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CLAS12 – RICH PARAMETERDESIGN VALUE Momentum range3-8 GeV/c  /K rejection factor Not less than 500  /p rejection factor Not less than 100 Angular coverage5.

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1 CLAS12 – RICH PARAMETERDESIGN VALUE Momentum range3-8 GeV/c  /K rejection factor Not less than 500  /p rejection factor Not less than 100 Angular coverage5 o to 35 o Cherenkov light radiatorAerogel Aerogel refraction index1.05 Photodetector64 channels photomultipliers (MA-PMTs) Number of PMTs391 Total number of readout channels25024 ElectronicsMAROC3 and FPGA on detector boards fully integrated into the CLAS12 DAQ Data transfer to CLAS12 DAQFiber optics cables Spherical mirrorCarbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) Radius of curvature =4000 mm Area= 3.38 m 2 Flat mirrorSandwich with glass skin (0.7+0.7 mm) and CFRP honeycomb core 8.6 mm thick RICH - TECHNICAL PARAMETERS The Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector (RICH) is designed to improve CLAS12 particle identification in the momentum range 3-8 GeV/c and will replace one sector of the existing LTCC detector. The RICH design incorporates aerogel radiators, visible light photon detectors, and a focusing mirror system which will be used to reduce the detection area instrumented by photon detectors to ~1 m 2. Multi-anode photomultiplier tubes (MA-PMTs) provide the required spatial resolution and match the aerogel Cherenkov light spectrum (visible and near-ultraviolet region). For forward scattered particles (  < 13 o ) with momenta 3 - 8 GeV/c, a proximity imaging method with thin (2 cm) aerogel and direct Cherenkov light detection will be used. For larger incident particle angles of 13 o <  <35 o and momenta of 3 - 6 GeV/c, the Cherenkov light will be produced by a thicker aerogel (6 cm), focused by a spherical mirror, undergo two further passes through the thin radiator material and a reflection from planar mirrors before detection.

2 Contact: P. Rossi, project manager ( M. Contalbrigo (, V. Kubarovsky (, M. Mirazita ( V. D. Burkert, Hall B leader ( ) Project Status 1.Electronics: ASIC MAROC3 and FPGA boards design is in progress. 2.Aerogel: engineering phase is ongoing at the Russian research Institute from Novosibirsk. In January 2014 they successfully produced large (up to 20x20 cm 2 ) aerogel samples. 3.Mirrors: Manufacture engineering phase is ongoing with companies in Italy and USA. Our specifications are well below their standards. 4.Mechanics: Detailed work has been carrying out to define compatibility and dimensional assembly of the MA-PMTs. Work for prototyping a smaller area of the MA-PMT support system is ongoing. 5.MA-PMTs: The delivery of the first 20 PMTs by Hamamatsu is expected in March 2014. 6.PMT test stand: assembled at JLab and ready to be used. Significant dates – 2012-2013: Test-beam with electrons (Frascati-INFN) and hadrons (CERN). – June 2013: Hall-B review. – Sep. 2013: Physics Division review with DOE observers. – Sep. 2013: RICH project started. – Sep. 2013: Hamamatsu contract awarded. – Oct. 2016: Start RICH assembly. Construction Strategy and Project Leadership –The RICH collaboration includes INFN(Italy), JLab (USA), Argonne National Lab (USA), Duquesne University (USA), Kyungpook National University (Republic of Korea), J. Gutenberg Universitat Mainz (Germany), Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (Chile), University of Connecticut, University of Glasgow (UK). – The detector components (aerogel, PMTs, mirrors and electronics) will be tested at the collaboration institutions. – The whole assembly will take place at JLab. Test beam set-up at CERN MA-PMTs Aerogel K  K/  separation at p=6 GeV/c Cherenkov Ring Radius MA-PMTs Aerogel

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