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Towards a more Refined Education Priorities Matrix Mary Goretti Nakabugo, Education researcher, IAPRCB Mary Goretti Nakabugo, Education researcher, IAPRCB.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards a more Refined Education Priorities Matrix Mary Goretti Nakabugo, Education researcher, IAPRCB Mary Goretti Nakabugo, Education researcher, IAPRCB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards a more Refined Education Priorities Matrix Mary Goretti Nakabugo, Education researcher, IAPRCB Mary Goretti Nakabugo, Education researcher, IAPRCB Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick Limerick, Ireland Limerick, Ireland 3 rd IAPRCB Workshop, Maputo, 11-14 May 2009 3 rd IAPRCB Workshop, Maputo, 11-14 May 2009

2 Education Priorities from the 2 nd workshop 1.Teacher education 2.Education for sustainable development 3.Inclusive education 4.Education in disadvantaged communities 5.Curriculum reform and development 6.ICT and education

3 Validating and Broadening the Priorities Purpose: To compare and contrast the priorities derived from the 2 nd IAPRB Entebbe workshop with those identified by broader analysts and actors. Methodology: i) Literature review (international, regional and national) ii) Elite interviews with a range of education specialists, both internationally and nationally and within the IAP partner countries.

4 Literature Reviewed GlobalContinentalNational UN (MDGs & Decade for ESD 2005-2015) AU (2 nd Decade of Educ for Africa action plan & AU Commission SP) Mozambique AP for the reduction of absolute poverty 2001-2005 UNESCO (Medium Term Strategy 2008-2013 & T.E reports) NEPAD (2001 Framework document) Uganda ESSP 2004-2015 & PEAP, 2004/5-2007/8 World Bank Educ prioritiesBREDA Education prioritiesMalawi Growth and Devt. Strategy 2006-2011 Irish Aid (Educ policy & CSP for IAPRC partner countries ADEA Plan of ActionTanzania Educ Sector Devt Programme 2008-2017 DfID research strategyAAU Strategic PlanTanzania National Strategy for Growth & Reduction of Poverty, 2005 USAID SSA Educ. priorities

5 Emerging Themes from the Literature GlobalContinentalNational Irish Aid, DfID, USAID EFA & Gender Equality Pre- and Post- primary education Quality of learning Education for Sustainable Devt Education for the Knowledge Economy Quality of the teaching force (TE) Inclusive education Sector-wide approach Higher Education ICT and education Curriculum Devt Non-formal Education & lifelong learning School-work linkage (skills training, vocational, entrepreneurship…) Financing education Preventive education In addition to global and continental agenda: Science & Technology Financing & sustainability of the education system Assessment practices Multi-sectoral approach e.g. health and nutrition… EFA & gender equity Educ in difficult environments Comprehensive approach to Educ Multi-sectoral approaches Educ. Outcomes Resources to support learning Cross-cutting themes e.g. HIV/AIDS and Education

6 Expert Interviews World Bank World Bank AAU AAU DfID DfID ADEA ADEA Irish Aid Irish Aid The Open University Worldwide The Open University Worldwide Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA) Commonwealth Association of Polytechnics in Africa (CAPA) National Council for Higher Education (Uganda) National Council for Higher Education (Uganda) National Council for Science and Technology (Uganda) National Council for Science and Technology (Uganda) UNESCO Centre, University of Ulster; UNESCO Centre, University of Ulster; Mary Immaculate College Mary Immaculate College University College Cork. University College Cork.

7 Themes Emerging from Experts The 2 MDGs related to education The 2 MDGs related to education Post-primary education, especially Higher Education Post-primary education, especially Higher Education Issues impacting on the whole education System Issues impacting on the whole education System Inclusive education Inclusive education Teacher professionalism & professional values Teacher professionalism & professional values Issues with greater potential to impact on poverty reduction Issues with greater potential to impact on poverty reduction Multi-sectoral issues engaging education and health Multi-sectoral issues engaging education and health Communicating research findings to decision makers Communicating research findings to decision makers Strategic approaches to research through country-donor dialogue Strategic approaches to research through country-donor dialogue

8 HOW IAP Priorities Compare IAPRCBGlobalContinentalNationalIrish Aid DfID, USAID Experts Tr. Educationxxxxxx Educ for sustainable Devt. xxx Inclusive Education xxxxx Education in disadvantaged communities xxx Curriculum Reform & Devt xxxxxx ICT & Educationxxxxxx

9 Some useful observations Teacher Ed, Curriculum reform & ICT and education are major priorities at all levels Teacher Ed, Curriculum reform & ICT and education are major priorities at all levels Though ESD is not a major priority to the reviewed development agencies, at the national level it is integral with curriculum reform Though ESD is not a major priority to the reviewed development agencies, at the national level it is integral with curriculum reform Educ in disadvantaged communities is integral with inclusive education at global, continental & from experts’ point of view. Educ in disadvantaged communities is integral with inclusive education at global, continental & from experts’ point of view.

10 Expanding the List of Possible Education Priorities There is need to consider the broader set of priorities that would impact on the whole education system: There is need to consider the broader set of priorities that would impact on the whole education system: –Human resources for education –Systems –Inputs –Processes –Outcomes e.g. role of education in development

11 The Expanded Education Priorities List 1. Assessment and Evaluation 2. Curriculum Reform and Development 3. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) 4. Education for the Knowledge Economy 5. Financing and Sustaining the Education System 6. Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women 7. HIV/AIDS Education 8. ICT and Education 9. Inclusive Education 10. Management of Education 11. Interrelated Nature of Education 12. Non-formal Education 13. Peace Education / Peace Building 14. Quality of Education 15. Resources to Support Teaching and Learning 16. School Health and Nutrition 17. School-work-linkage/transition 18. Teacher Education 19. Teacher Professionalism and Professional Values 20. Teaching and Learning (Pedagogy)

12 Ranking Scheme [E.g.] PriorityCPRRPPCEWFFADUrgencyTotal Score Assessment and evaluation59687843 Curriculum Reform and Devt.10 95 54 Education for Sustainable Devt99959950 Education for K economy99658946 etc. CPR = Contribution to Poverty Reduction RPP = Relevance to Policy and Practice CEW = Contribution to Empowerment of Women FF = Financial Feasibility AD = Avoidance of Duplication

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