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To provide children with opportunities to explore different ICT tools and applications · To encourage independent, critical and, above all, safe use of.

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Presentation on theme: "To provide children with opportunities to explore different ICT tools and applications · To encourage independent, critical and, above all, safe use of."— Presentation transcript:

1 To provide children with opportunities to explore different ICT tools and applications · To encourage independent, critical and, above all, safe use of ICT applications · To foster positive attitudes towards ICT and confident use of computer technology · To provide children with the basic skills to allow them to use ICT effectively in the senior school and in everyday life Aims of ICT at PBS primary:

2 Throughout their time in the primary school, PBS students are provided with opportunities to refine basic IT skills. These include: · Opening and saving documents · Mouse control · Word processing · Touch typing · Internet research Basic skills taught:

3 While progressing through the Key Stages, children will work with a variety of useful applications in many fields of study: · Microsoft Office · Digital photography · Photo and video editing software · Webpage design · Electronic communication Tools and applications:

4 2010 ICT primary school survey (UK) "While we expected children to be making radical demands for virtual classes or robot teachers, the majority simply wanted the occasional chance to bring their own devices into school. They also wanted a greater say in the rules and regulations that surround ICT use in schools. Most accepted the need for school ICT to be more serious and perhaps less exciting…schools should concentrate on ways of getting kids more involved in the decision-making processes”. University of London's Institute of Education

5 2010 ICT primary school survey (UK) More than half of 7-11 year olds had a mobile phone More than 90% had a games console at home 80% regularly play computer games More than 20% regularly use social networking sites Only one third were knowledgeable about internet safety Most school ICT lessons involved word processing and internet research.

6 Aims of Mathletics: To support and extend children’s mathematical learning To motivate children to succeed in mathematics To provide a link between school and home in learning of mathematics

7 The basics of Mathletics: Children earn points by completing tasks, covering a range of mathematical concepts Points mean prizes! Children can also play ‘live’ against other students around the world Teachers can set tasks at appropriate levels and following the PBS maths curriculum Children can be tested with SAT style online assessments

8 Benefits of Mathletics: Instant results for children Enjoyable and interactive learning Rewards for effort and success Flexible levels (with teacher control) Element of challenge and competition Scope for target setting and self-improvement

9 For children aged 4-7 For children aged 7-13

10 What is Reading Eggs? A virtual world, aimed at developing reading ability in primary and KS3 children Children can explore different reading activities, gathering ‘eggs’ to spend on updating their characters and improving his or her ‘lifestyle’ Teachers can monitor and adapt the difficulty levels accordingly, in order to support individual progress

11 Benefits of Reading Eggs: Access to wide range of online reading resources and activities Exposure to many different text types through virtual library Enjoyable and interactive learning Rewards for effort and success Adapted to meet individual needs of child Element of challenge and competition Scope for target setting and self-improvement


13 Touch typing (years 4-6)


15 Scratch What is Scratch A simple programming software designed to be user-friendly and suitable for primary children to use A freely downloadable software

16 Scratch

17 Creating content not only consuming Simple step by step intro into programming Different levels of challenge - Allows children to grow skills with the program Enjoyable Develops problem solving skills Children create a usable finished product Covers many of the new Computing curriculum goals with regards to coding skills

18 Scratch


20 Other useful websites (coding website, similar to scratch, free download) (photo editing and manipulation, free and simple to use) (word cloud creator, free and no registration required) (a presentation tool, registration needed) 78 78


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