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TB Seminar 2014 Agenda and issues in NTP M&E System ARUN GAUTAM, CHIEF, PME SECTION, NTC.

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Presentation on theme: "TB Seminar 2014 Agenda and issues in NTP M&E System ARUN GAUTAM, CHIEF, PME SECTION, NTC."— Presentation transcript:

1 TB Seminar 2014 Agenda and issues in NTP M&E System ARUN GAUTAM, CHIEF, PME SECTION, NTC

2 Recording and Reporting through HMIS Status 1.Full implementation of integrated NTP R&R system in HMIS by first of Shrawan 2071 2.Forms and formats are being distributed to all districts 3.All treatment center will be DOTS center, there will be no sub DOTS center from Shrawan 2071 Issues All reporting units in the district are trained/oriented for R&R in HMIS- are reporting units ready to use HMIS?- additional day in DOTS workshop for training to report in HMIS- third trimester 2070/71 Are forms and formats are sufficient? There should be no discrepancies between NTP and HMIS data so that there will be no problem in cohort while reporting monthly through HMIS

3 Monitoring and Supervision Rare practice of using supervision check list Rare practice of using information of supervision for program improvement and evaluation Use of District Master Register to monitor patient treatment Establishing instant feed back system Use of supervision as a coaching and giving hands on skill to the reporting unit staff for proper recording and reporting Use of data at regional and district level for program evaluation and developing implementation strategy Low practice of using supervision for data quality, and addressing local level issues

4 Reporting of MDR, PPM and PAL Establishing MDR reporting system through district Establish a mechanism of reporting the test of MDR suspect (all retreatment cases) by Gene- Xpert Developing reporting linkage of TB cases diagnosed by TB Reach Project Insufficient recording and reporting of PPM, PAL and TB-HIV- including cross referral, HIV test of TB patients, services linkage information provided by NTP and NCASC

5 Other Issues Revitalizing the physical count and reporting of TB drug Strengthening Reporting of lab examination- crucial for analyzing suspects Mapping of out reach population in district- will be added in program management form Reporting of contact tracing and Community Based DOTS Use of supervision budget for other purposes No practice of involving community people in program audit and monitoring Timely reporting of Anusuchi-2, Aa. Le. Pa. and Ma. Le. Pa Proper recording and reporting of distribution of nutritional support to retreatment patients

6 Increasing Data Quality System 1.There is a practice of reporting cure without following the criteria of cure- sputum result at fifth month and end of treatment 2.Increasing practice of moving to continuation phase without the sputum test/result of at 2/3 month 3.Some reporting unit are not updating treatment card and TB register Use of HMIS data quality program for NTP Increasing the involvement of supervisors in data quality assurance- through data analysis, using master TB register Supervisory visit should ensure data quality Involvement of partners in data audit


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