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1 GENUS - Pro-poor urban mobility theme Activities undertaken by TERI Presentation for the Inter-regional Steering Committee Meeting Akshima T Ghate Fellow.

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Presentation on theme: "1 GENUS - Pro-poor urban mobility theme Activities undertaken by TERI Presentation for the Inter-regional Steering Committee Meeting Akshima T Ghate Fellow."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 GENUS - Pro-poor urban mobility theme Activities undertaken by TERI Presentation for the Inter-regional Steering Committee Meeting Akshima T Ghate Fellow and Area Convenor Centre for Research on Sustainable Urban Development and Transport Systems The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi 3 September 2012

2 2 GENUS: TERI’s involvement TERI is the host institution for GENUS in Asia and is a member of the Global and Regional Steering Committees of the Network GENUS theme for Asia - Mobility for poor

3 3 Cooperation Agreement UN-Habitat has signed a cooperation agreement with TERI in April 2012 TERI required to carry out the following tasks: Organize a workshop on the subject of pro- poor mobility Conduct case study research Facilitate knowledge dissemination

4 4 Workshop 3- day workshop being organized Date: 3-5 October 2012 Venue: New Delhi Workshop title - ‘Mobility for poor: Improving informal transport’

5 5 Objectives of the workshop To create a holistic understanding of informal transport systems and to agree upon a common definition of informal transport To deliberate on the role of informal transport in provision of mobility to urban poor or lower-income population in cities To understand the present nature and challenges of informal transport modes in developing countries To learn from some success stories of improvements in informal transport systems To identify key action areas to improve and integrate informal transport systems

6 6 Sub-themes of the workshop Theme 1: What is informal transport? - Agreeing to a common definition Theme 2: Role of informal transport in meeting the mobility needs of the poor/low-income population Theme 3: Improving informal transport: Challenges and solutions

7 7 Profile of participants High-level speakers from the Government of India Experts from India and other South and South East Asian countries Representatives from City governments Service providers of informal transport NGOs, Research institutes

8 8 E-debate E-debate being organized on Urban gateway portal on the following themes: What is informal transport? What is the role of informal transport in meeting the mobility needs of the poor/low-income population? What are the key challenges associated with informal transport? How can we improve informal transport?

9 9 Case-study research TERI putting together about 50 case studies on projects/initiatives focusing on pro-poor mobility in Asia, Africa and Latin America Case studies on solutions related to informal transport Case studies on solutions related to non- motorized transport

10 10 Outputs targeted Case studies on pro-poor mobility Guidelines for pro-poor mobility policies emerging from case study research and workshop discussions E-debate on the subject Contribution to GENUS website

11 11 Thank you On behalf of TERI and UN-Habitat, I would would like to invite you to join us for the workshop on 3-5 October at New Delhi. Please mail at

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