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PSP Institute July 29 and August 1, 2014. Today’s Focus Identify available school specific programs of study through a process that utilizes data. Understand.

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Presentation on theme: "PSP Institute July 29 and August 1, 2014. Today’s Focus Identify available school specific programs of study through a process that utilizes data. Understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 PSP Institute July 29 and August 1, 2014

2 Today’s Focus Identify available school specific programs of study through a process that utilizes data. Understand how the program of study and personal graduation plan must work collaboratively to satisfy House Bill 5. Reduce anxiety about endorsements.

3 Define College College is ANY Post-secondary Education Technical School Certification classes or licensure courses Military Career Certificate Program Two Year College Four Year University Professional Degree Program “College” means any further study beyond high school.

4 What is College Readiness? “College readiness can be defined as the level of preparation necessary for students to enroll and succeed— without remediation—in entry-level, credit bearing general education courses.”. Source: Dr. David T. Conley (2007). Redefining College Readiness, volume 3. Eugene, OR: Educational Policy Improvement Center.

5 What is Career Readiness? Career readiness involves three major skill areas: core academic skills and the ability to apply those skills to concrete situations in order to function in the workplace and in routine daily activities; employability skills (such as critical thinking and responsibility) that are essential in any career area; technical, job-specific skills related to a specific career pathway. These skills have been emphasized across numerous pieces of research and allow students to enter true career pathways that offer family-sustaining wages and opportunities for advancement. Source: Association for Career and Technical Education

6 Program of Study Defined A Program of Study is a comprehensive education plan designed to support college/career readiness through strategic alignment of high school academic, technical, and enrichment courses fostering multiple postsecondary options tied to student interest. It is a comprehensive plan because… …programs of study identify extended learning experiences including work based learning, to support curriculum, and encourages valued added components such as earning credentials, earning college credit in high school, and participating in community and related experiences that utilize the identified curriculum.

7 House Bill 5 Requirement “Counselor or School Administrator to review personal graduation plan options with EACH student entering grade nine…” “A personal graduation plan must identify a program of study that: promotes college and workforce readiness; and career placement and advancement; and facilitates the students transition from secondary to postsecondary education.” Source: House Bill 5, Section 14, Subchapter B, Chapter 28, Section 28.02121

8 Mind Shift 1: Promotion

9 Mind Shift 2: Counseling

10 Mind Shift 3: Student Advocacy Our students go to “college”!

11 Analyze The Master Schedule Highlight courses that represent your career offerings.





16 16 Career Clusters Career Cluster logos Source: AchieveTexas with permission from State Career Cluster Initiative. Align course sections to career clusters.

17 Calculate the percentage of courses for each career cluster.

18 Analyze The Labor Market Go to SOCRATES at ( Select “Regional Occupational Evaluation”. Select the Region you wish to analyze from the 28 Texas Workforce Regions in Texas. Select desired weight for each criteria identified. Filter by wage (at least $15.14/hour to $9999/hour) to access high wage occupations. Filter by education (any education attainment past high school; use Ctrl to select multiple levels of education- anything past high school). Perform Occupational Evaluation. Align identified occupations to the 16 Career Clusters.


20 Required by House Bill 5 Student interest is a developmental process Many vendors: Career Cruising, XAP, KUDER, Naviance, etc. Student Interest


22 Layer the Data Resources/Courses Labor market Student interest


24 Start with Programs of Study. It’s all about creating quality Programs of Study that lead to an endorsement!

25 A student may earn an endorsement by successfully completing: 1)curriculum requirements for the endorsement 2)four credits in mathematics 3)four credits in science 4)two additional elective credits

26 STEM A student may earn a STEM endorsement by completing foundation and general endorsement requirements including: 1.Algebra II, 2.chemistry, and 3.physics and:

27 (A) a coherent sequence courses for four or more credits in CTE that consists of at least two courses in the same career cluster including at least one advanced CTE course which includes any course that is the third or higher course in a sequence. The courses may be selected from courses in all CTE career clusters or CTE innovative courses approved by the commissioner of education. The final course in the sequence must be selected from the STEM career cluster. 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsCTE Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/Ece LOTE FAe CTE e PEeee Example

28 (B) a coherent sequence of four credits in computer science selected from the following: 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsAdv Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/Ece LOTE FAe Comp Sci PEeee Example Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Digital Forensics Game Programming and Design Mobile Application Development Robotics Programming and Design Independent Studies of Technology Applications Fundamentals of Computer Science Computer Science I Computer Science II Computer Science III AP Computer Science IB Computer Science, Standard Level IB Computer Science, Higher Level

29 C) A total of five credits in mathematics by successfully completing Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II and two additional mathematics courses for which Algebra II is a prerequisite 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsAdv Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/EcAdv Math LOTE ee FAeee PEeee Example

30 D) A total of five credits in science by successfully completing biology, chemistry, physics, and two additional science courses 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsAdv Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/EcAdv Sci LOTE ee FAeee PEeee Example

31 E) In addition to Algebra II, chemistry, and physics, a coherent sequence of three additional credits from no more than two of the areas listed in (A), (B), (C), and (D) 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsAdv Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/EcAdv Sci LOTE ee FAeee PEeee Example

32 Business & Industry

33 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsCTE Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/Ece LOTE FAe CTE e PEeee Example (A)a coherent sequence courses for four or more credits in CTE that consists of at least two courses in the same career cluster including at least one advanced CTE course which includes any course that is the third or higher course in a sequence. The courses may be selected from courses in all CTE career clusters or CTE innovative courses approved by the commissioner of education. The final course in the sequence must be selected from one of the following CTE career clusters: Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources Architecture & Construction Arts, Audio/Video Technology, & Communications Business Management & Administration Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics Marketing Information Technology Manufacturing Hospitality &Tourism Finance

34 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsAdv Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/Ece LOTE FAe Eng Elect PEeee Example (B) four English elective credits by selecting three levels in one of the following areas: advanced broadcast journalism public speaking advanced journalism: newspaper debate advanced journalism: yearbook

35 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsAdv Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/Ece LOTE FAe Tech Apps PEeee Example ( C) four technology applications credits by selecting from the following: Digital Art and Animation 3-D Modeling and Animation Digital Communications in the 21st Century Digital Video and Audio Design Web Communications Web Design Web Game Development Independent Study in Evolving/Emerging Technologies

36 (D) a coherent sequence of four credits from (A), (B), or (C)

37 Public Services

38 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsCTE Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/Ece LOTE FAe CTE e PEeee Example (A)a coherent sequence courses for four or more credits in CTE that consists of at least two courses in the same career cluster including at least one advanced CTE course which includes any course that is the third or higher course in a sequence. The courses may be selected from courses in all CTE career clusters or CTE innovative courses approved by the commissioner of education. The final course in the sequence must be selected from one of the following CTE career clusters: Education & Training Human Services Government & Public Administration Health Science Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security e

39 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsAdv Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/Ece LOTE FAe eeee JROTC Example (B) four courses in Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC)

40 Arts & Humanities

41 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsCTE Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/EcSS LOTE FASS eeee PEeee Example (A) A total of five social studies courses Adv Sci

42 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsCTE Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/Ece LOTE FAeee PEeee Example (B) four levels of the same language in a language other than English ( C) two levels of the same language in a language other than English and two levels of a different language in a language other than English ( D) four levels of American sign language Adv Sci

43 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsCTE Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/Ece LOTE ee FA PEeee Example (E) a coherent sequence of four credits by selecting courses from one or two categories or disciplines in fine arts or innovative courses approved by the commissioner Adv Sci

44 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsAdv Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/Ece LOTE FAe Eng Elect PEeee Example (F) four English elective credits by selecting from the following: English IV Humanities Independent Study in English Literary Genres Research and Technical WritingCreative Writing Communication Applications Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition; or International Baccalaureate Language Studies A1 Higher Level; or

45 Multidisciplinary Studies

46 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsCTE Sci US HistW Geog/HGvt/Ece LOTE ee FAeee PEeee Example ( A) four advanced courses that prepare a student to enter the workforce successfully or postsecondary education without remediation from within one endorsement area or among endorsement areas that are not in a coherent sequence Adv Sci

47 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAdv ELA Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyChemistryPhysicsAdv Sci US HistW GeogGvt/EcW Hist LOTE ee FAeee PEeee Example (B) four credits in each of the four foundation subject areas to include English IV and chemistry and/or physics

48 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th Eng IEng IIEng IIIAP Eng IV Alg IGeomAlg IIAdv Math BiologyAP ChemistryAP PhysicsAdv Sci US HistAP W HGvt/Ece LOTE ee FAeee PEeee Example (C)four credits in advanced placement, International Baccalaureate, or dual credit selected from English, mathematics, science, social studies, economics, languages other than English, or fine arts

49 Distinguished A student may earn a distinguished level of achievement by successfully completing: the foundation curriculum four credits in mathematics, which must include Algebra II, four credits in science (Fine Arts exception), and the curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement. This means add Algebra II to programs of study. Source: House Bill 5, Chapter 74, Subchapter B, Section 12

50 Handout Outlines the specific requirements for each endorsement Remember the reason for all of this… the endorsement must mean something to the student for it to be of value. Can a school develop a program of study that earns all 5 endorsements?

51 pos-alignment/ ESC 13 offers 87 Programs of Study/Personal Graduation Plans aligned to the endorsements @


53 House Bill 5 Requirement “A school district shall ensure that each student, on entering ninth grade, indicates in writing an endorsement that the student intends to earn. A district shall permit a student to choose, at any time, to earn an endorsement other than the endorsement the student previously indicated.” Source: House Bill 5, Section 16, Section 28.025, (b) “The SBOE by rule shall provide students with multiple options for earning each endorsement, including, to the greatest extent possible, coherent sequences of courses.” Source: House Bill 5, Section 16, Section 28.025, (c-1)

54 POS and PGP Side-by-Side an advisement tool for students, parents, and counselors. a map for college and career readiness aligned to an occupational objective. developed by stakeholders to ensure relevant, accurate information. A Program of Study is:A Personal Graduation Plan is: a working document used by counselors to track student completion of graduation requirements. a tool used to document grades, assessment outcomes, etc. during high school. an opportunity for students and counselors to meet individualized student needs.

55 8 th Grade Career Testing (e) A school district may not prevent a student and the student ’s parent or guardian from confirming a personal graduation plan that includes pursuit of a distinguished level of achievement or an endorsement. (f) A student may amend the student ’s personal graduation plan after the initial confirmation of the plan under this section. If a student amends the student ’s personal graduation plan, the school shall send written notice to the student ’s parents.

56 © 2014 Education Service Center Region 13



59 Identify educational goals Business & Industry

60 Diagnostic Information

61 Ongoing Evaluation of Academic Progress Intensive Instruction Program

62 Acceleration

63 Parent/Guardian Participation Educational Expectation Signature


65 The personal graduation plan options reviewed must include the distinguished level of achievement described by Section 28.025(b-15) and the endorsements described by Section 28.025(c-1). © 2014 Education Service Center Region 13

66 (d)A personal graduation plan under Subsection (c) must identify a course of study that: (1)promotes: (A)college and workforce readiness; and (B)career placement and advancement; and (2)facilitates the student ’s transition from secondary to postsecondary education. Business & Industry

67 Before the conclusion of the school year, the student and the student ’s parent or guardian must confirm and sign a personal graduation plan for the student.

68 The counselor must: Explain and encourage parents (to the greatest extent possible) the benefits of choosing a high school personal graduation plan that includes the distinguished level of achievement under the foundation high school program and includes one or more endorsements to enable the student to achieve a class rank in the top 10 percent for students at the campus. At all levels, a school counselor shall advise students and their parents/guardians on the importance of post secondary education. The importance of a High School graduation plan that includes one or more endorsements and the distinguished level of achievement and the importance of Post Secondary Education, automatic college admission and eligibility for financial aid have been explained to me.


70 HB 3028 technical education program that leads to an industry- recognized license, credential

71 College Readiness Results © 2014 Education Service Center Region 13

72 Business & Industry

73 © 2014 Education Service Center Region 13


75 Resource All 20 ESC’s have trainers CCR Profile Planning Guide

76 Contact Information Steve Frank, College & Career Readiness Coordinator 512-919-5221 Gena Helton, Education Specialist: College & Career Guidance 512-919-5337

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