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Quality CTE Programs—Opening of Schools Workshop Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus August 12, 2014 Lupe Ferran Diaz, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality CTE Programs—Opening of Schools Workshop Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus August 12, 2014 Lupe Ferran Diaz, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality CTE Programs—Opening of Schools Workshop Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus August 12, 2014 Lupe Ferran Diaz, Ph.D.

2 Year In Review 2013-2014 Highlights OCP Automation Perkins Re-submission (met and/or exceeded Secondary goals) 23 National Model Career Academies 7 out of 22 “Distinguished” Career Academies #1 Career Academy in the Nation—Southwest AOF A-1 Item Recognition at the May School Board meeting First-time ever banner recognizing CTE Highlights MEGA NAF Student Conference Received $100,000 Internship sponsorship by JPMorgan Chase Inaugural “In the Spotlight” newsletter Updated Completed three new Programs of Study with MDC Largest class of summer internships (526) Dual enrollment credit with MDC for internship program CTE Demonstration Classroom Millenium Access Point

3 2014-2015 More targeted professional development Continued work on development of EOCs Announcement of Microsoft IT Academies Continue Career Pathway development Reduction of “paper” INNOV@TE – CTEC (December 6, 2014) at MDC Wolfson NEW events at the MDC Fair Continued work and partnerships with business partners One Community One Goal Greater participation in FACTE

4 Legislation 2014 Middle School Grades Model High School Grades Model HB 7031 High School Diploma/Graduation SB 850 Education HB 487 Agriculture Industry Certifications

5 Legislation 2014


7 HB 7031 High School Diploma May substitute industry certifications for which there is a statewide college credit articulation agreement for math or science credit. Principles of Agribusiness – course number 8009120 – fulfills the economics high school graduation requirement. Effective with the 2014 ‐ 2015 school year Section 1003.4285, F.S. Merit Designation (no change from last year) –Recognizes student attainment of one or more industry certifications from the list established under s. 1003.492 known as CAPE Industry Certification Funding List (ICFL)

8 SB850 District Operations Section 1003.02 F.S. Return on Investment (ROI) Notify parents of students who earn industry certifications that articulate for postsecondary credit of cost savings (tuition and fees) and provide additional information on additional industry certifications available to students.

9 SB850 Collegiate High Schools At a minimum, CHSP must include 12th grade option to earn 30 college credits and industry certification.

10 CAPE Act Two bills include significant changes to the CAPE Act including the Industry Certification Funding List and the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) calculation House Bill 487 Senate Bill 850

11 HB487 Agriculture Industry Certifications Adds a requirement for the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to provide industry certifications for farm occupations to be considered for placement on the Industry Certification Funding List and the Postsecondary Industry Certification Funding List to the State Board and the Florida Department of Education.

12 SB850 CAPE Act Related Sections FEFP: Removes the funding cap of 0.3 for the CAPE Industry Certifications –NOTE: A cap of 0.1 per fiscal year was added for elementary and middle grades students Removes the total funding cap of $60 million Requires teacher bonuses to be paid for all types of certifications with the exception of the CAPE Digital Tool certificates

13 SB850 CAPE Act Related Sections Authorizes the Commissioner of Education to limit CAPE Industry Certifications and CAPE Digital Tool certificates to students in certain grades based upon formal recommendations by providers of the certifications

14 SB850 Industry Certifications Created by the Division of Career and Adult Education Approved by the State Board of Education each year For inclusion: –The certification shall be on the “Comprehensive Industry Certification List.” –The certification shall be achievable by secondary students. –The certification shall require a minimum of 150 hours of instruction. CAPE Industry Certification Funding List

15 SB850 Industry Certifications

16 New CAPE Industry Certification Funding List: Types of Certifications/Courses 16 Listing on CAPE ICFLStatuteBrief description CAPE Digital Tool Certificates s. 1003.4203(3) s. 1008.44(b) For elementary and middle grades students Up to 15 certificates in the following areas: word processing; spreadsheets; sound, motion, and color presentations; digital arts; cybersecurity; coding Do not articulate for college credit CAPE Industry Certifications s. 1003.4203(4) s. 1008.44(a) For students in Grades 6 through 12 CAPE Acceleration Industry Certifications s. 1003.4203(5)(b) s. 1008.44(e) Certifications with 15 or more college credit hours CAPE Innovation Courses s. 1003.4203(5)(a) s. 1008.44(d) Up to five courses that combine academic and career performance outcomes with embedded industry certifications may be approved Include at least two third-party assessments, one of which is identified on the Industry Certification Funding List

17 CAPE Digital Tool Certificates Will be included on the CAPE Industry Certification Funding List –Not a separately adopted list Preliminary list was released to District CTE directors on July 25 via email Includes 13 certificates Department will be moving ADOBE012 – Adobe Certified Associate for Photoshop to a CAPE Digital Tool Certificate designation for 2015-16

18 Test Administration Procedures for 2014-15* To report industry certifications, the following procedures must be followed for all written examinations: –Exam is not proctored by the individual providing the direct instruction for the industry certification or certificate, except under extremely limited conditions. If only one individual is approved by the certifying agency as a proctor, the teacher may proctor the exams and must be independently monitored by a second individual who does not provide direct instruction for the industry certification content to the individuals taking the test(s). –Exam questions are delivered in a secure manner and paper-based tests are not available to the proctor for an extended period of time. –Exam is scored by certifying agency (cannot be scored by anyone at the district). –Exam is administered in accordance with the certifying agency procedures. –Exam must not have administered more than 3 times during the academic year with a minimum of 30 days between test administrations. *Presented by Tara Goodman and Sean Friend at FACTE, 7/2014

19 2014-15 FEFP Calculated based on students in career-themed courses in 2013-14 who earned industry certifications on the ICFL Bonuses must be distributed in 2014-15 to eligible teachers based on certifications funded in the 2014-15 FEFP calculation –Districts need processes for determining the teachers who provided direct instruction. The FLDOE does not distribute these funds. –NOTE: Bonuses are funded by the district from the funds generated in the FEFP calculation for the add- on FTE. There is no separate funding source.

20 2014-15 FEFP Calculation for high school students will not be capped at 0.3 FTE per student Middle grades students earning industry certifications on the “CAPE Industry Certification Funding List” will be included for a maximum of 0.1 FTE

21 Teacher Bonus Language For industry certifications earned in the 2013-14 school year and in subsequent years, the school district shall distribute to each classroom teacher who provided direct instruction toward the attainment of an industry certification that qualified for additional full-time equivalent membership... –$25 for each student taught by a teacher who provided instruction in a course that led to the attainment of an industry certification on the 2013-14 Industry Certification Funding List with a weight of 0.1. –$50 for each student taught by a teacher who provided instruction in a course that led to the attainment of an industry certification on the 2013-14 Industry Certification Funding List with a weight of 0.2.

22 Teacher Bonus Language Additional Teacher Bonus Language: –Bonuses awarded pursuant to this paragraph shall be provided to teachers who are employed by the district in the year in which the additional FTE membership calculation is included in the calculation. –Bonuses shall be calculated based upon the associated weight of an industry certification on the Industry Certification Funding List for the year in which the certification is earned by the student. –Any bonus awarded to a teacher under this paragraph may not exceed $2,000 in any given school year and is in addition to any regular wage or other bonus the teacher received or is scheduled to receive. All teachers whose instruction leads to the industry certification attainment must receive the bonus –Bonus is not pro-rated among the eligible teachers

23 2015-16 FEFP Calculated based on students in career-themed courses in 2014-15 who earned industry certifications Will include the following: –New weights: 0.5 FTE and 1.0 FTE for certifications with articulation agreements of 15 credits or more –New CAPE Digital Tool Certificates for elementary and middle grades students at a weight of 0.025 FTE per certificate earned up to a maximum of 0.1 FTE

24 New Funding Weights for 2015-16 FEFP Listing on CAPE ICFLFunding Weight CAPE Digital Tool Certificates 0.025 FTE per certificate earned by students in elementary and middle school grades CAPE Industry Certifications 0.2 FTE for certifications with statewide articulation agreements (up to 15 credits) 0.1 FTE for certifications without statewide articulation agreements CAPE Acceleration Industry Certifications 0.5 FTE for certifications that articulate for 15 to 29 college credit hours 1.0 FTE for certifications that articulate for 30 or more college credit hours CAPE Innovation Courses Still under development (for 2015-16 academic year) 0.3 FTE for student completion of the courses and the embedded certifications

25 Teacher Bonus Language for 2015-16 FEFP Bonus Values: –$25 for each student taught by a teacher who provided instruction in a course that led to the attainment of an industry certification on the 2014-15 Industry Certification Funding List with a weight of 0.1. –$50 for each student taught by a teacher who provided instruction in a course that led to the attainment of an industry certification on the 2014-15 Industry Certification Funding List with a weight of 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, or 1.0.

26 Web Resources DOE Website – CAPE Act Industry Certification Funding Lists and the Career and Professional Academy/career-themed course registration sites are available here. CareerSource Florida – Comprehensive Industry Certification List education-act-cape/ education-act-cape/ Comprehensive Industry Certification List is available here. Rule 6A-6.0573, F.A.C.-- Industry Certification Process Draft.pdf Draft.pdf

27 *Q. For the 2014-15 FEFP, has the 0.3 FTE funding cap per student been removed? Yes, for high school students. There is no longer a 0.3 FTE funding cap for high school students. *Questions presented by Tara Goodman and Sean Friend at FACTE, 7/2014

28 Q. Will middle grades students who earn industry certifications on the 2013-14 ICFL be included in the 2014-15 FEFP calculation? Yes. Middle grades students earning industry certifications on the 2013-14 Industry Certification Funding List will be included in the calculation up to a maximum of 0.1 FTE.

29 Q. When is the list of CAPE Digital Tool Certificates going to be released? An email notification containing the preliminary list was sent to CTE directors on July 25. These certificates will be included on the 2014-15 CAPE ICFL.

30 Q. When will CAPE Digital Tool Certificates be funded? In the 2015-16 FEFP. There is a 0.1 FTE funding cap per fiscal year for elementary and middle grades students.

31 Q. Are districts required to pay teacher bonuses for students who earn CAPE Digital Tool Certificates? No. Teachers bonuses are only required to be paid for industry certifications earned on the CAPE Industry Certification Funding List.

32 Q. If a middle grades student earns a CAPE Digital Tool Certificate that is also part of an exam bundle, can the Digital Tool exam be used toward attainment of another certification? No. Middle grades student who earn additional FTE membership for a CAPE Digital Tool certificate may not use the previously funded examination to satisfy the requirements for earning a CAPE Industry Certification. Example: Middle grades student earns the Microsoft Office Specialist for Excel; that exam may not be used and funded as part of the MOS bundle (MICRO069).

33 Q. When will CAPE Innovation courses be implemented? CAPE Innovation Courses are currently under development and are expected to be implemented for the 2015-16 academic school year.

34 Q. Does enrollment in a Career and Professional Academy qualify students who earn industry certifications for add-on FTE in the FEFP? No. Students must be enrolled in registered career-themed courses to qualify for add-on FTE.

35 CTE Quarterly Newsletter In the Spotlight Email format Also posted on the website at Email with news articles &

36 Upcoming Training Events Fall Professional Development –Weston Area—October 29-30 CTE Professional Development –November 4, 2014 –February 17, 2015 CAPE Applications Career Themed Registration –October 15

37 The end, thank you! Q & A CTE Dept. 305-693-3030

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