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Use the Arachnid dichotomous key on your desk to identify these animals – explain your answer on your RP. That is a __________________ because it _______.

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Presentation on theme: "Use the Arachnid dichotomous key on your desk to identify these animals – explain your answer on your RP. That is a __________________ because it _______."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use the Arachnid dichotomous key on your desk to identify these animals – explain your answer on your RP. That is a __________________ because it _______ Read p. 394 for more information (Holt)

2 Cornell Notes Please get out a piece of notebook paper and fold it for Cornell Notes.

3 Cornell Notes - Classification Classification Aristotle Putting things into orderly groups based on similar characteristics or traits. Over 2000 years ago this Greek philosopher divided living things into two groups – animals and plants. The animals were divided into those that fly, swim, or walk. Some sources say that he put animals in two groups - red blood and not red blood.

4 Linnaeus Taxonomy’s Levels of Classification Anybody? 1758 - Swedish physician. He gave every organism a two word scientific name. DKPCOFGS Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species..\..\..\..\Holt\START.HTM linnaeus..\..\..\..\Holt\START.HTM

5 How can you tell if organisms are closely related? 1.The more levels two species share (in order) the more closely related they are. 2.If organisms are in the same f amily, then they are also in the same o rder, c lass, p hylum and k ingdom K P C O F G S


7 Binomial nomenclature phylogeny “two name naming system” Genus + species =Sci. name. Ex. Tyrannosaurus rex or T. rex Greek = tyrant lizard and king Always underline or put in italics...\..\..\..\Holt\START.HTM..\..\..\..\Holt\START.HTM Scienctific nsmes Modern taxonomy is based on shared traits, DNA and evolutionary history.

8 Genus... Species... This is the first part of an organisms Scientific Name. It is always capitalized. It is also a grouping of organisms that are very closely related. This is the most closely related and smallest grouping of organisms.

9 Cladograma tree diagram used to show evolutionary history (phylogeny) and relationships of species Go to page 223 and 238

10 Cladograma tree diagram used to show evolutionary history (phylogeny) and relationships of species Go to page 223 and 238 Is the emu more closely related to the crane or vulture? Which bird can fly but does not perch?

11 DomainAll organisms are in one of 3 Domains. Domain Archaea Domain Bacteria Domain Eukarya

12 Checkpoint Question #2!?!?!?!? In a scientific name, the genus name is similar to A)Your species name. B)Your family name. C)Your nickname.

13 Checkpoint Question #3!?!?!?!? What are the seven levels of classification from the broadest to the most specific? A)Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species B)Kingdom, phylum, order, class, family, genus, species C)Kingdom, phylum, family, order, genus, species

14 Checkpoint Question #4!?!?!?!? Who developed one of the earliest classification system for organisms? A)Aristotle B)Linnaeus C)Darwin

15 Checkpoint Question #5!?!?!?!? In the scientific name of a house cat, Felis domesticus, “felis” is the name of the animal’s A)Species B)Family C)Genus

16 Checkpoint Question #6!?!?!?!? A taxonomic key is A)a book with illustrations that highlights differences between similar-looking organisms. B)a process for determining the evolutionary history of an organism. C)a series of paired statements that describe the physical characteristics of different organisms.

17 Answers!!! 1-C 2-B 3-A 4-A 5-C 6-C

18 Glencoe key Classify this...


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