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Stems List #3 auto self autobiography, autograph, autonomy, autocorrect, autocracy.

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Presentation on theme: "Stems List #3 auto self autobiography, autograph, autonomy, autocorrect, autocracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stems List #3 auto self autobiography, autograph, autonomy, autocorrect, autocracy

2 Stems List #3 biblio book bibliography, bibliophile, Bible, bibliopegy, bibliopole

3 Stems List #3 Bio Life biography, biology, biologist, biosphere

4 Stems List #3 Cap Take capture, captive, conception, recipient (note the vowel change from a to i or e in compounds, words with two stems)

5 Miss Send dismiss, missle, missionary, transmission, intermittent

6 Stems List #3 Neo New neonatal, neologism, neology, neophyte, neophilia, neocracy, neogamist neon: Word Origin & History: 1898, coined by Ramsay and Travers from Gk. neon, neut. of neos "new," so called because it was newly discovered.

7 Stems List #3 Port Carry deport, export, transport, transportation

8 Scrib Write scribble, transcribe, describe, inscribe, scripture, scribe, manuscript

9 Stems List #3 Archy Government monarchy, anarchy, archangel, archetype

10 Stems List #3 Audi hear audience, auditory, audiometer, auditorium

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