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Semiconductor Photoconductive Detectors S W McKnight and C A DiMarzio.

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Presentation on theme: "Semiconductor Photoconductive Detectors S W McKnight and C A DiMarzio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semiconductor Photoconductive Detectors S W McKnight and C A DiMarzio

2 Types of Photoconductivity “Intrinsic photoconductors” –Absorption across primary band-gap, Eg, creates electron and hole photocarriers “Extrinsic photoconductors” –Absorption from (or to) impurity site in gap creates photocarriers in conduction or valence band

3 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Photoconductors E Intrinsic Photoconductor Extrinsic Photoconductor E f1 E f2 1 2 1. Donor level to conduction band 2. Valence band to acceptor level EgEg

4 Impurities Levels in Si

5 Photoconductors Material E g ( max ) Material E g ( max ) Si1.1eV(i) (1.2μ)PbS0.37eV (3.3μ) GaAs1.43eV (0.87μ)InSb0.18eV (6.9μ) Ge0.67eV(i) (1.8μ)PbTe0.29eV (4.3μ) CdS2.42eV (0.51μ)Hg 0.3 Cd 0.7 Te 0.24eV (5.2μ) (77K) CdTe1.58eV (0.78μ)Hg 0.2 Cd 0.8 Te 0.083eV (15μ) (77K)

6 Indirect Gap Semiconductors EgEg hν photon hν phonon

7 Direct Gap Semiconductors EgEg hν photon k E



10 Optical Electric Field and Power q=ω (ε  ) 1/2 = (ω/c) (n+ik)

11 Optical Electric Field and Power A x (B x C) = B(A·C) – C(A·B) α = absorption coefficient = 2 ω k/c

12 Absorption Coefficient for Si and GaAs

13 Reflection at Front Surface For Silicon, near 600 nm: n=3.95 k=0.026 → R = 0.35 (Can be reduced by anti-reflection coating)

14 Absorption in Semiconductor α = 2 ω k / c For Silicon near 600 nm: α = 4 π 0.026 / 600 x 10 -9 = 5.44 x 10 5 m -1 For GaAs near 600 nm: α = 4.76 x 10 6 m -1

15 Carrier Generation/Recombination 1. Thermal Equilibrium: 2. Direct recombination of excess carriers: Units: g = e-h excitations/sec/m 3 r = m 3 /sec

16 Direct Recombination of Excess Carriers Direct recombination (low level)→ δn = δp << n o

17 Photogenerated Carriers 3. Steady-state optical excitation: Neglect for δn<<n o

18 Differential Optical Excitation Rate

19 Photoconductivity Φ p = photon flux (photon/sec) Area=A length=l η = quantum efficiency

20 Hole Trapping Hole trapping at recombination centers: a.hole is trapped b.electron trapped, completing recombination c.hole detraps to valence band (c)

21 Photoconductivity with Hole Trapping # of current-carrying photoelectrons = # of trapped holes (Steady-state)

22 Photoconductive Gain G = photocurrent (electron/sec) / rate of e-h generation Area=A length=l

23 Photoconductive Gain →

24 Effect of Carrier Lifetime on Detector Frequency Response

25 Photoconductor Bias Circuit

26 Photoconductive Voltage

27 Photoconductor Responsivity

28 Responsivity Factors Photocarrier lifetime –Tradeoff with response frequency Quantum efficiency (anti-reflection coating) Carrier mobility Detector current Dark resistance –R= ℓ / σ A –Detector area: A d = ℓ w –Sample thickness length=ℓ Cross-section area=A Detector area=A d w t Detector current, i

29 Photoconductive Noise Factors 1/f Noise –Contact related Thermal noise (Johnson noise) –Statistical effect of thermal fluctuations – ~ kT/R Generation-Recombination noise –Statistical fluctuations in detector current –Dark current (thermal electron-hole pairs) –Background photogenerated carriers – ~ I d / e

30 Noise Sources Johnson noise: G-R noise: E p = photon irradiance=Φ p / A d G = photoconductive gain

31 Background-Limited Photoconductive Detection

32 Johnson-Noise-Limited Photoconductive Detection

33 Noise Sources for IR Detectors

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