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Assisting Career-Technical Education Teachers Working in Mixed-Ability Classrooms Connections to Education Conference, Ohio ACTE Annual.

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Presentation on theme: "Assisting Career-Technical Education Teachers Working in Mixed-Ability Classrooms Connections to Education Conference, Ohio ACTE Annual."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assisting Career-Technical Education Teachers Working in Mixed-Ability Classrooms Connections to Education Conference, Ohio ACTE Annual Conference 2014 Stacia Kaschak, M.Ed, Kent State University Robert Baer, Ph.D, Kent State University Davison Mupinga, Ph.D, Kent State University

2 CTE Teacher Needs Focus Group Findings: ◦ Terminology - frustrated with all the terms, definitions, and acronyms. ◦ Legality/Liability Issues - concerned about appropriateness and liability. ◦ Student Placement - frustrated with process of placing students and achieving industry standards. ◦ Program Standards - concerned with students' ability to become gainfully employed and pass licensing exams. ◦ Performance Assessments - confused about assessing students equitably. ◦ Support Awareness - confused about supports available and their involvement in the IEP process. ◦ Effective Instructional Strategies - needed strategies to reach all students in their classrooms and labs

3 Purpose of the CTE Project The CTE Project was funded by the Office for Exceptional Children and Office of Career- Technical Education to: ◦ Identify CTE instructor needs in conjunction with university faculty and CTE teachers ◦ Develop and field test a module to improve the preparation of CTE instructors in addressing the needs of diverse students. ◦ Develop a web-based training and technical assistance site for CTE teachers. ◦ Provide regional and local professional development opportunities

4 Essential Elements of Universal Design for Learning The Higher Education Act of 2008 defined UDL as: 1. Flexibility in ways that content is presented 2. Flexibility in ways that students are engaged with content 3. Flexibility in ways that students respond to content 4. Providing Opportunities & Eliminating Barriers for Students with Disabilities

5 Module 1 Flexibility in Presentation of Content Through Universal Design

6 Graphic Organizers Unit and Lesson Unit and Lesson Organizers Auditory Auditory Enhancements ComicsComics and Graphic Novels 6. The Key Concepts 3. Last Section: Introduction 1.Current Module: Universal Design 4. Next Module: Engaging Students 5. Big question: How do we make our presentations accessible to as many students as possible? 2. Is about: 2. Is about: 7. Self-test questions 1.How are graphic organizers delivered? 2.What is the purpose of the first three steps in the Lesson Organizer 3.Why are key concepts often different than competency descriptors? 4.How can comics and graphic organizers be used? 5.What is a “sound field” and why is it important for learning? 8. Unit Schedule 1.Lecture 2.Demonstration of graphic organizers 3.Discussion of comics and graphic novels 4.Discussion of auditory enhancements 5.Group activity in developing a graphic organizer for a lesson that is based on CTE competencies. Graphic Organizer for CTE in Mixed-Ability Classrooms-Module 1

7 Why Use Graphic Organizers? Research indicates that students remember: ◦ 10% of what they hear ◦ 80% of what they see and do The purpose of graphic organizers is to create a mental picture of information that makes retrieval easier.

8 Graphic Organizers – the Content Enhancement (SIM) Approach Content Enhancement is a graphic organizer that was designed by the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning (Deshler & Shumaker, 2005) This graphic organizer can be used to introduce students to the: (a) course, (b) the unit, (c) each lesson, or (d) specific problem solving or categorizing activities The following graphic organizers are adapted from this Content Enhancement approach

9 Module 2 Flexibility in Ways that Students are Engaged with Content

10 Guided Notes and Outlines Mnemonics Task Analyses Feedback and Reinforcements 6. The Key Concepts 3. Last Section: Universal Design 1.Current Module: Engaging Students 4. Next Module: Differentiating Instruction 5. Big question: How do we motivate and guide students in Their learning? 2. Is about: 2. Is about: 7. Self-test questions 1.How could a teacher use a graphic organizer from Module 1 as guided notes? 2.What are the two common types of mnemonics? 3.Name one strategy for increasing the frequency of feedback 4.What is grandma’s principle? 5.Name three ways to train students using a task analysis 8. Unit Schedule 1.Discussion about guided notes and feedback 2.Demonstration of a feedback strategy 3.Discussion of reinforcements 4.Discussion of task analyses 5.Group exercise on task analyses and mnemonics Graphic Organizer for CTE in Mixed-Ability Classrooms-Module 2

11 Task Analyses Task analyses ◦ Task is broken down into steps  Smaller steps for students experiencing difficulty with a task Teaching using task analyses ◦ Backward chaining -teaches last step until mastered, then last two steps, etc. ◦ Forward chaining -teaches first step until mastered, then first two steps, etc. ◦ Whole task chaining teaches all steps together

12 Recording Progress with Task Analysis 1. Cross out steps completed independently 2. Circle total number of steps completed 3. Connect circles to create graph of progress

13 Module 3 Flexibility in Ways that Students Respond to Content

14 Differentiated Instruction Cooperative Learning 6. The Key Concepts 3. Last Section: Engaging Students 1.Current Module: Differentiated Instruction 4. Next Module: Opportunities for Students with Disabilities 5. Big question: How do we provide choices and different ways of learning core content 2. Is about: 2. Is about: 7. Self-test questions 1.How is differentiated instruction different from “watered-down” curricula 2.Name several ways that students can approach core content using Tomlinson’s “Think-Tac-Toe 3.What are the two key criteria for developing cooperative learning projects 4.Why is it important to work in mixed-ability groups? 5.Describe the steps in the “Jigsaw” approach to cooperative learning 8. Unit Schedule 1.Discussion of the importance of differentiated instruction for mixed-ability classrooms 2.Presentation of the “Think Tac Toe” model 3.Discussion of the importance of cooperative learning 4.Presentation of the “Jigsaw” model 5.Group exercise in developing a cooperative learning project Graphic Organizer for CTE in Mixed-Ability Classrooms-Module 3 Learning Styles Cognitive Approaches

15 Differentiated Assignments Improves students response to instruction by: ◦ Making it more relevant to student learning goals ◦ Allowing students to approach learning in their own way Assignments may be differentiated to promote: ◦ Different ways of thinking about a concept ◦ Different ways of approaching or implementing a concept

16 Think Tac Toe Developed by Carol Tomlinson (2001) who is a recognized expert in differentiated instruction Is designed to be aligned with key concepts and standards Has been applied in a number of ways including cognitive and learning styles approaches

17 Think Tac Toe Method - Differentiating Learning Expression Kinesthetic Whole body games, movement activities, making models, following instructions to make something, setting up experiments Knowledge list, define, tell, describe, identify, show, label, collect, examine, quote, name, who, when, where Auditory interviewing, debating participating on a panel giving oral reports participating in oral discussions of written material Comprehension Summarize, describe, interpret, contrast, predict, associate, distinguish, estimate, discuss, extend Core Content information is presented in sequential steps, lessons are structured and teacher-directed goals are clear requirements are spelled out Synthesis combine, integrate, modify, rearrange, substitute, plan, create, design, invent, what if?, compose, formulate, prepare, generalize, rewrite Visual computer graphics maps, graphs, charts, cartoons, posters, diagrams, graphic organizers, text with a lot of pictures Evaluation assess, decide, rank, grade, test, measure, recommend, convince, select, judge, explain, discriminate, support, conclude, compare Tactile Drawing, playing board games, making dioramas, making models, following instructions to make something

18 Module 4 Providing Opportunities & Eliminating Barriers for Students with Disabilities

19 Legislation Tech-Prep Implications for SWD Accommodations, Technology, and Supports Ensuring Success for Students with Disabilities 6. The Key Concepts 3. Last Section: Differentiating Instruction 1.Current Module: Providing Opportunities for Students with Disabilities 4. Next Module: Next steps and evaluation 5. Big question: How do we make career technical education accessible and appropriate for students with disabilities? 2. Is about: 2. Is about: 7. Self-test questions 1.Describe the implications of legislation for CTE 2.What types of outcomes are required for Tech-Prep students? 3.Describe the process for modifying Tech-Prep standards for students with disabilities? 4.What are the essential requirements of a program and how are they determined? 5.Where is information about accom-modations and technology for persons with disabilities? 8. Unit Schedule 1.Discussion about federal legislation 2.Discussion about the Tech-Prep vision and how it applies to students with disabilities 3.Discussion about the questions that need to be asked in IEP meetings of students for CTE 4.Description of the Job Accommodation Network (JAN),, and other resources for identifying disability specific accommodations and technology Graphic Organizer for CTE in Mixed-Ability Classrooms-Module 4

20 “Very useful, very informative” “Need more time” “Please come back” “User-friendly” “Wasn’t interested” “Share and use with my students” “Be more proactive in contacting VOSE” “Helps me teach teachers” “Add more graphics to teaching” “Would like to have regular education involved” “Help keep students organized” “Continue to be proactive despite co-workers’ objectives” “It was a great inservice” “I want a board” “I will try and break things down. I hadn’t thought of that.” Over 300 participants: Using a 1-5 scale with 1 = Poor, 2 = Fair, 3 = Good, 4 = Very Good, and 5= Excellent. Organization of content = 4.3 Trainer knowledge of topic = 4.5 Content appropriate to meet job needs = 4.1 Level of understanding increased Participants’ Comments

21 Other Training Modules Classroom Strategies (Module 5) ◦ Challenges of a mixed ability classroom ◦ Creating a learning environment ◦ Managing learning activities ◦ Quality assignments Individual Problem Solving (Module 6) ◦ Unmotivated student ◦ Students with learning, behavioral, sensory or mobility needs

22 Next Steps Questions & Comments? Thank you!

23 Sources for Presentation Module UNIVERSAL DESIGN _storage_01/0000019b/80/16/e9/bd.pdf Deshler, D.D., Shumaker, J.B. (2005). Teaching adolescents with disabilities: Accessing the general education curriculum. Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA CONTENT ENHANCEMENT GIST

24 Sources for Engagement Module INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES ON LINE FACULTY GUIDEBOOK m/guidebk/teachtip/teachtip.htm SERVICE LEARNING

25 Sources for Differentiation & Cooperative Learning Bennett B., Rolheiser, C., Stevahn, L. (1991) Cooperative Learning: Where Heart Meets Mind, Educational Connections, Ontario. Tomlinson, Carol A. (2005). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms, 2nd ed. Pearson: New Jersey:

26 Contact Information Robert Baer, Stacia Kaschak, Davison Mupinga,

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