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School-wide Positive Behavior Support Middle School Wayne RESA 2009-10 Chris McEvoy

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1 School-wide Positive Behavior Support Middle School Wayne RESA 2009-10 Chris McEvoy

2 Academic SystemsBehavioral Systems 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success

3 Urban Applications Warren, et al., 2003 – Kansas City

4 School-wide PBS

5 Tier One School-wide PBS 1. Establish commitment 2. Form PBS Team 3. Identify & Teach Positive Behavior Expectations 4. Institute Reward Systems 5. Create a continuum of consequences 6. Establish Data Systems 7. Data analysis – Implement Tier 2 Interventions

6 Establish Commitment  Behavior needs to be a high priority  Commit to 2-3 years process  All staff receive training & are involved in the process  Administrator supports School-wide PBS  All Staff PBS Self-Assessment Survey

7 Self-Assessment Survey – Sample Questions A small number (i.e., 3-5) of positive student behavior expectations have been defined school-wide for all students e.g., be respectful, responsible, and safe.

8 Self-Assessment Survey – Sample Questions Data are collected and used (discipline summaries, surveys) to guide decision making about school-wide behavior interventions.

9 What does Administrative support for SWPBS look like? Make sure the PBS team functions effectively – don’t try to do it all yourself Make sure that new members are added to the team over time – prevent burn out Keep PBS a high priority – give it sufficient planning time and resources Be a spokesperson – use the language – talk it up – give it time at staff meetings – be enthusiastic

10 Form PBS Team  PBS Team is representative of the school Grade levels – teachers Support staff Specials Special Education Administrator Others  Schedule Meetings  Implementation Checklist  Program Design/Plan of Work


12 Teach Positive Behavior Expectations Identify core values/big ideas Respect Self, others, property Responsibility Safety Develop behavior matrix

13 Matrix of Expectations Middle School

14 Lincoln Park Middle School




18 Staff Notebook

19 Key Features of Instruction Brief lessons - teach like academics In classroom & non-classroom settings Teach the words Rationale Positive Examples Negative Examples Practice - Video

20 Resources Florida’s Positive Behavior Support Project sp videos & PPTs sp ns.asp ns.asp PBIS Maryland s.htm s.htm OSEP Technical Assistance Center on PBIS ions.htm ions.htm

21 School-wide Reward Systems 4 to 1 ratio of positive attention to corrections

22 Lincoln Park Middle School

23 Dragon Pride Cards similar to the one above will be distributed to all staff members, along with a badge/ID holder to carry them in. Currently all staff members are required by Board policy to ID’s anyway. Whenever a staff member witnesses a student properly engaged in the behaviors in the Matrix, or otherwise doing some good deed worthy of recognition, they can issue the student a “Dragon Pride” with both the student and teacher’s names and date. The student can then drop the card in a bucket in the main office for a lottery style drawing. The drawings will be held weekly for a smaller prize, and monthly for a larger prize.

24 Tickets to Referrals Template a%20Template.xls

25 School-wide Reward Systems Lottery drawings – classroom/school-wide Redeemable coupons - School Store Reward parties – for zero ODR

26 Patrick Henry Middle School Students eligible for “Fun Hours” by month (0 detentions and/or suspensions during the previous month)

27 Year to Year (Total ODRs)

28 MEGA Fun Activities Outdoor Picnic Concert (Band, D.J.) Dunk Tank Open Swim Open Gym Outdoor Basketball Rims (possible 3 on 3 tournament) Food Contests (PTO sponsored: pie eating, etc.) Student Council Field Games: Softball Game Tug of War Water Balloon Toss Sack Races Etc.

29 Total ODR’s dropped from 602 during May, 2007 to 347 ODR’s during May, 2008. Result = a decrease of 255 ODR’s. = a 43% reduction in in ODR’s. Year to Year (Total ODRs)

30 Resources Florida’s Positive Behavior Support Project ntives.asp ntives.asp New Jersey Positive Behavior Support in Schools ndex.htm ndex.htm

31 Create a Continuum of Consequences Identify “Majors” & “Minors” Create a consistent approach – “get on the same page” with other staff Create predictability for students Directly instruct students in consequences Be neutral, firm, & consistent – reduce “drama”

32 Franklin Middle School


34 Marshall Middle School

35 Signature Card Front Back Students will be required to carry a card like the one above at all times during school hours. Students at Lincoln Park Middle School are already required to carry planners and these cards will be sized to fit conveniently in these planners. Whenever a teacher witnesses a student engaging in a minor infraction of the student code of conduct, they will ask for and sign a student’s “Signature Card” in the space provided using one of the above codes. Major violations will still be dealt with by an immediate ODR. When a student has 5 signatures, the teacher who has signed his card the most (or the most recent if there is a tie) will call the parent to warn them that their student’s card is half full. When a student receives 10 signatures, a 90 minute detention is issued by administration. If a student does not have this card when asked by any staff member it is an automatic 30 min before/after school detention. If a student loses their card, the student is issued another card with 3 signatures. If a student loses any more cards, they receive a 90 min detention from administration for each lost card (after the first).

36 Parents & SWPBS Encourage participation: volunteer, be part of school team, fund raise, etc. 3 tier approach (Muscott,, 2008) 1 st Provide PBS information to all parents via brochures, letters, open houses, etc. Request their support. 2 nd Positive personal contact e.g., phone call; help parents create a “home matrix” 3 rd Intensive support – become part of a child’s team; proactive and positive engagement; for resistant parents, include staff that are skilled at interaction and relationship-building skills.

37 Parent Brochure

38 Analyze Behavior Data by: Total Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) by month Total Suspensions by month Daily Average ODRs by month Problem Behaviors Year to Date (YTD) Location YTD Time of Day YTD Number of Referrals by Student YTD Referrals by Grade YTD Referrals by Staff YTD Compare data year to year Positive Behavior Indicator


40 Brownstown Middle School Total ODRs by Month 22% reduction

41 Brownstown Middle School Total Suspensions by Month 38% reduction

42 Problem Behavior

43 By Location

44 By Time of Day

45 Number of Incidents by Number of Students

46 Referrals by Grade

47 Referrals by Staff

48 Data Analysis: How are we doing overall? – Compare averages to our own history. What positives have been occurring? What are the hot spots? Identify most frequent: Problem behaviors: Locations: Times: Students/Groups: Grades:

49 Data Analysis (cont.): Are any changes to Tier 1 implementation needed? Are any changes to Tier 2 implementation needed? Who needs additional help? Students? Staff? Parents?

50 Data Analysis (cont.): How will assistance be provided to those who need it? PBS Team met on what date(s) last month? PBS Team will share data with staff when & how?

51 Data-Based Indicator – Tier 2 Student

52 Tier Two Risk Pathway

53 Tier Two Targeted Interventions 1. Active Supervision/Modify Non-classroom Procedures 2. Classroom Management Support for Teachers 3. Check In/Check Out 4. Targeted Behavior Instruction 5. School-based Mentors 6. Simple Behavior Plans – Simple FBA 7. Simple Home/School Plans 8. Newcomers Club 9. Academic Assistance 10. Alternatives to Suspension

54 More Information Wayne RESA Michigan Department of Education MDE Policy on Positive Behavior Support, 2006 OSEP Technical Assistance Center on PBIS Association for Positive Behavior Support

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