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MECHANISM ELEMENT Machines can be loosely defined as a device which receives energy and uses it to do a particular kind of work. The teory of machines comprises the study o relative motion between parts of the machine and forces which act on these parts due to constrained motion. Machines and mechanisms are distinguished from mere structures due to the movements of their parts in relation to one another by magnitudes. Only the geometric characteristics that affect the motion is consider, therefore the first family of elements of the mechanism that will be consider are different forms of a rigid body. A mechanism element will be defined as the geometrical form by which two parts of a mechanism are joined together so that the relative motion between these two parts is consistent. Part of a machine which has motion telative to any other part is termed as link or an element. It is possible that each link consists of several parts connected to each other but having no relative motion between them. Two link which are connected together in such a wqy that their relative motion is completely constrained forms a kinematic pair. A kinematic pair may be fully constrained or complete. Since rigid body has six degrees of freedom for general spatial motion and three degrees of freedom for planar motion, threfore the mechanism joints can be described as:
Revolute joint (R) : allows relative rotation of the two parts about a point, one degree of freedom, and imposes five constrains. Typical revolute joints are pins and hinges. Cylindrical joint (C) : only rotation about its axis and translation along the axis are possible; allow two degrees of freedom, and imposes four constrains on the motion. Helix joint (H) : only rotation about its axis and translation along the axis are possible; only one degrees of freedom, and imposes five constrains on the motion. Typical helix joints are power skrew, skrew joint and helical joint. Spherical joint (S) : only three rotations about three axes are possible; allow three degrees of freedom, and imposes three constrains on the motion. A typical is ball joint. Prismatic joint (P) : allows only rectilinear motion; allow one degree of freedom, and imposes two constrains in plane motion, five constrains in space motion. A typical prismatic joint is a slider. Link (L) : rigid body; has three degrees of freedom if it is confined to move on a plane (planar link), two translations and one rotation; crank and connecting rod of a piston engine. six degrees of freedom if it has general spatial motion (planar link) , three translations and three rotation; robot arm. Lower pairs are kinematic pair in which the two elements have surface contact and when in motion one surface moves relati to the other. Higher pairs will have line or point contact such a cam and follower, and a pair of gears in mesh.
Mobility of Mechanism A kinematic chain is called a mechanism if one link is fixed. Pertimbangkan rajah di bawah, biasanya satu penyambung(link) akan ditetapkan, yang mana menggurangkan tiga darjah kebebasan. Oleh sebab setiap penyambung mempunyai enam darjah kebebasan(degree of freedom) dan setiap sendi revolut(revolute joint) mengalihkan lima darjah kebebasan, maka bilangan darjah kebebasan mekanisma tersebut adalah diberikan secara umumnya sebagai M = 6 ( n - 1 ) – 5m (persamaan Gruebler) dimana n = bilangan penyambung m = bilangan sendi revolut Untuk mekanisma satah (planar mekanism) Mplanar = 3 ( n – 1 ) – 2m r2 a r1 r3 c b
Mplanar = 3 ( n – 1 ) – 2m = 3 ( 3 -1 ) – 2(3) = 0 Oleh sebab mekanisma ini tidak boleh bergerak maka ianya adalah satu struktur. Untuk rajah dibawah; mobiliti mekanisma adalah Mplanar = 3 ( n – 1 ) – 2m = 3 ( 4 -1 ) – 2(4) = 1 Mekanisma hanya boleh bergerak secara putaran shaja. r2 a r1 r3 d b r4 c
Linkage are often used in machines to achieve; Change of reciprocating motion to rotary motion, and the inverse Change of a constant speed rotary motion to one of non-constant speed Chane of reciprocating motion to another such motion with different characteristics. One link of the linkage the input link is connected with a prime mover that provide the power. Another link, output link, is connected with a part that provides the useful function of of the linkage. At least one link, a base link, is fixed in space(usually on the machine frame). For a four-bar linkage, input usually is the rotation of the crank(link r2) and output the rotation of the follower(link r4). Link r3 is the coupler while link r1 is the base link. In order that one link of the four-bar linkage can make full revolution Grashof’s law state that
If the shortest link is attached to the base link, we obtained the crank and rocker mechanism. The crank executes a full rotation while the rocker oscillates only between two limits. If the shortest link is the base link, we obtained the drag-link or double-crank mechanism. The crank and the follower both execute full rotations. If the opposite to the shortest link is the base link, we obtained the double rocker mechanism. The crank and the follower both oscillates only between two limits. r2 a r1 r3 d b r4 c f2 f4 g The first problem in linkage analysis is to find the geometric configuration for differen locations of the input link, the output angle f4 for different values of the input angle f2 if the lengths of the links are known. The geometric closure for the vector polygon is r1 + r2 + r3 + r4 = 0
Dimana r1=base link length
r2=crank length r3=coupler length r4=follower length f2=input angle f3=coupler angle f4=output angle S= auxiliary distance g= auxiliary angle
EX. A four-bar linkage has link length of r1=2. 5cm, r2=1. 65cm, r3=2
EX. A four-bar linkage has link length of r1=2.5cm, r2=1.65cm, r3=2.1cm, r4=0.75cm. At the starting position the input angle is 600. Find the output angle and the coupler angle. r2 a r1 r3 d b r4 c f2 f4 g Penyelesaian < 3.25 < 3.75 S=( – 2(2.5)(1.65)cos 600)1/2 =2.202cm f4 = 1800 – arccos [( – 1.652)/(2x2.5x2.202) + arccos [( ) /(2x0.75x2.202) f4 = = = +arccos [( )/(2x0.75x2.202)] = f3 = f4 – g = – =
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