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Purkinje Cells Molecular Layer Granule Cells White Matter

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Presentation on theme: "Purkinje Cells Molecular Layer Granule Cells White Matter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Purkinje Cells Molecular Layer Granule Cells White Matter Inf. Cerebellar Peduncle Hypoglossal nucleus Hypoglossal nerve VTT Dorsal Motor nucleus of vagus Medial vestibular nucleus Inferior vestibular nucleus Solitary nucleus Slide 7

2 Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle
Olivary nucleus Slide 8

3 If you lesion the inferior peduncle, are your symptoms ipsilateral or contralateral?
Slide 10

4 Q: What happens if you lesion the Middle Peduncle
Q: What happens if you lesion the Middle Peduncle? Ipsilateral or Contralateral? A: Ipsilateral Q: Where do the Pontine Nuclei receive information from? A: Cortex Q: Where do the Pontine Nuclei project its info? Thru what? A: Projects info to the Cerebellum thru the middle cerebellar peduncle Q: What happens if you have a lesion to the pontine nuclei? A: Also lesion CST -> Conttralateral UMN, spastic paralysis Pontine Nuclei -> just a tremor Vestigial Nucleus Globos Nucleus Emboliform Nucleus Denticulate Nucleus Middle Cerebellar Peduncle CST Pontine Nuclei Slide 12

5 1. Lesion to Superior Cerebellar peduncle. Ipsilateral or Contralateral?
2. Abducens nucleus 3. Abducens nerve 4. Facial nucleus 5. VTT Medial lamniscus CST Superior Vestibular nucleus Trigeminal tract and nucleus Slide 13

6 Slide 17 Decussation of the Superior Cerebellar peduncle. (they cross like an X) VTT Medial leminscus CST Spinothalamic Tract Lateral leminscus Inferior Colliculus Medial Longitudnal Fasiculus

7 BASAL GANGLIA Pineal Gland Sup. Colliculus Sub. Niagra Red Nucleus Occulomotor (CN3) nuclei 3rd Nerve Slide 20 Close up

8 Subthalamic nucleus Corticospinal tract Corticobulbar tract Medial Lamniscus Spinothalamic tract Optic Nerve Slide 21

9 Mammillary Bodies Red nucleus Substancia Niagra Internal Capsule Piece of Subthalamic Nucleus Slide 21 Close-up

10 Internal Capsule Cerebreal Peduncle Subthalamic nucleus Lenticular fasiculus Thalamic Fasiculus Thalamus 3rd Ventricle Optic Nerve Hypothalamus Amygdala Slide 22

11 Fornix Foramen of Monroe Lateral Ventricle Choroid plexus 3rd ventricle Thalamus Ant commissure Putamen Caudate, Body (smaller) Lateral Globus Paladus Medial Globus Palladus Ansa lenticularis (1/2 of the output of medical globus palladus) 13. Dorsomedial nucleus 14. Anterior nucleus Slide 23

12 Slide 24 Caudate Putamen Int. Capsule Corpus Callosum Cingulate Gyrus Septum Pallucidum Lateral Ventricle Fornix

13 6.26B Pineal Gland Superior Colliculus Pretectal nucleus (vision)
Posterior Commissure Cerebral Aqueduct Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Red Nucleus Subthalamic Nucleus Internal Capsule just turned into Peduncle Optic Nerve 3rd ventricle Pulvinar 6.26B

14 6.29B Q: Where is the lesion located? A: Medial Geniculate
Q: What are its Deficits? A: Effects Localization of sound AND there is 75% loss on contralateral side Fornix Pulvinar Lateral Geniculate (vision) – ‘hat’ Medial Geniculate (auditory) 6.29B

15 6.30B Pulvinar VPL VPM Centromedian nucleus *Subthalamic Nucleus*
Medial section of globus paladus (‘The Brake’) Ansa Lenticularis Hypothalamus Pineal Gland Habenular Nucleus (smell to sympathetics) 6.30B

16 6.31B Hippocampus Lateral Ventricle (inferior horn) Dorsomedial
Internal Medullary Lamina VL (ventral Lateral nuclei) Reticular nucleus Caudate Lateral Ventricle (Body) Stria Terminalis Stria Medularis Thalami (Outflow from olfaction.. Olfactory area -> habenular nucleus) 6.31B

17 6.32B Dorsomedial VL Caudate Reticular Nucleus Hippocampus
Mamillary Bodies Fornix 6.32B

18 6.33B Ant. Nucleus Dorsomedial n. VA Hippocampus Caudate
Stria Terminalis (outflow of the amygdala) Reticular nucleus- white line (like a little shell around thalamus) 6.33B

19 6.34B Putamen Lat. Globus Paladus Medial Globus Paladus
Ansa Lenticularis Amygdala Uncus 6.34B

20 6.35B Corpus Callosum Septum Pellucidum Caudate Internal Capsule
Putamen Globus paladus Ant. Commissure Collums of the fornix 6.35B

21 6.36B Internal capsule (anterior limb) Corpus Callosum
Septum Pellucidum Optic Chiasm 6.36B

22 Lateral Ventricle Caudate nucleus Internal capsule Putamen 6.37B

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