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The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals NCEA Convention Thursday, April 27th 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. Room 348.

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals NCEA Convention Thursday, April 27th 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. Room 348."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals NCEA Convention Thursday, April 27th 3:00 - 4:15 p.m. Room 348

2 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Presentation Overview School Mission: Psychological well-being of students Nature of Student Referrals Recommended / Required Referral Process –Information gathering –Decision making –Outside Expertise –School Conference Role of Administrators in the Referral Process

3 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Catholic School Leadership & School Mission Development of WHOLE Student INCLUDESPsychological Growth & Development of Students Promoting that Development Assistance in Overcoming Blocks

4 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Basis in Catholic Theology Vatican II Declaration on Christian Education The Catholic school enables young people to develop their own personality, giving “due weight” to the advances of psychology. Congregation for Catholic Education (1988) The school “and all its activities have only one purpose -- to help them in their growth toward maturity.”

5 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals All data reported based on national survey of Catholic secondary school principals (1997).

6 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Research: “Psychological Well-Being” as part of school mission Well-being of Students as part of the school’s mission MOST IMPORTANT 34.3% MAJOR IMPORTANCE 56.4% AVERAGE IMPORTANCE 9.3%

7 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Research: Role / Contribution Research: Role / Contribution: Promoting Psychological Development RoleContribution Role Contribution counselors1 (3.74)** 1 (3.70) chaplains2 (3.61) 2 (3.46) parents3 (3.40) 6 (3.19) teachers4 (3.39) 3 (3.30) administrators5 (3.38) 3 (3.30) ** Mean Scores Reported -- Rating Scale Values “Most Important Role / Primary Contribution” = 4.00 “Major Importance / Significant Contribution” = 3.00

8 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Definition: School-initiated Referrals Instances where a school contacts the parent(s) or guardian of a student Recommends / requires Student undergo a psychological evaluation Administered by a licensed counselor or therapist For the purposes of determining the possible benefits of a course of counseling / psychotherapy for the student

9 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Categories of Student Referrals for Psychological Services RECOMMENDED Referral School recommends that a student undergo a psychological evaluation. REQUIRED Referral School requires that a student undergo a psychological evaluation / testing, as a condition for continued enrollment.

10 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Research: Referral Practices / Policies of Catholic High Schools CURRENT PRACTICE Recommend Recommend students for evaluations 100% Require students undergo evaluations 94.2% SCHOOL POLICIES EXIST for RECOMMENDED Referrals 74.4% for REQUIRED Referrals 66.0% POLICIES in WRITING for RECOMMENDED Referrals 40.7% for REQUIRED Referrals 45.1%

11 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals PROCESS for Recommended Referrals Steps Information Gathering Evaluation / Decision - making Parent - Student Conference & Referral to Outside Services Follow-up

12 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Pre-Requisites for Process EXPLICIT Information System Information flows freely down and UP the organization Climate of trust - confidentiality Shared concern for student welfare EXPLICIT Coordinator Designated Target Person –Counselor –Class Coordinator / Moderator –Administrator

13 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Research: Who Initiates Recommended Referral Process STAFFRecommendedRequired Counselors1 (2.20) 1 (1.86) Principal2 (1.91) 1 (1.86) Other Admin.3 (1.75) 3 (1.69) Teachers4 (1.67) 5 (1.28) Chaplains5 (1.63) 4 (1.38) Range: |------------------|--------------------|-------------------| 0123 neverseldomsometimesfrequently Initiate recommended / required referral

14 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Recommended Referrals: Information Gathering –BEGINS WITH: Concern about student well-being –FROM: Academic Report Disciplinary Report Teacher Support Staff Administrator Parent Other Students Student her/himself –INFORMATION PROVIDED Reason(s) for concern Directly Observable Data –TO: Designated Coordinator

15 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Egs: Student behaviors Poor academic functioning –displays lack on prerequisite skills or abilities –displays lack in motivation –unclear causal factors for poor performance Social / emotional difficulties –social deficits (shy, overanxious, inhibited) –social excesses (aggressive, defiant, disruptive) Family situations –Violence in the home –Child abuse –Separation / divorce –Death of a relative

16 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals BEHAVIORS / SITUATIONS Health problems –affecting attendance, performance Alcohol Drug Use Suicidal Ideation –verbalized or attempted

17 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Research: Patterns of School Referrals ALWAYS / FREQUENTLY Refer: –Suicidal Ideation –Child Abuse –Alcohol or Drug Use –Violence in the Home –Bizarre Behavior LEAST LIKELY to Refer: –Problems of poor academic functioning

18 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals In 1997 : SUICIDAL IDEATION Would not ALWAYS recommend evaluation 21% Would not ALWAYS require evaluation 30% REPEATED IDEATION Would not ALWAYS require evaluation 13% Occasionally, seldom, never recommend referral Child abuse (repeated) 10% Violence in home (repeated) 35%

19 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Recommended Referrals: Decision Making Evaluation / Decision - making Coordinator - Student Interview Coordinator Assessment –“Concern” judged minor –More information needed In-school Outside expertise Coordinator Decision –No further action at present –Continue to monitor student –Referred to other school services –Outside referral warranted

20 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Research: Relations with Mental Health Professionals “Outside Expertise” School maintains referral list 95% Dio.Ed. Office has referral list 45% Uncertain about diocesan list41% School relationship exists with: –Social Workers69.8% –Family Therapists62.2% –Psychologists57.6% H.S. Principals: Highest Confidence in –Psychologists, Counselors, Family Therapists H.S. Principals: Lowest Confidence in –Pastoral Counseling / Diocesan Referral Agencies

21 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Recommended Referrals: Parent-Student Conference / Participants PARTICIPANTS Option 1: Parent(s) / Guardian(s) Student Coordinator Option 2: Parent(s) / Guardian(s) Coordintor –then, Student

22 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Parent school conference: AGENDA AGENDA: School concerns Observable data Parent / Student response “Assessment” vs. “Therapy” School’s Recommendation Referral List Mental Health Agencies / Professionals Time-table for follow-up

23 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Recommended Referrals: FOLLOWUP Follow-up As Recommended Referral: Coordinator contacts parent / guardian Was contact ever made? Assessment, testing done? Results?; Therapy indicated? Release information to school? (specific offices; degree of detail) How can school further assist family & student? Schedule of further “check-ins”

24 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Recommended Referrals: Administrator’s Role Roles/Responsibilities of Administrators Promote Mission / Climate Clear, Explicit Process in Place Regular Review of Process Appoint Coordinator –Initial Selection “Mentally Healthy” Sensitive to students Community trust / confidence Knowledge / Training Know limitations –On-going supervision / training

25 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals REQUIRED Referrals REQUIRED REFERRALS The school requires that a student undergo a psychological evaluation / testing, as a condition for continued enrollment. Initiation of this process assumes: –Serious student situation / behavior and / or –Recurrent pattern of behavior

26 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Research: Required Referrals for Students 94% Catholic High Schools use required referrals As condition - continued enrollment 88% With other disciplinary action (s)75% In lieu of disciplinary action41% Before deciding school’s response 35% (n =162)

27 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals REQUIRED Referrals: Process Overview Predetermined : Process, Responsibilities, Roles and Authority Process: Information Gathering Evaluation / Decision - making Parental Notification Parent - Student Conference & Referral to Outside Services Post-scripts: Authority of Administrators Dealing with Evaluators

28 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Participants in Decision-making + Conference w/ Parents

29 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals REQUIRED Referrals: Principal’s Participation Decision-Making Process School Conference w/ Parents

30 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals REQUIRED Referrals: Information Gathering and Decision making Information Gathering – Input + Consultation Decision-Making –Participants in Discussion –Decision-makers CONSIDERATIONS –Evaluation of student –Recommend or Require ? –Terms of Requirement –Other conditions

31 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals REQUIRED Referrals: School DO’s & DON’T’s A School CAN : Require psychological evaluation/testing Specify who does the evaluation Require the results & prognosis be shared with authorized school officials If results warrant it, require the student undergo a course of therapy or treatment Co-determine the duration of therapy or treatment. A School CANNOT : Require therapy / treatment WITHOUT professional evaluation Dictate a specific agency or professional to conduct the therapy Require specific therapy progress reports

32 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals REQUIRED Referrals: Parent Notification & School Conference Parental Notification School Conference – Pre-conference: School personnel Participants Agenda Role assignments

33 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals REQUIRED Referrals: School- Family Conference AGENDA –Observable data –School’s concerns –Parent / Student response –“Assessment” vs. “Therapy” –School’s Requirement Specific Conditions –Referral List Mental Health Agencies / Professionals –Timetable for action

34 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Roles & Responsibilities of Administrators in Required Referrals Provide Staff & Budget Clear referral process in place Regular review of process Establish / maintain relationships with mental health professionals Willingness to speak on behalf of the best interests of the student and the school.

35 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals AUTHORITY & EXPERTISE Differentiating the Administrator’s AUTHORITY & EXPERTISE Therapeutic Helperas Therapeutic Helper In the best interest of the student - Something is wrong: –Can the school help you find out Professional Evaluatoras Professional Evaluator In the best interest of the student - Something is wrong: –Is this the best place for your child ? Professional Evaluatoras Professional Evaluator Protecting the Common Good - Something is wrong: –It is affecting the school community.

36 The Role of Catholic School Administrators in Student Psychological Referrals Suggestions: Mental Health EVALUATOR MUST be familiar with the school: –Academic & disciplinary expectations for students –Willingness to adapt rules Evaluation must include : Given the diagnosis –Therapy / treatment is (not) warranted Given the nature of the school –Student can[not] function within the expectations of the school {during the course of therapy} –Therapy must continue until such time as the professional & the school deem sufficient.

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