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CTE SHARKTANK CTE Intro Business Rotation Weston Broadbent.

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Presentation on theme: "CTE SHARKTANK CTE Intro Business Rotation Weston Broadbent."— Presentation transcript:

1 CTE SHARKTANK CTE Intro Business Rotation Weston Broadbent

2 The Idea Divide into Groups Make a list of Problems they see / hear – What are some things you know a lot about? – Something bug you? – Something people complain about often? Now what are some Opportunities? Come up with a product (good or service) that would solve one of these issues.

3 The Research Figure out if people actually want your Product. – Write down your target market (age, gender, etc) – Come up with 3-4 options and survey 30 people. Put surveys into Excel and graph results (found on my website in Sharktank)

4 The Brand (Name, Logo, Slogan, Jingle) Each group to come up with a Name (example: Nike) Each group to come up with a Logo (Symbol – example: Swoosh) Each group to come up with a Slogan (Catchy phrase – example: Just Do It) Jingle is optional

5 The Numbers Write down expected costs to start your business (Research, Building, Set up) Write down expected Income / Expenses (Price) (use the template on the website) To better understand start up costs v. expenses see next slide.

6 START UP COSTS Technology of the Product Machines to build the product Building / Property Office Set up (computers, printer, etc) Patent EXPENSES Parts and Materials to make the product Labor Marketing

7 The Presentation Put together a presentation (you can do a Movie, PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.) Requirements: – Discuss the Product and how it solves a need – Discuss the Price (including the research and profit) – Include where/ how you will sell (Place – Online? In Walmart? From a stand? Door to Door?) – Persuade us this will be a success (Promotion) – Have presentation be around 1 1/2 minutes.

8 In the Tank: During Presentations a few things to keep in mind: – Presenters will have 2 minutes to present their product. During which time sharks will listen. – At the end of the presentation each shark will ask a question about the product (how it works, the costs, etc)

9 TO TURN IN: (email to Survey / Chart (Excel) Logo / Slogan Costs / Income and Expenses (Excel) Presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, Movie, etc) – Included in this: Product (with an explanation of how great it is), Price (how much you will sell it for, what it costs you to make, and the profit, Place (where / how you will sell it, and Promotion (persuasion of what it is going to be successful).

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