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Classification Classify objects according to a dichotomous key Classify objects according to a dichotomous key Identify similarities and differences among.

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Presentation on theme: "Classification Classify objects according to a dichotomous key Classify objects according to a dichotomous key Identify similarities and differences among."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classification Classify objects according to a dichotomous key Classify objects according to a dichotomous key Identify similarities and differences among living organisms

2 Vocabulary Classification – grouping things according to similar characteristics Characteristics – (Traits) internal or external structures or features Dichotomous Key – classifying things into two groups at a time Multicellular – made up of more than one cell Unicellular – made up of only one cell


4 What is classification? Classification is the grouping of things according to similar__________________. We do this every day. Characteristics or traits How are items in your science room classified?


6 7 Groups Kingdom —least similar to each other PhylumClassOrderFamilyGenus Species —most similar to each other King Phillip Came Over From Great Spain


8 If two organisms have very few characteristics in common, they are most likely to be in the same species or kingdom? Why? Same kingdom because organisms of the same species are so similar they can reproduce to produce offspring and those in the same kingdom can not.


10 Scientific Names First part is the genus they belong to. Second part is the species they belong to. A Wolf: Canis lupus –What genus group does a wolf belong to? ___________ ___________ –What species group does the wolf belong to? ___________ ___________ Canis lupus


12 Scientific Names What genus group does a dog belong to? ____________ What species group does the dog belong to? ___________ What genus group does a cat belong to? ____________ What species group does the cat belong to? ___________ Canis familiaris Felis catus

13 Dichotomous Keys Classify things Statements or questions that keep breaking things up into groups. Classify according to structure not function or color

14 The Five Kingdoms-Moneran Moneran –Unicellular without a _________. –Examples: Helpful Bacteria & Harmful Bacteria –Reproduce by splitting in two___________. Nucleus Asexual

15 The Five Kingdoms-Moneran E coli bacteria E coli bacteria B) Lymes disease bacteria C) Anthrax bacteria C) Anthrax bacteria

16 The Five Kingdoms-Protista Unicellular with a ____________. Most reproduce by splitting in two______. Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena nucleus asexual

17 The Five Kingdoms-Protista AmoebaParameciumEuglena

18 The Five Kingdoms- Fungi The Five Kingdoms- Fungi Unicellular or multicellular Heterotroph: ___________________ Decomposer:____________________Parasite:_______________________ Most reproduce by spores E. Examples are yeast, mushrooms, bread molds, and lichens Does not make its own food Breakdowns dead material Lives off another organism (host) causing it harm

19 The Five Kingdoms- Fungi

20 The Five Kingdoms-Plantae Multicellular Autotroph (produces own food by photosynthesis) Cells contain chloroplasts, and have a cell walls Get energy from the sun and take in nutrients from their surroundings Most reproduce from seeds; some reproduce from other special parts –Moss, Ferns, Flowers, Trees

21 The Five Kingdoms-Plantae

22 The Five Kingdoms- Animalia Mulitcellular Heterotroph (can not produce their own food) Specialized tissues: ______________ Sexual reproduction Ex: Sponges, worms, insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals Organ systems

23 The Five Kingdoms- Animalia


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