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PharmBiz Software Vendors’ Forum Steve Ball PharmBiz.

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Presentation on theme: "PharmBiz Software Vendors’ Forum Steve Ball PharmBiz."— Presentation transcript:

1 PharmBiz Software Vendors’ Forum Steve Ball PharmBiz

2 Dispensing Incentive PBS XML Schema v1.6 Data available July 2008 Effective August 2008 Test XML made available March 2008 XSL stylesheet Resources on

3 Reorganised Standardised schema distribution folder structure Schema distro unpacked on Web site

4 v2.2 xml.pbs.govau v1.6 doc rngrncxsd xsl sample s html pdf pbs-basic.rng (1.6) pbs.rng (2.2) extract-streamlined.xsl extract-dispensing-incentive.xsl schedule-g2b.xml

5 PBS Number 4 digit codes will be exhausted in ???? Certain code blocks exhausted in 2009 Allocate from reserved code block PharmCIS will free LI-only code block

6 PBS Number Plan: PharmCIS/XML will handle 5 digits MPS will produce text extracts when PharmCIS goes live Text extracts unchanged: 4 digits will continue for 12 months after go-live

7 PBS XML v2.2 Propose changes to pricing module No change to fundamentals New pricing model Consistent terminology Map from old to new

8 PBS XML v2.2 Per-prescribing rule fees Declarative

9 PBS XML v2.2 Old model (text extracts, v1.6) Man Benchmark C’wlth PackDispensed Man P2P TG P2P Cwlth P2P Man Disp TG Disp Cwlth Disp

10 PBS XML v2.2 New model Price ex-Manufacturer P2P Reimbursement P2P TPP TPP+ PR Pharmacist Pack Price PR (MQ) Reimbursement DPMQ TGPSPC Brand Premium DI MRVSN RP DPMQ benchmark

11 PBS XML 2.2 Chem mart Allopurinol 60 4.64 4.64 2008-01-01

12 PBS XML 2.2... 10.54 11.55 2008-01-01 fee:ready-prepared-extra Additional Ready Prepared Fee 0.99

13 PBS XML 2.2 C 0.01 10 10.54 2008-01-01 incentive:dispensing 1.50 incentive:dispensing

14 PBS-AMT Alignment Progress/status

15 Brand Substitution Bioequivalence/biosimilarity Important for submission Different concept to brand substitution Terminology change: v2.2 group type Cross-item brand substitution

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