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CTE Reporting CNYRIC Data Administrators Meeting 6/10/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "CTE Reporting CNYRIC Data Administrators Meeting 6/10/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 CTE Reporting CNYRIC Data Administrators Meeting 6/10/2010

2 Data Collection CTEDS have been discontinued for the 2009-10 School Year SIRS is used for most all CTE Reporting Post-High-School Survey for former CTE students (Completers, and Concentrators that left the program)… Perkins Funding

3 BEDS data shows us how many districts should be reporting NY Content Area Districts with Programs in Content Area Agriculture105 Business & Marketing646 Family & Consumer Sciences480 Health Occupations72 Technology Education611 Trade & Technical294

4 CTE Vocabulary Approved/Endorsed Program Intensity CIP Code General CTE Title II/ Tech Prep Cohesive Concentration Course/Unit of Study 6 Content Areas

5 Types of CTE 3 Connected Courses at HS or BOCES or both CDOS Learning Standards 2 years of secondary instruction followed by 2 years of linked post-secondary Articulation Agreement and Signed Declaration General CTETitle II/Tech Prep

6 Program Intensity (Local HS) Enrollee- Has begun Instruction Participant- Completed one Course Concentrator- Completed 2 out of 3 courses as part of a cohesive concentration.

7 Identifying Program Intensity: Needed for Two Federal Reports Enrollee Participant Concentrator Enrollment report Performance report End of year reporting is usually sufficient

8 Questions What do districts need to do?  Determine what courses are taught by CTE Certified Teachers from current and previous school years.  Enter a program service for each of these current year students with appropriate program intensity, CIP, Program, and Single Parent/Pregnant Status for Concentrators.  Enter exit reason for concentrators completing a program or exiting a program

9 Questions What if a student is enrolled in more than one course but from different content areas? Is a new CTE program service record needed for each year? Do Music and Art count as CTE? Do I report 7 th and 8 th grade CTE? Occupational Ed. Courses? Other questions?

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