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Graduation Requirements in New York State
Current NYS Requirements
DRAFT Content Area Regents Diploma¹ Regents Diploma w/Advanced Designation¹ Mathematics 3 English 4 Science Social Studies Health 0.5 Arts 1 Languages Other Than English (LOTE)³ Physical Education 2 Sequence Courses/Electives 3.5 Total Credits 22 Regents Exams Score of 65 or above for general education students and 55 or above for SwD² 5 (1 Math, 1 ELA, 1 Science, 2 SS) 7, 8 or 9 (At least 2 Math, 1 ELA, at least 2 Sciences, 2 SS) ¹An Honors Designation is applicable for students earning an average of 90 on all required exams ²The current safety net for students with disabilities. An additional compensatory option safety net is being considered. ³Must pass a locally developed second language proficiency exam to earn credit 2
Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation
Cohort Graduates Under Current NYS Requirements DRAFT Cohort Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation Regents Diploma Local Diploma IEP Diploma 2007 68,380 80,689 16,110 2,922 2006 69,394 74,866 20,805 3,390 2005 67,482 70,593 23,429 3,728 3
College Remediation Rates Is the Current Model Meeting Our Expectations?
DRAFT 45% of students in Associate Degree programs who take 3+ remedial courses do not continue their college education 4
Current Credential Types
DRAFT Credential Type: Local Diploma Available to³: Students with a Disabilities Credits: 22 Assessments: (Score of on one or more¹) 5² – ELA; Math; Science; Global History and Geography; US History and Government ¹The current safety net for SWDs. An additional compensatory option safety net is being considered ²Students entering Grade 9 prior to 2011 may pass the RCT in lieu of passing a Regents Exam in that subject ³The local diploma option for general education students was phased out over 5 years. Students in the 2007 cohort (class of 2011), for example, had to pass 4 exams with a 65 and 1 with a whereas students in the 2008 cohort (class of 2012) had to pass all exams at 65 or above. Credential Type: Local Diploma Through Appeals Process Available to: All Students Assessments: (Score of 65 or above on three; Score of for which an appeal is granted) 5 – ELA; Math; Science; Global History and Geography; US History and Government 5
Local Diploma Raising the Level of Rigor
DRAFT While the Local Diploma remains available for Students with Disabilities, it has been phased out over 5 cohorts for General Education Students¹ ¹The local diploma is only available to general education students through an appeals process wherein a student must score a 65 or above on three assessments and score a on the assessments for which they seek an appeal ²Students with a disability entering Grade 9 prior to 2011 who pass the RCT in lieu of passing a Regents Exam in that subject will earn a local diploma Graduation Requirements Cohort Number of Regents Exams with Scores at 65 or Above² 2005 2 or more 2006 3 or more 2007 4 or more 2008 5 or more 5
Current Credential Types
DRAFT Credential Type: CTE Technical Endorsement Available to: All Students Requirements: Regents Diploma Requirements OR Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation AND Complete a CTE Approved Program and Pass an Associated Technical Assessment Credential Type: Regents with Advanced Designation Mastery in Science or Mathematics All Students entering Grade 9 in 2009 and beyond Regents with Advanced Designation Requirements Score of an 85 on three Commencement Level Regents Exams in Mathematics AND/OR three Commencement Level Regents Exams in Science 7
Current Credential Types
DRAFT Credential Type: Individualized Education Program (IEP) Diploma Available to: Students with Disabilities exiting school prior to June 30, 2013 Student must have attended school or received a substantially equivalent education elsewhere for at least 12 years, excluding Kindergarten, OR completed the school year in which he/she has attained the age of 21. Requirements: Credits are not specified Assessments are not specified Determined by the student’s achievement of the educational goals based upon the appropriate level of learning standards as outlined in the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) The IEP diploma is not considered a regular high school diploma. Students who earn an IEP diploma may continue in school until the end of the school year in which they turn 21 or until they earn a regular high school diploma (whichever occurs first) 8
Current Credential Types
DRAFT Credential Type: Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential for Students with Severe Disabilities Available to: Effective July 1, 2013; Students with Severe Disabilities Student must have attended school or received a substantially equivalent education elsewhere for at least 12 years, excluding Kindergarten, OR completed the school year in which he/she has attained the age of 21. Requirements: Credits are not specified Assessment – New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA) Issued with a summary of the student’s academic achievement and functional performance (federally required Student Exit Summary), including the student’s level of achievement and independence for each of the Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) learning standards, academic skills, and the student’s strengths and interests 9
Possible Credential Type
DRAFT Credential Type: Proposed Alternate Credential for Other Students with Disabilities Who Cannot Earn and Regular Diploma Available to: Students with Disabilities who cannot achieve a Regular Diploma because of his/her Disability* Student must have attended school or received a substantially equivalent education elsewhere for at least 12 years, excluding Kindergarten, OR completed the school year in which he/she has attained the age of 21. * This proposed credential may be issued to students with disabilities as a supplement to a regular diploma Proposed Requirements: Instruction: Completion of TBD number of hours of courses/activities related to career awareness, exploration and preparation Career Planning: Students must complete a Career Plan, with documentation of verification of completion Documentation: Issued together with a summary of the student’s academic achievement and functional performance (federally required Student Exit Summary), which may include documentation of achievement for each of the Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) learning standards, academic skills, and the student’s strengths and interests 10
Possible Change in Course Requirements
DRAFT Possible Change in Course Requirements Social Studies Course Requirements: Proposed division of Global History and Geography into two units of study with two separate exams Available to: All Students, TBD Proposed Requirements: Commissioner’s regulations would be amended to require two units of study in Global History and Geography Proposed First Unit of Study: This course will provide students with foundational skills in Economics, Geography, World History, and Civics. This unit of study would culminate in an end-of-course exam (a Regents exam, pending availability of funding) Proposed Second Unit of Study: This course would build on the foundation to enable students to become critical thinkers and access content by examining cross-cultural themes and patterns during modern times. This second unit of study would culminate in a Regents exam that is required for graduation and reflects college- and career-readiness. 11
CTE Assessment Review The Chancellor’s Panel on CTE Assessment Alignment
DRAFT Led by researchers at Cornell University, an expert advisory panel of 6-8 experts will be convened to support the review ~25 national CTE assessments Review will include: Nomination of existing occupational assessment instruments; Recommendation of criteria and procedures for determining the suitability of nominated instruments; Analysis of nominations against the criteria; Reaching consensus on a list of approved instruments and the explanations for the choices At the conclusion of the review, the research team will provide recommendations to the Content Advisory Panel Recommend next steps to the Board of Regents The Future of Career Technical Education (CTE) Assessment Executive Summary RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Develop a national common core of technical standards that builds on the National Career Cluster Knowledge and Skills statements. A national approach to CTE assessment requires common standards, and they must define more than general workplace readiness skills. The Career Cluster Knowledge and Skills define the rigorous, transferrable skills needed across all occupations in each of the 16 industry career clusters and 79 subsequent career pathways. There is also a role for occupation-specific standards common to many CTE programs, but we believe these are best left to states and industry groups to steward. 2. Create a national comprehensive college and career ready assessment system that measures both academic and technical knowledge and skills. All components of a CTE assessment approach, regardless of the format, should include multiple measures for student achievement and program performance. Components of the CTE approach should, where possible, integrate with states’ broader assessment systems to measure academic achievement and manage student data. Rigorous programs of study aligned to the National Career Clusters framework should be the method of delivery for all CTE curriculum and assessment. 3. Build high-quality technical assessments that examine proficiencies as defined by the academic and technical common cores and that may lead to industry-recognized, nationally portable credentials. We believe that a shared item bank could facilitate the development and delivery of large-scale state assessments that address many areas of the national common core. Performance and portfolio assessment may be required for some skill areas, but a collaboratively developed and managed shared item bank provided with protocols for valid and reliable test form development and delivery provides the best opportunity to pursue nationally portable credentials as advanced placement, transcripted credit, and industry-recognized certification. 4. Create a national clearinghouse of current industry-based assessments and related credentials/certifications. There will continue to be a need for assessments other than those generated from the shared item bank, such as assessments for industry certification, state licensure, occupation-specific skills, and performance assessments for skill areas unsuitable for multiple-choice testing. A national clearinghouse of these assessments will serve CTE and education leaders seeking to identify all additional tools to form a complete assessment approach. PARCC 12
CTE Content Advisory Panel Recommendations on the Future of the Pathway
DRAFT Review the current standards, content areas, and clusters to determine if they are best aligned with college and career readiness preparation Review the current CTE approval process to determine: Rigorous programs align programs with college and career readiness preparation Incentives for districts to seek approval Sustainability given staff size constraints and number of programs Identify, develop, and clearly articulate CTE program options (including assessments) for grades 6-8 which prepare students for entry into a full CTE program in 9th grade; that allow for credit accumulation in grades 7 and 8; and that allow for acceleration for students in 8th grade Develop a process and timeline for increasing integrated courses in specifically grades 9 and 10 and across grades 9-12 Recommend specific course sequences for specific strands Develop a proposal that allows students to take industry-based assessments in the junior year of a CTE sequence, thereby allowing the senior year to be used for internships and structured work experiences Review current certification requirements to determine need for new areas and/or flexibility in current areas Recommend next steps to the Board of Regents 1. What is the Common Career Technical Core initiative? The Common Career Technical Core (CCTC) initiative is a state-led effort to develop high expectations for Career Technical Education (CTE) programs through a set of common standards that will include: • Standards for Career Ready Practice (10-15 Career Ready Practices) • Career Cluster Anchor Standards (8-15 common standards with application to each of the 16 Career Clusters) • Career Pathway Standards (10-25 standards specific to Career Pathway, industry benchmarked when possible • Built from the industry and post secondary validated Career Cluster™ Knowledge and Skills statements How does this initiative align with the Common Core State Standards Initiative led by the National Governors Association and the Chief State School Officers? The Common Career Technical Core initiative is intended to be complementary to the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI), facilitated by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers. The common standards for CTE will demonstrate alignment and support for English Language Arts and mathematics standards already developed and the goals of college and career readiness. PARCC 13 13
Existing Pathways Moving Towards a Competency-Based Model
DRAFT Seat time requirements do not apply to the following: Independent Study 3 elective credits Credit by Exam 6 core credits Blended and Fully Online Courses No credit restrictions Must follow guidelines in regulation including: Instruction is delivered by and/or under the direction/ supervision of a New York State teacher, certified in the subject area for which credit will be awarded and trained to teach in the online environment; Opportunities are provided for regular and substantive interaction between the student and the teacher; Course is academically rigorous and aligned to the New York State commencement level learning standards Performance-Based Arts Credits 1 credit 14
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