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Risk FactorGoal SmokingCessation, using counseling or medications ObesityWeight Reduction by: Exercise: 30 – 60 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic.

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Presentation on theme: "Risk FactorGoal SmokingCessation, using counseling or medications ObesityWeight Reduction by: Exercise: 30 – 60 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic."— Presentation transcript:


2 Risk FactorGoal SmokingCessation, using counseling or medications ObesityWeight Reduction by: Exercise: 30 – 60 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise at least 3 times per week Diet: Fat of <30% total calories with <7% saturated fat and <1% trans fat; sodium restriction HypertensionBlood Pressure of <130/80mmHg DyslipidemiaTG <150mg/dL High Risk Patients: LDL <70mg/dL Non-HDL <100mg/dL Apo B <80mg/dL Non-High Risk Patients: LDL <100mg/dL Non-HDL <130mg/dL Apo B <90mg/dL

3 HyperglycemiaHbA1C <7% Hypercoagulability/DysfibrinolysisAspirin primary prevention in high risk patients * * Secondary prevention in patients with cardiovascular disease InflammationHigh-sensitivity C-reactive protein <2mg/L ** **

4 ComplicationMethodFrequencyOptimal Goals NephropathyUrine MicroalbuminAnnually * * Albumin <30mg/24hr or Albumin- Creatinine ratio<30mg/g in random urine specimen GFR estimation by serum creatinine AnnuallyGFR > 90 mL/min/1.72m 2

5  Diabetic retinopathy is a complication from diabetes that affects the eyes. It sometimes leads to partial vision loss and eventually results in blindness. The leading cause of blindness in adults, diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to or swelling of the blood vessels in the back of the eye (the retina), which is constructed of light-sensitive tissue. In some cases, blood vessels can leak fluid into the eye's macula causing blurred vision. In other cases, new blood vessels grow abnormally, attaching to the surface of the retina. Anyone with type 1 or type 2 diabetes is at risk but especially longtime diabetics and those with less controlled blood sugar levels. 

6 ComplicationMethodFrequencyOptimal Goals Retinopathy Regular eye check ups Dilated and comprehensive eye exam Initially Type 1: 3–5 years after onset Type 2: From diagnosis Annually; more frequently if pregnant or progressive retinopathy Primary prevention, delay of progression and prevention of blindness from retinopathy

7 ComplicationMethodFrequencyOptimal Goals NeuropathyDaily self-inspection of feet Every visitIntact skin Comprehensive foot examination AnnuallyNormal examination Examination for distal symmetric polyneuropathy At diagnosis and annually Early detection and limb preservation Assessment for autonomic neuropathy Type 1: 5 years after diagnosis Type 2: from diagnosis Early detection, symptom control, recognition of associated cardiovascular risk

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