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Basic Skills and Career and Technical Education Lin Marelick & Valerie Carrigan August 11 & 13, 2008 BSI August Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Skills and Career and Technical Education Lin Marelick & Valerie Carrigan August 11 & 13, 2008 BSI August Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Skills and Career and Technical Education Lin Marelick & Valerie Carrigan August 11 & 13, 2008 BSI August Institute

2 Agenda  August 11, 10 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Introductions Outcomes for the 3- 2 hour session Handbook Chapter 13: CTL & CTE ESL/CTE curriculum integration Contextualized lessons 1:00 pm - 3:00 p.m.  Team work: develop a lesson  Teaching demonstration and assessment

3 Agenda Continued  August 13, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. Develop teaching demonstration Presenting the lesson Assessment of presentation

4 Outcomes  Understand how to collaborate with basic skills faculty to develop contextualized teaching and learning (CTL) for CTE program  Learn strategies for engaging students with basic skills needs in the classroom  Learn how to get faculty buy-in to develop contextualized lessons  Increase communication with CTE and basic skills faculty from other colleges  Develop strategies for ongoing CTL discussions at your home campus  Complete a contextualized lesson in basic skills/CTE disciplines

5 Introductions  Description of the exercise: Meet and greet- introduce yourself to five people Introduce one of the five people you met to the rest of the class

6 Handbook: CTL & CTE  Misconceptions Quiz- write True or False answers to statements below Students don’t need reading or math to be successful in CTE programs because they need very discrete skills for specific occupational roles. The majority of students who get their GED continue on to higher levels of education and/or occupational training. The only way CTE students with basic skills needs can improve those skills is to enroll in a basic skills course.

7 Misconceptions  Discussion: What misconceptions will you encounter from faculty who did not attend this institute?  Groups report out

8 More Questions… Learning Communities  Which statement is true about learning communities?  Learning communities reach across a limited number of disciplines  Learning communities are classes that are linked or clustered during and academic term and enroll a common cohort of students.  The faculty member is the center of activity in a learning  Learning communities are not as effective for developmental learners community.

9 Directed Learning Activities  Which statement is untrue about Directed Learning Activities? Directed Learning Activities incorporate tutorial centers to address basic skills needs. Apportionment funding in the form of hours by arrangement can be legitimately collected for directed learning activities. The goal of the directed learning activity is the completion of exercises. The language of the activity clearly connects to the course assignments, objectives and/or outcomes.

10 Contextualized Learning  Which statements below are true about contextualized learning?  In contextualized instruction, skills are taught in the context of what is required and relevant for industry.  In contextualized instruction, skills are taught in the context of what is relevant for general life and survival skills.  In contextualized instruction, skills are taught in the context of what is meaningful and relevant to previous knowledge or experience.  The best way to learn something is in context.  All of the above answers are correct.

11 ESL/CTE Curriculum Integration  Discussion on discoveries, pitfalls, successes, concerns when trying to work across disciplines  Q & A

12  Arithmetic pre-test  Contextualized lesson  Quiz Reviewing a contextualized lesson

13  Why should we incorporate contextualized basic skills into CTE courses?  What is the process used to develop contextualized curriculum? More about contextualizing curriculum


15 Now you try it…  Break into teams of 4  Discuss strategies for teaming with local basic skills/cte faculty to develop contextualized learning  Report out: discuss your process and results List: srategies/models, concerns, successes, fears, breakthroughs.

16 Teaching & Learning  Discuss strategies for keeping students with basic skills needs engaged in the classroom  Report out strategies discussed  Teaching that engages…  Assessment v. Evaluation (what’s the difference?) Assessment: improve performance using feedback Evaluation: judges performance but doesn’t necessary identify ways to improve  Assessment of presentation

17 Lesson development across discipline  Discussion: describe a lesson you commonly teach and basic skills teachers respond with ways to make the lesson friendly to students with basic skills needs

18 YOU DID IT!  What’s next… Take your experience back to your campus Talk to your colleagues Engage your students Make a difference Best wishes and thank you for being here.

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