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Case 4 F, 70 ys, lower leg Erythematous patch Clinical suspicious: pemphigoid? Patient followed by Department of Oncology.

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Presentation on theme: "Case 4 F, 70 ys, lower leg Erythematous patch Clinical suspicious: pemphigoid? Patient followed by Department of Oncology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case 4 F, 70 ys, lower leg Erythematous patch Clinical suspicious: pemphigoid? Patient followed by Department of Oncology

2 Punch biopsy







9 CD20

10 CD3


12 CD79a

13 CD5

14 CD23

15 CD43

16 Mib-1

17 Further clinical information  History of B-CLL FINAL DIAGNOSIS FINAL DIAGNOSIS Cutaneous localization of B-CLL Cutaneous localization of B-CLL CD20+; CD79a+; CD5+; CD23+; CD43+; CD3-. CD20+; CD79a+; CD5+; CD23+; CD43+; CD3-.

18 Follow-up: spontaneous resolution of the lesion (Kazakov D et al. Dermatology 2003; 207: 111-115)  H&E: monomorphous lymphocytes, small size but with hyperchromatic nuclei  Immunohistochemistry: large panel r/o Mantle Cell Lymphoma (cyclin D1-; low Mib-1) r/o Mantle Cell Lymphoma (cyclin D1-; low Mib-1)  Clinical information: not given, at least directly!

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