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AFRICA LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTION FORUM (ALGAF IV) Local Government Responses to HIV/ AIDS Session III Taking the Lead in Coordination and Action: Strategy.

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2 AFRICA LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACTION FORUM (ALGAF IV) Local Government Responses to HIV/ AIDS Session III Taking the Lead in Coordination and Action: Strategy and Partnership By: Dr. Meherteselassie Menbere Team leader, Addis Ababa City Government HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office (A. A. HAPCO) December 19, 2003

3 Taking Stock of Local Responses to HIV/AIDS Gaps Identified The identified gaps were -No holistic OVC programs -No spiritual counseling service -No legal support service of any kind -Absence of well equipped resource centers -Absence of youth friendly VCT centers

4 Taking Stock of Local Responses to HIV/AIDS Gaps Identified -No ARV drug supply -No PMTCT/PMTCT plus services -No well established referral linkages -Absence of continuum of prevention and care and support services

5 Present Relationship Between the LGA and the AIDS Service Till recently their relationship was merely on giving permission for operation But with the increasing visible impacts of HIV/AIDS an informal relationship was established ( referring employees to services) A network called AAAN is now established where NGOs and LGAs are welcomed to be members

6 Present Relationship Between the LGA and the AIDS Service The LGA is interested in establishing this network where members function in partnership

7 Why Partnership LGAs have realized that HIV/AIDS is not a problem that can be addressed by one or couple of sectors only LGAs have realized the need for co-operation and through this, programs could reinforce one another Will avoid duplication of efforts Will ensure efficient use of the scarce resources Sharing of information will be facilitated

8 How Does the LGA Plan to Implement the Identified Mainstreaming Activities Mainstreaming activities LGAsActivities Bureau of Education -Ensures that teachers and students receive appropriate information on HIV/AIDS - Arranges for consecutive life-skill education for students -Ensures that AIDS orphans receive educational and other supports

9 Mainstreaming ctd. Bureau of education Bureau of Education - Ensures that students have access to youth friendly VCT services -Ensures that students and teachers have access for counseling services -Arranges for school days where parents,students and teachers discuss on school HIV/AIDS programs -Ensures that students have access for STI treatment services -Plans HIV/AIDS programs for disabled students

10 How To Implement The bureau is planning to implement the activities set by Establishing a central committee at the bureau level Establishing committees at Sub-city level Form focal persons/points in schools Build the capacity of the members of the committees and focal persons Designs its strategic plan and operational plan Creates partnership with health institutions, NGOs and CBOs (preparatory stage) Mobilize resources

11 Gaps in in the functional integration Identified gaps Out reach VCT services On going and spiritual counseling services Condom promotion and supply Nutritional advice and support services Home based care services Lack of a well established referral linkage

12 How to address gaps Establish an effective and functional referral linkage for a continuum of prevention and care & support services Work in partnership with FBOs,NGOs, CBOs Draw an action plan for services that has to be integrated Mobilize resources

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