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 zdyM zdyM.

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2  zdyM zdyM

3  Replace old cells  Growth  Repair cuts/ wounds  Reproduction

4  Each cell needs a complete set of 46 chromosomes.  Cells must replicate, or make an exact copy of the DNA to put in new cells. 1 DNA2 DNA DNA Replication

5  1: DNA double helix unwinds.

6  2: Hydrogen bonds break and strands begin to unzip.

7  3: Free nucleotides pair up with nucleotides on parent strand to form a complementary strand.

8  At the end of replication, two IDENTICAL strands of DNA have been formed!

9  Each new strand pairs up with an old strand two produce two DNA molecules each containing one parent (old) and one daughter (new) strand.

10  After DNA is replicated, a cell splits to form two cells that each get one copy of the DNA!


12  Riboonucleic acid  RNA is used to make a temporary copy of the information contained in the DNA of an organism.

13  Messenger RNA (mRNA)  Transfer RNA (tRNA)  Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

14  Single helix  Single strand  Backbone of sugar, phosphate  Nucleotides: ◦ Adenine ◦ Guanine ◦ Cytosine ◦ Uracil

15  Where is DNA in a cell?  Where are proteins made in a cell?

16  Information from DNA needs to be carried to ribosomes so proteins can be made.  Why would it be a bad idea to send the DNA to the ribosomes? DNA Protein Manufacturing

17  Each cell only has one copy of DNA, so it has to be protected in the nucleus.  Thousands of mRNAs can be made from a DNA template strand, but DNA is only replicated to make a new cell.



20 DNA mRNA transcription

21  To make a copy of something  Examples: ◦ Rewriting or typing an old documents ◦ Typing the lyrics to a song ◦ Taking notes from a PowerPoint!

22  DNA contains all the information for making the proteins that make up our bodies.  DNA never leaves the nucleus of the cell. If this is true, then how does the rest of the cell get information from the DNA?

23  1: DNA unwinds  2: DNA unzips

24  3: RNA nucleotides are combined by RNA polymerase to form messenger RNA (mRNA) strand

25  4: DNA rezips and winds up

26  mRNA leaves the nucleus through a nuclear pore and travels to a ribosome

27  Proteins are made from the mRNA!


29 mRNA protein translation

30  In a ribosome

31  Transfer RNA- bring amino acids to ribosome in order to make a protein made of amino acids

32  Each 3 base sequence of mRNA is known as a codon and is specific for a particular amino acid.

33  1: tRNA molecule attaches to mRNA codon

34  2: A peptide bond is formed between amino acids.

35  3: tRNA molecule exits the ribosome. The ribosome shifts down the mRNA.

36  A: Attachment  P: Peptide Bond  E: Exit

37  A chain of amino acids= protein!

38  Protein gets shipped to a part of the cell to do a specific job.  mRNA is broken down into bases that can be used to make new mRNA or translated again to make another protein


40  3 bases of mRNA= 1codon = 1 amino acid

41  There are 20 amino acids.  How do we make hundreds of thousands of proteins using only 20 amino acids?

42  Each codon is specific to an amino acid.

43  One sequence ALWAYS tells a ribosome where to start an amino acid chain.  AUG codes for met (methionine)  Every amino acid chain starts with a methionine in humans. AUGAUG

44  Tells a ribosome where to stop reading a strand of mRNA  There are 3 stop codons: UAA, UAG, and UGA.


46  What amino acid is coded by: ◦ GCU: ◦ GAA: ◦ CUA: ◦ AUU: ◦ UCG:

47  What amino acid is coded by: ◦ UGG: ◦ AUA: ◦ GUC: ◦ GAA: ◦ UUU:

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