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Unit I- Cells 1. What type of cell is this? 2. What is the name of organelle A? 3. Which organelle contains genetic material (DNA)? Identify the letter.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit I- Cells 1. What type of cell is this? 2. What is the name of organelle A? 3. Which organelle contains genetic material (DNA)? Identify the letter."— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit I- Cells

3 1. What type of cell is this? 2. What is the name of organelle A? 3. Which organelle contains genetic material (DNA)? Identify the letter.

4 Hint: This type of cell has no nucleus. 4. What type of cell is this?

5 5. What type of cell is this?

6 6. Cells Prokaryote ?

7 7. This organelle is responsible for packaging proteins.

8 8. This organelle is responsible for making (synthesizing) proteins.

9 9. Where do you find the DNA of a prokaryote?

10 10. Where do you find the DNA of a eukaryote?

11 11. What’s the order of complexity between a virus, eukaryote and prokaryote? Least  Most complex

12 12. This organelle is responsible for making ATP for the cell.

13 13. Name 3 things that a plant cell has that an animal cell doesn’t.

14 14. What formula/equation is this? 6 CO2 + 6 H20 + Energy  Glucose +6 O2

15 15. What formula/equation is this? Glucose + 6 O2  6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 38ATP

16 16. This macromolecule stores energy. The building blocks are fatty acid + glycerol.

17 17. This macromolecule is made up of amino acids.

18 18. This is a…

19 19. The first step of cellular respiration is _________ and it takes place in the __________.

20 20. The second step of cellular respiration is _________ and it takes place in the __________.

21 21. Central Dogma _____  ______  ____

22 22. This type of transport requires energy.

23 23. The 3 type of transport that DO NOT require energy are _________

24 UNIT II- Central Dogma

25 24. Transcription ________  _________

26 25. Replication ________  _________

27 26. Translation ________  _________

28 27. DNA Replication happens in the _____________.

29 28. Transcription takes place in the ____________.

30 29. Translation takes place in the _____________.

31 30. (just write the letters) The 4 bases of DNA are ____, _____, _____, ____

32 31. The 4 bases of RNA are ____, _____, _____, ____

33 32. DNA vs. RNA Which can leave the nucleus?

34 33. DNA vs. RNA Which is double stranded?

35 34. DNA vs. RNA Which has the sugar ribose?

36 35. DNA vs. RNA Which has the nitrogenous base Thymine (T)?

37 36. DNA vs. RNA


39 38. Replicate. AAAGGCGT

40 39. Transcribe. AAAGGCGTA

41 40. mRNA, tRNA, or rRNA? Who carries the codon?

42 41. mRNA, tRNA, or rRNA? Who carries the anti-codon?

43 Unit III- Mitosis/Meiosis + Genetics

44 42. Mitosis vs. Meiosis Forms new body cells

45 43. Mitosis vs. Meiosis Diploid  Haploid

46 44. Mitosis vs. Meiosis Process that makes an exact copy of a cell

47 45. Mitosis vs. Meiosis For growth and repair.

48 46. Mitosis vs. Meiosis

49 47. Mitosis vs. Meiosis For genetic variety (unique cells are made)

50 48. Mitosis vs. Meiosis Makes gametes

51 49. Mitosis vs. Meiosis Crossing over occurs

52 50. Mitosis vs. Meiosis Makes sperm and eggs

53 51. Mitosis vs. Meiosis

54 52. Diploid or Haploid Sperm

55 53. Diploid or Haploid Zygote

56 54. Diploid or Haploid Egg

57 55. Diploid or Haploid Skin cell

58 56. Female’s sex chromosomes are _ _.

59 57. Male’s sex chromosomes are _ _.

60 58. Total number of chromosomes in a human somatic cell?

61 59. Total number of chromosomes in a human with Down Syndrome? (There’s an extra chromosome on #21)

62 60. What type of dominance? Incomplete, codominance, or normal dominant/recessive?

63 61. What type of dominance? Incomplete, codominance, or normal dominant/recessive?

64 62. What type of dominance? Incomplete, codominance, or normal dominant/recessive?

65 63. The physical appearance of an organism

66 64. The genetic make-up of an organism

67 65. Green is dominant over yellow. Two heterozygous plants mate. What percent of plants are yellow?

68 66. When a person has two alleles that are the same.

69 67. When a person has two alleles that are different.

70 Unit IV- Evolution

71 68. A group of organisms of the same species

72 69. Evolution theory is explained through this process, or “survival of the fittest”

73 70. Natural selection acts on the _____________ of the organism.

74 71. Genetic variation _____________ the survival rate of organisms.

75 72. True or False? A theory is well-tested and backed up with a lot of evidence. It is not a guess.

76 73. True or False? An example of genetic variation is when there are humans with different color skins and different heights.

77 74. True or False? If an environmental disaster took place, such as a volcanic eruption or flood, it is more likely that species will survive if there is low genetic variation and low biodiversity.

78 75. True or False? Darwin observed that tortoises and birds (finches) on the Galapagos responded to their environment and climate. Those that adapted to the environment survived, reproduced, and passed down their genes.

79 Answer Key 1.Plant Cell 2.Central Vacuole 3.D (nucleus) 4.Prokaryote or Bacteria 5.Animal Cell 6.Eukaryote 7.Golgi Apparatus 8.Ribsosomes 9.Floating in cytoplasm 10.Nucleus 11.Virus  Prokaryote  Eukaryote 12.Mitochondria 13.Chloroplast, cell wall, central vacuole 14.Photosynthesis 15.Cellular respiration 16.Lipid 17.Protein 18.Nucleotide 19.Glycolysis; Cytoplasm 20.Krebs Cycle; Mitochondria 21.DNA  RNA  Prote in 22.Active transport 23.Osmosis, diffusion, fac.diff. 24.DNA  RNA 25.DNA  DNA 26.RNA  Protein 27.Nucleus 28.Nucleus 29.Ribosome 30.A, T, G, C 31.A, U, G, C 32.RNA 33.DNA 34.RNA 35.DNA 36.RNA 37.DNA 38.TTTCCGCA 39.UUUCCGCAU 40.mRNA 41.tRNA 42.Mitosis 43.Meiosis 44.Mitosis 45.Mitosis 46.Meiosis 47.Meiosis 48.Meiosis 49.Meiosis 50.Meiosis 51.Mitosis 52.Haploid 53.Diploid 54.Haploid 55.Diploid 56.XX 57.XY 58.46 59.47 60.Incomplete dominance 61.Codominance 62.Dominant/Recessiv e 63.Phenotype 64.Genotype 65.25% 66.Homozygous 67.Heterozygous 68.Population 69.Natural Selection 70.Phenotype 71.Increase 72.True 73.True 74.False 75.True

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