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Roles & Responsibilities Student Chapter Secretary.

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Presentation on theme: "Roles & Responsibilities Student Chapter Secretary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roles & Responsibilities Student Chapter Secretary

2 Student Chapter Secretary, Job Description  Recording officer for all chapter business  Record meeting minutes, and maintain a permanent file of all chapter reports

3 Chapter Secretary, Responsibilities  Transcribe notes of all chapter meetings  Create and distribute meeting minutes to all chapter members  Assist in preparing meeting agendas  Confirm meeting attendance, and determine if quorum is present to conduct official business  Order supplies for the chapter, as needed

4 Student Chapter Secretary, Quick Tips  Be prepared for each meeting:  Bring enough copies of meeting minutes for all members  Have copies of all chapter reports, for discussion  Create a sign-in sheet, to record all meeting attendees  Remember to check for quorum at each meeting (two-thirds of all voting members must be present to approve new motions)

5 Student Chapter Secretary, Quick Tips con’t  Visit the Volunteer Leaders’ Toolkit,, for:  Additional information on the roles and responsibilities of the chapter secretary  Additional forms and materials available for the student chapter’s benefit

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