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Grades 9-12 Service Internships Grades 11-12 Career Internships Career Expo Grades 11-12 Apprenticeships Events Programs.

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2 Grades 9-12 Service Internships Grades 11-12 Career Internships Career Expo Grades 11-12 Apprenticeships Events Programs

3 CTE MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of NC secondary Career and Technical Education is to empower all students to be successful citizens, workers and leaders in a global economy.


5  Early 1900s —first federal legislation for Vocational Education; early legislation was crafted through input from labor unions, professional trade organizations, trade school educators.  1963 —Vocational Education Act passes  1984 —Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Rehabilitation Act passes; federal funding for CTE; Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 continued funding for secondary/post secondary CTE initiatives.

6 Hail to the skillful cunning hand! Hail to the cultured mind! Contending for the World’s command, Here let them be combined. ~Above the door of the Pioneer Manual-Training School, first opened to secondary school youth, St. Louis, 1879—ACTE Online

7  Integral part of Curriculum & Instruction, Ms. Beth Isenhour, Associate Superintendent  Five high schools offer 8 program areas, 10 career pathways, and 12 career clusters  Five middle schools offer Keyboarding Exploring Business Technology/Careers  All programs do meet guidelines as established in the N. C. Standard Course of Study

8 High School CTE Programs of Study Agricultural TechnologiesHealth Sciences Business TechnologiesMarketing Technologies Construction TechnologiesTechnology Education Family and Consumer ScienceTrade and Industrial Technologies

9  79 CTE teachers  66 courses are taught in Catawba County schools  35 courses can articulate with the community college  Huskins courses offered in Welding and Information Technology (MagnIT)  8,015 (duplicate count) enrolled in CTE programs in 2009-2010  Testing Proficiencies: 86% of students in CTE courses scored at proficiency level (unofficial)  92.1% graduation rate for CTE concentrators



12  Improve Technical Skills Attainment scores  Increase emphasis on post-secondary preparation through articulated credit (College Tech Prep initiative), dual enrollment/Huskins, and on-line learning opportunities  Increase industry certification opportunities for students—Welding and NCCER for Construction, Masonry, and Electrical Trades  New Culinary Arts facility and program at Bunker Hill

13  Establish a CTE Business Advisory Council— Priority 8.2  Integration of CTE with core disciplines Math-in-CTE initiative—Priority 7.0  Expand work-based learning opportunities—426 applications for summer 2009; 300+ placements  Add special internship opportunities for students—C3 Civic Leadership Academy and Career “U”

14  CTE-math teacher teams generate math examples in which students solve authentic workplace problems.  CTE teachers introduce and reinforce math as a “tool” to use in the workplace.  CTE teachers bridge CTE and math vocabulary as they develop and teach lessons.

15  Students are assessed with post assessments which are aligned with blueprints or essential standards developed by DPI (some courses can articulate with community colleges courses) OR  Students are accessed through industry certifications or credentials

16 NCCER CNA NATEF Honors Courses Dual Enrollment MagnIT Work-based Learning

17  Schools must set an expectation for excellence through a rigorous and relevant curriculum.  Relationships are essential to the learning process and they must be established before learning takes place.  Schools must constantly evolve to meet the needs of an ever- changing, global society.  All students can learn through differentiated and relevant instruction.  Schools must educate the whole child – socially, emotionally, cognitively and physically.  All students and staff should have a safe and nurturing learning environment.  All people within the school community should see themselves reflected in the curriculum, instruction and culture of the school.  Parental, business and community partnerships are essential for the success of students and schools.  Schools must constantly evolve to meet the needs of an ever-changing, global society.  All people within the school community should see themselves reflected in the curriculum, instruction and culture of the school.  Parental, business and community partnerships are essential for the success of students and schools.

18  Add Video Editing Production I & II to the course offerings. Mac Books and Final Cut Pro will be used  Add Oracle Academy I and II (intro to computer science)  Upgrade T & I facilities to NCCER certification standards  Expand Math-in-CTE to additional program areas  Expand Huskins course offerings

19  Your input!


21 The mission of the Catawba County Schools Career and Technical Education Business Advisory Council is to provide recommendations, information, and support to the Career and Technical Education programs of Catawba County Schools.


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