Example: Cut Foliage ActivityEffects 7Training on CEFE enterprise development Awareness about better management of the enterprises 8Technical trainings on anthurium and rose growing and landscaping at the Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya Better quality and productivity Perception about quality standards changed

6 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net6 Example: Cut Foliage ActivityEffects 9During 2003 – 2004 start of Cut Foliage Nuclei in Badulla, Matale and in other chambers in Kandy Dissemination of the Nucleus Approach among cut foliage producers 10Visits to Cut Foliage Nuclei in the different chambers Comparison of the different Nucleus activities Comparison of the production levels and products Exchange og know how and ideas

7 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net7 Example: Cut Foliage ActivityEffects 11Investment (jointly) in stalls Conducting local trade fairs Better prospects for market promotion and enlisting of new clients. Increased cooperation between Nucleus members

8 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net8 Example: Cut Foliage Activity 12Printing of a brochure of Nuclei members products and contact details Effects 13Better marketing Increased cooperation between Nuclei members

9 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net9 Example: Cut Foliage ActivityEffects 14In 11/05 training & individual counselling by Jordi Castan, Brazil, cut foliage and landscaping entrepreneur, involved in Nucleus and chamber development since 1991 Exposure to many new international methods and techniques, identification of shortcomings in individual member enterprises, new ideas and visions

10 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net10 Example: Cut Foliage ActivityEffects 15As follow up 5 Nuclei create the Regional Cut Foliage Nucleus Begin of the development of the Central Province as national cut foliage centre

11 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net11 Example: Cut Foliage ActivityEffects 16The Regional Nucleus organizes the in Kandy with 50 entrepreneurs from 5 Nuclei 6.000 visitors Sales of 1,000,000 Rs / 10,000 US$ Widest range of high quality flowers ever shown in Sri Lanka

12 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net12 Example: Cut Foliage

13 06/2006www.Nucleus-International.net13 This file is part of our material to present and illustrate our activities to professional and elected officials of business associations, personnel from technical cooperation projects, and other people with an interest in this field. We are involved in a constant process of elaborating and improving this material, and targeting it to the demands of specific groups. You may use, copy, and change this file as you like (we do not insist on a copyright). We would, however, like to ask you for the following: please send us a copy (as a file or printout) and additional information if you use the file or parts of it. Thank you! The team

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