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Published byMagnus Bridges Modified over 9 years ago
From hadrons to nuclei with charm and bottom flavors S. Yasui KEK Baryon 10@Osaka 2010.12.7-11
Contents 1. Introduction 2. New exotic heavy hadrons New charm tetraquarks and others... 3. Charm exotic nuclei Exotic nuclei with flavors beyond strangeness 4. Experimental researches Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions 5. Summary
Eichten in QWG 2008 Nara Many new cc states above threshold 1. Introduction
X(3872), X(3940), Y(4260), Z(4430) +,... Y b,... c c d u Z(4430) + Y(4260) c c g c c u u X(3872) c c d u ccg hybrid S. L. Zhu (2005) Why are they exotic? - extraordinaly decay widths and branching ratios - mass difference from cc in quark model ( 〜 100 MeV) DD* (ccuu) molecule Tornqvist (1991) ccud really tetraquark ccud really tetraquark DD* threshold ?gluon dynamics ?something new?diquark correlation ? T cc 1
2. New exotic heavy hadrons H c cuuuds T cc ccud Θ cs cuuds
Carlson, Heller, Tjon (1988) Silvestre-Brac and Semay (1993) Manohar and Wise (1993)... Lee, SY, Liu and Ko (2008) Lee and SY (2009) T cc 1 is „explicitly“ exotic. c c d u T cc 1 Tetraquark T cc (ccud) 2. New exotic heavy hadrons
c c d u T cc 1 d c + Spin-color int. s B a (a=1,..,8) induces cc pair cu pair ud pair 1/m Q 2 1/m Q 1 1/m Q 0 Tetraquark T cc (ccud) ? dominant attraction (3 c, 3 f, s=0) further suppressed D* - D0D0 u c 2. New exotic heavy hadrons suppressed
c c d u T cc 1 d c + Spin-color int. s B a (a=1,..,8) induces Tetraquark T cc (ccud) D* - D0D0 u c 2. New exotic heavy hadrons cc pair cu pair ud pair 1/m Q 2 1/m Q 1 1/m Q 0 dominant attraction (3 c, 3 f, s=0) further suppressed suppressed No strong decay
c c d u T cc 1 d c + Tetraquark T cc (ccud) D* - D0D0 u c B.E. S=0 S=-1 -4 MeV -74 MeV T cc 1 2. New exotic heavy hadrons
T cc 1 s c u c + Tetraquark T cc (ccud) Ds*-Ds*- D0D0 c c s u B.E.T cc 1 S=0 S=-1 -4 MeV -74 MeV 2. New exotic heavy hadrons
T cc 1 s c u c + Tetraquark T cc (ccud) Ds*-Ds*- D0D0 c c s u B.E.T cc 1 S=0 S=-1 -4 MeV -74 MeV → T cc 1 form 3 f multiplet. 2. New exotic heavy hadrons
s c d u u Θ cs Λ d u s u c D0D0 + Pentaquark Θ cs (cudus) B.E. S=-1 S=-2 +8.4 MeV Θ cs → Θ cs may form 3 f multiplet. 2. New exotic heavy hadrons
u Dibaryon H c (udusuc) s c d u u HcHc ΛcΛc d u c Σ + s u u B.E. S=-1 S=-2 -17.4 MeV -17.3 MeV HcHc a little weak, but still attractive S=-3 -28.9 MeV 2. New exotic heavy hadrons
HcHc Dibaryon H c (udusuc) 6f6f 2. New exotic heavy hadrons Lee and SY, Eur. Phys. J. C64, 283 (2009)
HcHc HbHb Dibaryon H c (udusuc) 6f6f 6f6f 2. New exotic heavy hadrons Lee and SY, Eur. Phys. J. C64, 283 (2009)
HcHc HbHb H’ cb Dibaryon H c (udusuc) 6f6f 6f6f 3f3f 2. New exotic heavy hadrons Lee and SY, Eur. Phys. J. C64, 283 (2009)
HcHc HbHb H cb H’ cb Dibaryon H c (udusuc) 6f6f 6f6f 3f3f 15 f 2. New exotic heavy hadrons Lee and SY, Eur. Phys. J. C64, 283 (2009)
HcHc HbHb H cb H’ cb H ccb Dibaryon H c (udusuc) 6f6f 6f6f 3f3f 15 f 8f8f 2. New exotic heavy hadrons Lee and SY, Eur. Phys. J. C64, 283 (2009)
→ H c, H b, H’ cb, H cb and H ccb form many multiplets! HcHc HbHb H cb H’ cb H ccb Dibaryon H c (udusuc) 6f6f 6f6f 3f3f 15 f 8f8f 2. New exotic heavy hadrons Lee and SY, Eur. Phys. J. C64, 283 (2009)
3. Charm exotic nuclei D nuclei
What are charm/bottom nuclei? Nucleus proton neutron Charm/Bottom 3. Charm exotic nuclei
Charm/Bottom Nucleus proton neutron Dover-Kahana (1977) Iwao (1977) Gatto-Paccanoni (1978) Bando-Bando (1982)... Baryons Λ c, Σ c, Λ b, Σ b, … What are charm/bottom nuclei? 3. Charm exotic nuclei
Nucleus proton neutron Charm/Bottom Mesons hidden : η c, J/ψ, η b, Υ, … open : D, D*, B, B*, … What are charm/bottom nuclei? 3. Charm exotic nuclei
Nucleus proton neutron Charm/Bottom Mesons hidden : η c, J/ψ, η b, Υ, … open : D, D*, B, B*, … Brodsky-Schmidt-Teramond (1990) Luke-Manohar-Savage (1992) Yokokawa-Sasaki-Hatsuda- -Hayashigaki (2006) Kawanai-Sasaki (2010)... What are charm/bottom nuclei? 3. Charm exotic nuclei
Nucleus proton neutron This is our subject! Charm/Bottom Mesons hidden : η c, J/ψ, η b, Υ, … open : D, D*, B, B*, … What are charm/bottom nuclei? 3. Charm exotic nuclei
N D (B) ?? Q. What is the interaction between D (B) and N ? 3. Charm exotic nuclei
NK KN SU(3) ND DN NB BN Weinberg-Tomozawa SU(4)SU(5) Lutz-Kolomeitsev (2004), Hoffmann-Lutz (2005), Mizutani-Ramos (2006), Gamermann- Oset-Strottman-Vacas (2007), Haidenbauer-Krein-Meissner-Sibirtsev (2007), Tolos- Molina-Gamermann-Gracia-Reico-Nieves-Oset-Ramos (2010)... Strangeness, Charm, Bottom,... 3. Charm exotic nuclei
DB K K* D* B* 400 MeV 140 MeV 45 MeV D* and B* are new ingredients! Chiral SymmetryHeavy Quark Symmetry 500 MeV1870 MeV5280 MeV K* is almost irrelevant in dynamics. pseudo- scalar vector 3. Charm exotic nuclei Strangeness, Charm, Bottom,...
NK KN Weinberg-Tomozawa One pion exchange potential (OPEP) ND(*)D(*) D(*)D(*) N NB(*)B(*) B(*)B(*) N One pion is absent. (short range force) One pion is present. (long range force) KN interaction D(B)N interaction 3. Charm exotic nuclei Strangeness, Charm, Bottom,... S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, 034008 (2009)
with G. Burdman and J.F. Donoghue (1992) M.B. Wise (1992) T.-M. Yan, H.-Y. Cheng, C.-Y. Cheung, G.-L. Lin, Y.C. Lin and H.-L. Yu (1997) vector + pseudoscalar One pion exchange potential (OPEP) Heavy Quark Symmetry D(*)D(*) D(*)D(*) N N OPEP P=D, B S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, 034008 (2009) 3. Charm exotic nuclei
N D (B) ?? Q. Are there bound states of D (B) and N ? D(cq)-N(qqq) B(bq)-N(qqq) * No annihilation process 3. Charm exotic nuclei
J P =1/2 -, I=0 strong tensor coupling wave functions obtained by variational method DN ( 2 S 1/2 ) D*N ( 4 D 1/2 ) D*N ( 2 S 1/2 ) PRELIMINARY RESULTS OPEP + contact int. 3. Charm exotic nuclei
J P =1/2 -, I=0 strong tensor coupling wave functions obtained by variational method DN ( 2 S 1/2 ) D*N ( 4 D 1/2 ) D*N ( 2 S 1/2 ) DN π +cont.A +cont.B B.E. [MeV] 10.8 6.6 8.2 r [fm] 1.7 2.1 1.9 PRELIMINARY RESULTS OPEP + contact int. 3. Charm exotic nuclei
BN bound state 170 MeV KN (pentaquark?) threshold 100 MeV cqqqqbqqqqsqqqq StrangenessCharmBottom DN bound state |DN; I=0> = |D - p> + |D 0 n> + |D* - p> + |D* 0 n> K+K+ π - p weak decay D*→Dπ is closed. DN and BN bound states J P =1/2 - (I=0) 10 MeV 3. Charm exotic nuclei K + ND + N B + N
Λ(1405) KN πΣ 1433 MeV 1330 MeV ΞN ΛΛ 2255 MeV 2230MeV H dibaryon BN 6217 MeV BN state DN 2807 MeV DN state B.E. 170 MeV B.E. 10 MeV 3. Charm exotic nuclei
Λ(1405) KN πΣ 1433 MeV 1330 MeV ΞN ΛΛ 2255 MeV 2230MeV H dibaryon BN 6217 MeV BN state DN 2807 MeV DN state K nuclei Hypernuclei Charm/Bottom nuclei B.E. 170 MeV B.E. 10 MeV 3. Charm exotic nuclei
A=2 charmed (bottom) nucleus ? D (B) N N Q. Are there exotic nuclei with D (B) ? 3. Charm exotic nuclei
DNN and BNN systems D(*)D(*) N N Classification of states J P =0 - J P =1 - I=1/2 I=3/2 I=1/2 I=3/2 |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=1,I=0 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > +|D*(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > S=1/2 I=0 S=1/2 I=0 S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, 034008 (2009) 3. Charm exotic nuclei
DNN and BNN systems Classification of states J P =0 - J P =1 - I=1/2 I=3/2 I=1/2 I=3/2 |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=1,I=0 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > +|D*(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > 3/4 1/4 0 1/6 1/4 0 Fraction of (D ( * ) N) S=1/2,I=0 D(*)D(*) N N S=1/2 I=0 S=1/2 I=0 3. Charm exotic nuclei S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, 034008 (2009)
DNN and BNN systems Classification of states J P =0 - J P =1 - I=1/2 I=3/2 I=1/2 I=3/2 |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=1,I=0 > + |D*(NN) S=1,I=0 > +|D*(NN) S=0,I=1 > |D(NN) S=0,I=1 > 3/4 1/4 0 1/6 1/4 0 Fraction of (D ( * ) N) S=1/2,I=0 D(*)D(*) N N S=1/2 I=0 S=1/2 I=0 weak decay K + π - π - + p + p weak decay K + π - π - + d Cf. D - → K + π - π - 3. Charm exotic nuclei S. Y. and K. Sudoh, PRD80, 034008 (2009)
4. Experimental researches Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Relativistic heavy ion collisions as sources of multi-particles 3. Experimental researches
Nucleus RHIC/LHC 3. Experimental researches Relativistic heavy ion collisions as sources of multi-particles
Nucleus QG P RHIC/LHC 3. Experimental researches Relativistic heavy ion collisions as sources of multi-particles
Hadron phase QG P RHIC/LHC p, Λ,... π, K,... f 0, a 0,... Λ3HΛ3H Exotics? STAR (2003) STAR (2010) 3. Experimental researches Relativistic heavy ion collisions as sources of multi-particles
Hadron phase p, Λ,... π, K,... f 0, a 0,... Λ3HΛ3H Exotics? STAR (2003) STAR (2010) RHIC/LHC 3. Experimental researches Relativistic heavy ion collisions as sources of multi-particles
yields of hadrons from heavy ion colisions ExHIC (Exotics from Heavy Ion Collisions) collaboration S. Cho (Yonsei U.), T. Furumoto (YITP and RIKEN), T. Hyodo (Tokyo Inst. Technology), D. Jido (YITP), C.-M. Ko (Texas A&M U.), S. H. Lee (Yonsei U. and YITP), M. Nielsen (U. de Paulo), A. Ohnishi (YITP), T. Sekihara (YITP and Kyoto U.), K. Yazaki (YITP and RIKEN), S. Y. (KEK) S. Cho et al. (the ExHIC collaboration), arXiv:1011.0852 [nucl-th] 3. Experimental researches
S. Cho et al. (the ExHIC collaboration), arXiv:1011.0852 [nucl-th] Normal hadron 0.2 1 Hadron molecule Multi-quark 3. Experimental researches
S. Cho et al. (the ExHIC collaboration), arXiv:1011.0852 [nucl-th] Normal hadron 0.2 1 Hadron molecule Multi-quark 3. Experimental researches More details → Ohnishi-san‘s talk on Friday!!
CERN, 2 Dec. 2010 J. Schukraft 3. Experimental researches
CERN, 2 Dec. 2010 J. Schukraft 3. Experimental researches
CERN, 2 Dec. 2010 J. Schukraft 3. Experimental researches
5. Summary ・ Exotic charmed hadrons are interesting ! ・ New exotic charmed hadrons T cc, Θ cs, H c,... ・ Charm exotic nuclei D-meson nuclei ・ Experimetal researches Belle, J-PARC, GSI, RHIC/LHC,...
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