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Brown’s Bay Dive Site Presented by Chris Bishop PADI DiveMaster Candidate.

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Presentation on theme: "Brown’s Bay Dive Site Presented by Chris Bishop PADI DiveMaster Candidate."— Presentation transcript:


2 Brown’s Bay Dive Site Presented by Chris Bishop PADI DiveMaster Candidate

3 Welcome to the North East

4 Brown’s Bay is located on the North East coast between Cullercoats and Whitley Bay

5 Brown’s Bay Whitley Bay Cullercoats

6 zooming in closer to see the street names

7 Brown’s Bay

8 A view from the air

9 The site has an interesting array of aquatic flora and fauna, popular for fish, crab, lobster, pipefish, starfish and a dense garden of kelp It is also the home of the Butetown wreck An ideal mix of features which make for a worthy dive to a maximum depth of around 9 metres

10 The nearest Dive Centre is on Front Street in Tynemouth


12 But the best place to go is Aquanorth on the Coast Road



15 The staff there are very friendly and knowledgeable

16 Route from Aquanorth to Brown’s Bay

17 Get there early enough in the morning and you can park at the end of Windsor Terrace


19 Otherwise park round the corner on the Promenade in Rockliffe Gardens


21 Keep in mind that the changing facilities are somewhat sparse


23 Changed and kitted up head over the road to the steps that lead down to sea level

24 The steps furthest South are steep and are more suited to spectators

25 The set to the North of the site starts with a ramp and has four turns with level areas which are ideal for a quick rest on the way This is the preferred route


27 So down the steps we go …





32 Nearly there and the entry points are almost in sight

33 Pass by the old Victorian pool on the left – this can be used for confined water surface training exercises


35 then the wall that separates the pool from the sea


37 To the entry points on the other side of the wall


39 The straight part of the wall is a good navigation reference point as it sits at 45°


41 From the corner of the pool, a bearing to St Mary’s Lighthouse is almost due North


43 Looking down from the Promenade, parts of the reef can be seen projecting into the bay


45 Another view with the tide further out and more of the rocks exposed


47 A view of the gulley leading out to part of the reef


49 A rough map of the area copied from the book Shipwrecks of the North East


51 And again but without the surrounding areas showing just the dive site


53 Adding some details

54 High water line

55 The Preferred Route steps

56 The old Victorian pool

57 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Sandy training area

58 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Sandy training area

59 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Sandy training area Kelp

60 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp

61 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp North

62 Take this heading for the sandy training area


64 Visibility can be very good


66 Young flatfish can often be seen on the sand


68 Here is another local resident

69 Log the dive


71 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp

72 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3

73 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3 4

74 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3 4 5

75 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3 4 55

76 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3 4 554

77 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3 4 554 4

78 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3 4 554 4 5

79 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3 4 554 4 5 6

80 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3 4 554 4 5 6 6

81 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3 4 554 4 5 6 6 6

82 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3 4 554 4 5 6 6 6 6

83 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3 4 554 4 5 6 6 6 6 5

84 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area 2 North Kelp 3 4 554 4 5 6 6 6 6 5 4

85 Dive Data Max depth: 6 Metres Visibility: 5 Metres Temperature: 15°C Duration: 21 Minutes

86 When the tide turns the surface current can be quite strong and you could find yourself 150 to 200 metres off shore close to the lobster pot lines

87 Steps Pool Butetown Current Lobster-pot buoy

88 Steps Pool Butetown Current Lobster-pot buoy

89 Steps Pool Butetown Current Lobster-pot buoy

90 Steps Pool Butetown Current Lobster-pot buoy

91 Steps Pool Butetown Current Lobster-pot buoy

92 Steps Pool Butetown Current Lobster-pot buoy

93 Steps Pool Butetown Current Lobster-pot buoy

94 Take this heading for the wreck of the Butetown


96 The wreck is approximately 150 metres from the entry point. Follow the gully from the old pool, swim away from the shore and descend to avoid any surge - especially noticeable close to the shore on the higher tides. Head out to the reef with a bearing of 120° and when you reach it keep it on your right hand side. There are several gaps in the reef wall which allow access or continue until you reach the kelp and then clamber through. On the other side you will see the wreckage below you. There are ribs, plates and two large boilers. When the visibility is good you can see most of wreckage covering about 20 metres.

97 Uncle Bob leading the way through the kelp

98 A more detailed sketch (made by a very experienced local diver) showing the reef, some hull plating and the boilers

99 Visible area at low tide NORTH

100 Visible area at low tide Edge of the reef NORTH

101 Visible area at low tide Edge of the reef Probable hull outline NORTH

102 Visible area at low tide Edge of the reef Probable hull outline Boilers NORTH

103 Visible area at low tide Edge of the reef Probable hull outline Boilers Deck plating NORTH

104 Visible area at low tide Edge of the reef Probable hull outline Boilers Deck plating Further wreckage NORTH

105 Visible area at low tide Edge of the reef Probable hull outline Boilers Deck plating Further wreckage

106 Visible area at low tide Edge of the reef Probable hull outline Boilers Deck plating Further wreckage NORTH

107 Parts of the plating still intact

108 Some of the ribs

109 Remains of one of the boilers

110 Surfacing from the wreck reveals the following transit-points

111 At 270° the left hand lamp- post should line up with the turret on the left At 340° the arches on the left should just be visible past the headland

112 Log the dive


114 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp North

115 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North

116 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22

117 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3

118 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 4

119 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 5 4

120 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 5 4

121 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 6 5 4

122 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 6 6 5 4

123 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 6 6 5 4 5

124 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 6 6 5 4 5 5

125 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 6 6 5 4 5 5 4

126 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 6 6 5 4 5 5 4 4

127 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 6 6 5 4 5 5 4 4 5

128 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 6 6 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 6

129 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 6 6 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 6 6

130 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 6 6 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 6 6 7

131 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 6 6 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 6 6 7 7

132 The Preferred Route steps The old Victorian pool Reef Wreckage of the Butetown Sandy training area Kelp 120° North 22 3 6 6 6 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 6

133 Dive Data Max depth: 7 Metres Visibility: 5 Metres Temperature: 15°C Duration: 24 Minutes

134 At low tide, a view of the gully leading up from one of the exit points


136 What’s needed after an enjoyable dive is a cup of tea and some food

137 But there isn’t one of these so you’ll have to wait until you get home !

138 Safety Information

139 Life buoys are located just above the dive site along the promenade In case of emergencies and where appropriate, dial 999 and ask for Coastguard Emergency Services The nearest RNLI station is South of Brown’s Bay in Cullercoats Harbour


141 Contact Numbers Aquanorth Dive Centre: 0191-266-6626 North Tyneside Police: 0191-214-6555 Hull Hyperbaric Unit: 01482-659471 Cullercoats Lifeguard: 0191-252-1820 Coastguard: VHF Ch16

142 Always follow safe dive practices and procedures Doing so will greatly reduce the chance of having to call for one of these


144 Brown’s Bay Dive Site Remember Being Wary Reduces All Failures and Safely Ascend From Every Dive

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