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ConsolidatingRegional Public Public Safety. Users SUPPORTING THE PUBLIC SAFTEY COMMITTEE Chiefs & Sheriffs Management Committee Business Technical CrimeAnalysis.

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Presentation on theme: "ConsolidatingRegional Public Public Safety. Users SUPPORTING THE PUBLIC SAFTEY COMMITTEE Chiefs & Sheriffs Management Committee Business Technical CrimeAnalysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 ConsolidatingRegional Public Public Safety

2 Users SUPPORTING THE PUBLIC SAFTEY COMMITTEE Chiefs & Sheriffs Management Committee Business Technical CrimeAnalysis

3 CHIEFS & SHERIFFS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Promote regional collaboration in the acquisition, maintenance, and sharing of public safety technology Approve and implement the ARJIS and Criminal Justice Research annual work program and budget Establish and recommend public safety policies that relate to ARJIS and Criminal Justice Research

4 TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP Review and evaluate new technologies to enhance officer and public safety Recommend technical and security standards Provide technical review of ARJIS projects

5 BUSINESS WORKING GROUP Provide business case and ROI (return on investment) justification in support of ARJIS projects Develop the initial ARJIS budget and work program Develop and recommend policies relating to information sharing

6 USERS WORKING GROUP Ensure user compliance with DOJ and FBI security mandates Develop operational requirements for information sharing initiatives Provide input and feedback on system functionality, reliability, and performance

7 CRIME ANALYSIS WORKING GROUP Verify and validate regional public safety information Ensure agencies meet mandated DOJ/FBI reporting requirements Recommend crime analysis system and reporting enhancements

8 CURRENT SCENARIO Criminal Justice Research has been a SANDAG division since 1977 Criminal justice funding maintained separately ARJIS has been a JPA (Joint Powers Agency) since 1980 ARJIS policy oversight provided by a Board of Directors ARJIS staff provided by the SDPD to comply with DOJ/FBI policy

9 PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISIONS AT SANDAG Automated Regional Justice Information Systems (ARJIS) Criminal Justice Research

10 ARJIS Cops use ARJIS to solve crimes, identify suspects, and enhance officer and public safety 50 federal, state, and local public safety agencies Information hub for justice data from across the region Access via a secure justice only intranet - ARJISNET Regional mapping/crime statistics

11 RECENT ARJIS STATISTICS 1.8 mil. Law enforcement transactions in 2002 2.9 mil. Police incidents in ARJIS 5 mil. Booking photos statewide 4.4 mil. Maps and crime stats. by public & law enforcement in the past 6 months 11,000 Law enforcement personnel use ARJIS 3,000 PCs & laptops connected to ARJISNET



14 REGIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS USER Enters John Doe 19600614 JIMS Booking Info CCMS Court Info JURIS D.A. Info PROBATION Probation Reports DMV SHERIFF Want/Warrant CALPHOTO Booking Photos ARJIS Local Incidents REJIS Juv. Probation Orders CLETS STATE Wanted Persons = Firewall DMV Records Federal Federal Info JUSTICE INFORMATION SYSTEMS

15 CRIMINAL JUSTICE RESEARCH Analysis of crime trendsAnalysis of crime trends Outreach/community collaborationOutreach/community collaboration Resource for criminal justice informationResource for criminal justice information Program evaluationsProgram evaluations

16 ARREST RATES HAVE DECLINED Arrest Rate Per 1,000 San Diego Region


18 ConsolidatingRegional Public Public Safety

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