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1 Bridging the Gap for the Future Workforce and KeyTrain at CNM David Licht, Career Analyst Central New Mexico Community College 525 Buena Vista SE, Room.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Bridging the Gap for the Future Workforce and KeyTrain at CNM David Licht, Career Analyst Central New Mexico Community College 525 Buena Vista SE, Room."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Bridging the Gap for the Future Workforce and KeyTrain at CNM David Licht, Career Analyst Central New Mexico Community College 525 Buena Vista SE, Room S-13 Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 224-4435

2 2 Beginning 2001 Central New Mexico Community College decided to begin implementing curricula enhancement to CTE programs emphasizing SCANS skills. Decision was made to utilize ACT WorkKeys to help accomplish this goal.

3 3 How CTE programs are using WorkKeys Dental Assistant Program DA 101L WorkKeys/KeyTrain skills and tests15% of class grade, one skill per semester is assigned. (Class will also include Observation recommendations sheet created by KeyTrain consultants.)

4 4 How CTE programs are using WorkKeys Carpentry 101 WorkKeys testing: Reading for Information. A minimum score of 4 is required. If the student does not score at least a 4, the student will be required to complete KeyTrain for Reading for Information program Midterm: WorkKeys testing in RI and AM

5 5 How CTE programs are using WorkKeys Professional Cooking 2 Extra Credit: Is available by completing additional WorkKeys Tests at 10 points for each test completed.

6 6 How CTE programs are using WorkKeys BA 131 Work Keys Teamwork (10% of total grade) Level 6 = 100 points Level 5 = 90 points Level 4 = 80 points Level 3 = 70 points

7 7 How CTE programs are using WorkKeys BA 131

8 8 How CTE programs are using WorkKeys BA 122 (Business Writing) EXTRA CREDIT: Complete the online exercises and quizzes in KeyTrain’s Business Writing modules. Extra credit is awarded based on the highest level successfully completed. Level 5 = 50, Level 4 = 40, Level 3 = 30, Level 2 = 20.

9 9 How CTE programs are using WorkKeys BA 295 (Capstone Class) The focus of BA 295 is applying skills acquired while enrolled at CNM Business and Information Technology Division. REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS: Four Work Key Tests Business Writing Teamwork Reading for Information Listening 20 % of course Grade

10 10 How CTE programs are using WorkKeys Veterinary Technician 105 Grade Weighting: The following will be used to determine the final grade: 10% will be successful completion of KeyTrain/WorkKeys "Listening skills" to required skill level (50 points).

11 11 How CTE programs are using WorkKeys EMS Program The WorkKeys skill, “Observation” will be assessed during this course. For successful completion of the CNM EMS Paramedic Program, a skill level five (5) or greater is required to earn a “Certificate of Paramedic Program Completion” and meet entry- level requirements for the paramedic occupation in the Albuquerque, NM area. Passing the WorkKeys “Observation” post-test at a skill level of five (5) or greater is worth five (5) percent of the course grade for EMS 163. Students who do not pass the WorkKeys “Observation” post-test at a skill level of five (5) or greater will not receive five (5) percentage points as a component of the course grade for EMS 163.

12 12 How CTE programs are using WorkKeys EMS PROGRAM WorkKeys Implementation Plan Review Implementation Plan handouts

13 13 Piloting KeyTrain and WorkKeys in English 98 Retention Retention rates comparing the class that used KeyTrain vs. the control class resulted in the KeyTrain class having 81% retention vs. only 60% in the control class. Accuplacer Overall the KeyTrain students averaged a 39.5% increase in their pre vs. post Accuplacer scores. The control class had an average increase of 27.9%.

14 14 Reading for Information Testing Results The three KeyTrain classes scored a weighted average WorkKeys Reading for Information skill level of 3.9 vs. less than 3.6 for the control classes. Four percent (4%) of students scored at a Reading for Information Skill Level 2 in the KeyTrain classes vs. 19% in the traditional curriculum classes. Eighty percent (80%) scored at or above a Skill Level 4 in the KeyTrain class vs. 65% in the traditional curriculum classes.

15 15 Subjectively, students really enjoyed using KeyTrain. On days when we were in the computer labs, they logged on immediately, remained extremely focused while working on KeyTrain (often skipping the break!), and were still working on the program up to the very last minute of class. I believe the combination of interactive learning, the students’ ability to move at their own pace, and the explicit connection between KeyTrain and their education and career goals were all strong motivating factors in the program’s success. Mary Beth Folia ECA instructor

16 16 Surgical Technologist 1 2 3 4 5 Listening 4% 60% 36% Required Entry Skill Level 3 1 2 3 4 5 Writing 12% 76% 12% Required Entry Skill Level 3

17 17 Cosmetology 1 2 3 4 5 6 Listening 9% 64% 27% Required Skill Level 4 Observation 17% 39% 39% 6% Required Skill Level 5 Teamwork 30% 35% 35% Required Skill Level 4 Writing 16% 68% 16% Required Skill Level 2

18 18

19 19

20 20 Example of how WorkKeys can be used to determine Career Cluster or Career Pathways WorkKeys Skill Levels. Review handout.

21 21 Problem: CNM’s CTE faculty are SMEs, not highly trained educators. If they have the WorkKeys skills, at the required skill levels, they may not be able to teach them. How does CNM integrate the WorkKeys skills directly into curriculum? Solution: KeyTrain and professional development collaboration with Thinking Media.

22 22 Discuss Thinking Media’s “Targets for Instruction” workshops. Show examples of handouts.

23 23 Discuss Thinking Media’s work with CTE programs and show examples of “Workbooks” they developed.

24 24 Next steps: Follow up with programs to ensure faculty is integrating skills into program. Develop “mentors” to work with new faculty. Thinking Media working on “check list” for faculty to utilize. Professional development at CNM.

25 25 David Licht, Career Analyst Certificate of Appreciation Rick Spradlin Subject Matter Expert for the EMS Program With all the rights and privileges associated with said certificate! Granted December 15, 2006

26 26 CNM WorkKeys Certificate Show color copy of certificate, will be out in a few weeks.

27 27 CNM Website Show three pages from our website

28 28 Problems Faculty are concerned that WorkKeys testing results will be used against them in evaluations. Faculty are concerned this will take away their academic freedom to teach what they want. Faculty are concerned that they will have to teach to the test. Faculty are concerned they will be forced to use WorkKeys and KeyTrain. Faculty want to KNOW that industry (which employers) want these skills.

29 29 Are there questions we can answer for you? “Long-range planning does not deal with future decisions, but with the future of present decisions.” -Peter F. Drucker- WorkKeys and KeyTrain @ CNM David Licht, WorkKeys Job Profiler, DACUM Facilitator, (505) 224-4435,

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