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Testing Students with Disabilities Publication RAC Training Presented by: Carrie Perkis.

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Presentation on theme: "Testing Students with Disabilities Publication RAC Training Presented by: Carrie Perkis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Testing Students with Disabilities Publication RAC Training Presented by: Carrie Perkis

2 Information from this presentation is located in: Testing Students with Disabilities publication (August 2013) Testing Students with Disabilities Website: accountability/policies/tswd/ Testing Accommodations Website: accountability/policies/accom/

3 Shipping/General Information Calculated number shipped to LEAs in ~October 2013 –One to LEA level, one to each school Notebook format, 3-hole punched Will receive cover page, spine label, tabs, and content pages

4 Sections of TSWD Document A.Introduction B.Responsibilities C.Procedures for Determining Participation D.Testing Accommodations – Descriptions and Procedures E.Monitoring Accommodations F.North Carolina Alternate Assessments G.Appendices

5 A. Introduction Federal and state policy on testing and accountability systems General information on accommodations General information on alternate assessments Students with Disabilities = Current IEP or Section 504 Plan

6 B. Responsibilities of the LEA Test Coordinator and EC Director/ Section 504 Coordinator Joint responsibilities –Disperse information –Establish monitoring systems –Ensure accommodations documentation and implementation Joint training of staff –Test administrators, proctors, teachers serving students with disabilities

7 C. Procedures for Determining Participation in the General Test Administration, Testing with Accommodations, or an Alternate Assessment All students must participate in testing –General state test without accommodations –General state test with accommodations –Alternate assessment with or without accommodations

8 C. Procedures (cont’d) Instructional accommodations NC Testing Program participation Item tryouts/field tests Guiding principles for accommodations Accommodations for NAEP Accommodations for NC tests

9 C. Procedures (cont’d) Accommodations documentation Eligibility for accommodations SWD also identified as LEP Transitory Impairments Routine use of accommodations Notifying students Student declines use of accommodation Use of accommodations not described in the TSWD publication

10 D. Testing Accommodations – Descriptions and Procedures Accommodations Tables: –Grades 3–8 Paper-and-Pencil –Grades 3–8 Online –Grades 9–12 Paper-and-Pencil –Grades 9–12 Online –NCEXTEND1

11 End-of-Grade Assessments EOG ELA and Mathematics (3-8) –Paper-and-pencil only EOG Science (5 & 8) –Online, paper-and-pencil option NCEXTEND2 ELA and Mathematics (3-8) –Online, paper-and-pencil option NCEXTEND2 Science (5 & 8) –Online, paper-and-pencil option

12 End-of-Course Assessments English II, Math I, Biology –Online, paper-and-pencil option NCEXTEND2 English II, Math I, Biology –Online, paper-and-pencil option

13 NCEXTEND1 Assessments ELA and Mathematics (3-8) Science (5 & 8) English II, Math I, Biology (grade 10) Grade 11 assessment ACCESS for LEP students All NCEXTEND1 tests are individually administered performance assessments


15 Special Print Versions Ordering – through data entry in LEA- approved accommodations management systems (NC WISE, CECAS, third-party) according to Testing Accommodations Collection Schedule

16 Braille Edition Contracted Braille How will student record responses? Does student need separate setting? Test administrator must have copy of test Transcriber’s notes Transcription of student responses

17 Large Print Edition 11” x 17” paper with 22-point font How will student record responses? Does student need separate setting? Transcription student responses Online assessments: –Large Font option for all students –Must be designated prior to testing

18 One Test Item Per Page Edition One item on each 8.5” x 11” piece of paper with standard 12-point font How will student record responses? Does student need separate setting? Transcription of student responses Online assessments: –Built into test design for these tests


20 Assistive Technology Devices Examples of approved AT devices Ensure AT Device will not invalidate assessment Test administrator must ensure device is in working order Calculator policy

21 Interpreter/Transliterator Signs/Cues Test Invalidates results of tests measuring reading comprehension Each testing site must have: a.Test administrator to read test aloud b.Interpreter/transliterator to sign/cue c.Trained proctor One individual may fulfill both (a) and (b).

22 Interpreter/Transliterator Signs/Cues Test (cont’d) Interpreter/transliterator may review test up to 2 days before test Must test in separate setting (one-on-one or small group) May sign/cue to small group of students if all are using same form Online – an extra computer monitor may be used to facilitate provision

23 Student Marks Answers in Test Book ALL students may write in their test booklet – no accommodation needed! Students with MIB do not transfer their answers from booklet to answer sheet Students with MIB must not be given an answer sheet, must circle answers in book May be tested in regular setting

24 Student Marks Answers in Test Book (cont’d) Test administrators may omit instructions that mention answer sheets Transcribing student responses – secure setting with a group of at least 3 individuals: –One to transcribe, one to verify transcription, one to observe process All 3 individuals must sign cover of test book Online - MIB not applicable for online tests

25 Student Reads Test Aloud to Self Separate setting (one-on-one) required Students may use a whisper phone/PVC elbow pipe or other similar device if used routinely

26 Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud Invalidates results of tests measuring reading comprehension Separate setting required (one-on-one or small group) Must specify details: –Read Aloud All –Read Aloud by Student Request –Other – words only on math test, etc.

27 Computer Reads Test Aloud – Student Controlled Available for online math and science tests Must be enabled in student interface questions (SIQ) before testing Separate room (one-on-one) required unless headphones are used Student clicks on speaker icon next to text to activate read aloud option Consider bandwidth when scheduling

28 Computer Reads Test Aloud – Student Controlled (cont’d) Limitation: only item stems and answer choices read by computer For an online assessment, student may have the test read aloud by: –Test administrator reads aloud –Computer reads aloud – student controlled –Combination of the two methods

29 Braille Writer/Slate and Stylus Test administrator may omit irrelevant instructions (e.g., no. 2 pencil) Transcription of student responses –May ask student to clarify nonsensical responses

30 Cranmer Abacus Not a substitute for a calculator, but may serve as scratch paper substitute for some Only student may operate the abacus

31 Dictation to a Scribe For both paper-and-pencil and online, two test administrators must be present –One fills role of test administrator –One fills role of scribe For multiple-choice, student may dictate letter choice, read answer aloud, or point For EOC English II constructed response, scribe must write exactly what student says Student proofreads responses

32 Dictation to a Scribe (cont’d) Transcription – group of three, all three must sign test book Online – if recorded directly on computer, test administrator to verify; scribe and TA to sign statement of validation Online – scribe may record student responses directly on computer or on a piece of paper

33 Magnification Devices Magnifier, monocular, closed-circuit television


35 Multiple Testing Sessions Testing over multiple mini-sessions Specifics of multiple testing sessions must be documented in IEP/Section 504 Plan –More frequent breaks (e.g., break every 20 minutes, break every 10 items) –Testing over multiple days (e.g., half test each day over 2 days) Must finish within maximum testing time unless also have Scheduled Extended Time

36 Multiple Testing Sessions (cont’d) Must begin on same day as general testing Multiple day administrations to be completed on make up days Testing in a Separate Room required if breaks are not standard Only students with the same break setups may be grouped together

37 Multiple Testing Sessions (cont’d) Test administrators may omit instructions related to time limits 5 minute warning must be given before lunch Books must be paper-clipped during extended breaks, students may not return to paper- clipped section after break Online – must be designated prior to testing

38 Scheduled Extended Time For students who need additional time, but can finish test in one day May not begin testing earlier than regularly scheduled time Add’l time on top of maximum testing time –Most tests have max time of 240 minutes!

39 Scheduled Extended Time (cont’d) Amount of estimated extended time must be specified in IEP/Section 504 Plan – but students allowed However, with this accommodation, students provided as much extended time as needed

40 Scheduled Extended Time (cont’d) Test administrator may omit instructions regarding time limits Breaks occur at standard time Student must be allowed to eat lunch Testing must be completed by dismissal Test security/paper-clipping Separate setting not required

41 Testing in a Separate Room Test administrator and proctor required Specifics must be documented in IEP/Section 504 Plan –One-on-one –Small group Define range or maximum # of students Local policy for definition of small group

42 Testing in a Separate Room (cont’d) One-on-One required for: –AT Device that reads test aloud (without use of headphones) –Computer Reads Test Aloud (without use of headphones) –Dictation to a Scribe –Student Reads Test Aloud to Self

43 Testing in a Separate Room (cont’d) One-on-one OR small group for: –Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud –Interpreter/Translator Signs/Cues Test –Multiple Testing Sessions (when breaks are not provided in alignment with standard administration procedures)

44 E. Monitoring Accommodations USED requires the NCDPI to submit evidence of a system for monitoring the implementation and effectiveness of testing accommodations –required testing accommodations –provided testing accommodations –usage of testing accommodations

45 E. Monitoring Accommodations (cont’d) 2013–2014 Required: Accommodations in PowerSchool, CECAS, LEA-approved third-party application Provided: Accommodations coded on answer sheets or online in NC Education Used: Review of Accommodations Used During Testing forms

46 E. Monitoring Accommodations (cont’d) Accommodation not provided: –OTISS report –Parent notified & decides on retest before score is received Accommodation provided that should not have been: –OTISS report –Misadministration and retest

47 F. North Carolina Alternate Assessments, cont’d Alternate assessments must be documented on a student’s IEP at least 30 days before testing window opens

48 G. Appendices A.Questions to Consider B.Routine Use of Accommodations Memo –Accommodations must be used for at least 30 days before testing C.Invalid Scores Memo D.Accommodation Notification Form E.Logistics Planning Checklist F.Review of Accommodations Used During Testing forms

49 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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