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The DNA Bead String Exercise Anita L DeStefano, PhD Department of Biostatistics BU School of Public Health Co-Director Biostatistics Program Associate.

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Presentation on theme: "The DNA Bead String Exercise Anita L DeStefano, PhD Department of Biostatistics BU School of Public Health Co-Director Biostatistics Program Associate."— Presentation transcript:

1 The DNA Bead String Exercise Anita L DeStefano, PhD Department of Biostatistics BU School of Public Health Co-Director Biostatistics Program Associate Director Genome Science Institute

2 Innovation Inspiration National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) funded Summer Institute in Training in Biostatistics (SIBS) 6 week intensive summer course for undergraduates Addressing dearth of Biostatisticians

3 Innovation Inspiration Modules in – Biostatistics – Epidemiology – Clinical Trials – Statistical Genetics

4 Innovation Inspiration Modules in – Biostatistics – Epidemiology – Clinical Trials – Statistical Genetics Lisa Sullivan, Chair Department of Biostatistics Associate Dean of Education, SPH Metcalf Award Winner Wayne LaMorte, Assistant Dean of Education, SPH Presenting later today Me

5 Innovation Inspiration Need to keep up with excellent faculty – Hands on activities – Counting M&M colors to assess statistical distribution I teach the last week – Even highly motivated students start to wane a bit

6 Innovation Inspiration Statistical Genetics – Application of statistical tests to genetic data – Often to identify variation in the human genome that confers risk for disease – Requires understanding of both the statistical and genetic concepts SIBS students have varying background in biology and genetics

7 How do I… Provide a hands on way to “see” DNA? Show students how DNA is analyzed without taking them into a lab? Bring students of varying background to the same level Cover both genetic and statistical concepts? Have students interact with each other? Have students interact with me?

8 DNA Bead Exercise In the laboratory can examine a small segment of DNA and characterize Recreated a small DNA segment with beads incorporating key genetic concepts – Non-coding region – Promoter region – Coding region – Restriction enzyme cut site – Tetranucleotide repeat – Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP: missense) Carefully constructed to incorporate statistical concepts – Disease association – Linkage disequilibrium

9 A T G C GATA repeat promoter region codons String color indicates disease status ECOR1 cut site ECOR1 cut site

10 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism SNP

11 DNA Bead Exercise: Implementation Randomly hand out bead strings to student – Half blue strings (unaffected with disease) – Half yellow strings (affected with disease) Students must pair based on same string color Characterize their “individual” – Affected/Unaffected with disease – Length of DNA segment (based on GATA repeats) – Presence or Absence of ECOR1 cut site – Amino Acid sequence Aggregate data across the class

12 A T G C GATA repeat promoter region codons String color indicates disease status ECOR1 cut site ECOR1 cut site

13 DNA Bead Exercise: Implementation Discuss correct statistical test – No association with disease status Allele (Length of Bead String: varies by number of GATA repeats) 8084889296 Affected21423 Unaffected12333 Table 1. Allele Frequencies based on 12 individuals (24 chromosomes)

14 DNA Bead Exercise: Implementation Create similar tables for other genetic characteristics Association between presence/absence of ECOR1 cut site and disease status Stronger association between amino acid change and disease status Correlation between the ECOR1 cut site and amino acid change – Linkage disequilibrium

15 DNA Bead Exercise: Implementation Exercise used in – Summer Institute for Training in Biostatistics (undergraduates) – SPH BS858 Statistical Genetics I (graduate students) – Upward Bound (high school students) Well received by students Helps achieve learning objectives Could be adapted for your course in genetics, medical genetics, population genetics, bioinformatics

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